How quickly do people think they gain muscle weight?



  • mattiexox
    mattiexox Posts: 42
    I might be way off on this, but I don't think that I am. I go through these forums and read what people are posting and it seems crazy to me. People in here, mostly women, will be upset about not dropping weight. They are looking for the scale to tell them that they have lost a pound or two and they are discouraged or upset about it when there is no loss. So often, the responses to these posts are "You are gaining muscle and it weighs more than fat, that is why the scale isnt going down." This seems crazy as hell to me.

    I need to find out. What supplements are the women in here taking that they are gaining a pound or two of lean muscle a week? What type of lifting routines do they have? Most of the time, they mention doing some cardio, maybe a Jillian Michaels how come they are gaining so much muscle density?

    I agree completely. If it's been a few weeks or so and I'm up, I'll CONSIDER it, buuuuuut yeah. You don't gain muscle that quickly haha!
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    This thread is a great eye opener!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Reality is, they are NOT gaining muscle. That kind of muscle gain takes a long time to muster up! If you step on and gain +4lbs overnight, it's not MUSCLE. It's probably water retention, or the fact that you overate. A LOT of people use this as an excuse as to why they gained while forgetting about the slack in their diet. It's a poor excuse but it's a way for people to justify why the scale isn't moving.


    And another thing, I ended a 4 month bulk a month ago. In that time I put on 16 pounds, increased my bench by 80 pounds, squat 80, and deadlift 110. I'm nearing my cut now and it looks like the total added muscle weight is right at 4 pounds.... :huh:
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    omg glad you said this! it makes me laught too...its hard to gain muscle no way you can gain muscle and still have fat, right!...I owe some of my muscle to my hardcore runs but took me a while and a lot of fat losing!...just another excuse women have to feel better about not losing:laugh:
  • todayishappy
    I highly doubt it's muscle they are gaining THAT quickly. It's probably just water retention. Especially if they are working their muscles, the muscles will retain water.