4 our 5 weekly challenge March 7th - Week One



  • logged all my food
    8 glasses of water
    worked out for 50 mins
    stayed under my calories
    read manga =)
  • Hurrah, I got through day 1!

    logged all my food
    45 mins of exercise
    8 glasses of water
    under my calories
    watched an episode of my favorite show
    and read the newspaper.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Im in:)

    Logged all my food
    Drank 8 cups of water
    86 minutes of exercise
    listened to music
    Did not stay under my calories goal but maybe i will exercise more to make up for that:)
  • Mom2MandN
    Mom2MandN Posts: 46 Member
    Logged my Food
    Did my daily exercise
    Was under my cals (but I was over in a few ares)
    Drank 9 glasses of water (this as harder then I thought)
    Talked to my sister during my kids nap time nice and quiet!!!
  • ardavis23
    ardavis23 Posts: 95 Member
    Logged All my food
    Did Two workput today
    under my Cals!! (yay)
    Drank 8 glasses ( which is kind of low for me)
    Caught up on some TV shows
    5 out of 5 (yay!)
  • Zeeba81
    Zeeba81 Posts: 58
    Logged All food
    Did 60 minutes on Elliptical
    Under calories
    Drank 3 ltrs of water
    Caught up on recorded tv shows
  • Amaris1973
    Amaris1973 Posts: 45 Member
    Logged all food
    DId 75 mins excersise
    Was under calories
    Drank 2.5 litres of water
    Watched a few episedes of Merlin :)
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    So I posted my results yesterday to the wrong blog.

    Here they are:

    Goal 1 - Log all food DONE
    Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water DONE
    Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day DONE
    Goal 4 - stay under your calories
    Goal 5 - do something for yourself (read a magazine article, a book, work on a hobby, etc....) DONE

    I hope everyone did well.

    So far today I've already reached goal 3 and have had 3 glasses of water! Have a great one!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Goal 1 - Logged all my food
    Goal 2 - drank 10 cups of water
    Goal 3 - Didn't get this goal today
    Goal 4 - Didn't stay under my calories either went out to eat and didn't get in my exercise
    Goal 5 - watched some tv
    I didn't make 4 of 5 Monday already so I'm out guess I will try to find the post next week and try again:noway:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    For Monday: 5/5
    Goal 1 - Log all food - Check
    Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water -Check
    Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - Check (did 90!)
    Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Check (thanks workout calories)
    Goal 5 - do something for yourself - Check (Watched a movie - Easy A - very cute)
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    Allright, it looks like we have a good group for the week. Let's see who can make it for the week.

    Here's who we have for this week:

    I see several of you have already gotten a 5 out of 5 day. Way to go - you're an inspiration to us all. :love:
  • Amaris1973
    Amaris1973 Posts: 45 Member

    Goal 1 - Log all food - Yup!
    Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water -Always, this is piece of cake!
    Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - Just scraped 30, last 2 days training has wiped me out.
    Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Yup!
    Goal 5 - do something for yourself - I managed to have 1.5 glasses of white wine (my weakness) to end a long day with and still stay in my calories. Yay!
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    Tuesday 4/5

    Logged all
    Stayed under calories
    worked out for 80 minutes
    read a book
    low on my water - but better than yesterday!
  • pastein
    pastein Posts: 4
    tues 3/8/11
    logged all food
    90 min exercise
    stayed under calories, thanks to exercise
    got in all h2o, plus some
    and best of all went horseback riding
    over all another really good day:laugh:
  • Zeeba81
    Zeeba81 Posts: 58
    Goal 1 - Log all food - Done
    Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water - Done 3 ltrs
    Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - Done 70 minutes
    Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Done
    Goal 5 - do something for yourself - Done read a few chapters of new book
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Tuesday 5/5
    Logged all food
    Drank 8 glasses H2O
    Exercised >30 minutes
    Was under by 7 calories
    Read quite a bit of a novel I've been looking forward to.

    BONUS: Weighed in today and down 2.5#. W00t!
  • tuesday
    logged all food
    9 glasses of water
    80 mins workout
    stayed under calories
    watching "the game" =)
  • Tuesday
    Goal 1 - Log all food - Done
    Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water - Done
    Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - Done 65 minutes
    Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Done
    Goal 5 - do something for yourself - Started re-reading Twilight
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Tuesday March 8th
    1) Log all food- Completed
    2) Drink 8 cups of water- Five more minutes to completion
    3) Work out for 30 minutes-111 Finished
    4) Stay under calories-Haha fat chance, try again tomorrow
    5) Do something for yourself-Dance like a crazy girl to Rhianna's S&M:)
  • Day 2
    logged all food
    8 cups of water
    under calories
    30+ mins of exercise
    went to the movies with my bf =)
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