Where Does Self Control Come From?



  • sincitylulu
    I have kids too. I know how hard it is to buy them treats and to do your best to refrain from eating them. If I know that I can't control myself then I don't bring said item into the house. That's the only way I can refrain.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    I lost control on girlscount cookies too. I just threw out ALL the remainders of every box. probably four or five rolls of cookies. but hey, they are gone so all is well!
  • MiketotheJ
    My problem was impulse buying on the way to and from work, so I changed all my regular driving routes to bypass all the fast food joints, I quit paying for gas with cash so I didn't have to go inside & face the Little Debbie and Hostess inquisitions, and a few othef things to break thd impulse snacking. I also took to logging any "rewards" ahead of time, like the slice of carrot cake awaiting me on Saturday, so I had something to look forward to.

    All that & it's still tough. The best thing, I've found, was to stay busy. The cravings really set in when I'm bored, so I avoid being idle at all cost.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Just read a blog today with great advice...

    Before you eat something you really want, stop and think of 10 things you want more (i.e. a smaller waistline and new clothes). If you can't come up with 10, then eat away. Trust me, you'll be able to come up with many more than 10!
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I had ordered a case of GS tagalongs before the diet started and then they came after I started dieting. No I didn't even open them, I sold them. My self control comes from wanting this weight loss and body reformation more than I will ever want the cookies or breads or fats. To me it's a question of how bad do I want this. If I give in that means I don't want it very bad. I don't give in!

    So agree with this.

    Boils down to DESIRE for me. What do I desire more? To get my body in the best shape possible or this tempting snack. Bigger theme: ultimate goal vs. instant gratification; and knowing that instant gratification has negative consequences. I try to apply this mindset to every possible moment of _(fill in the blank)_.

    But I'll get off the soapbox now since I'm far from having any better self control than many of you.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Well… have you looked at why you stopped logging and eating properly when you were only 1/3 of the way to your goal? In my opinion, THAT is where you need to go. That is why you ate more cookies than your calories allow, and filled your body with sugar and fat, instead of something wholesome and good.

    Last year, you gave yourself permission to quit. You didn’t call it quitting, but something in you gave up.

    There was a reason for that and I suspect that reason rears its ugly head again and again in your life. We all have these voices, and our way through this journey is to learn how to shut them up.

    Go there. Spend some time with that voice, and blow it up. It is preventing you from making choices that advance you toward better health and a body that makes you feel proud and in balance. It’s been hanging around too long, and it’s time to show it the door. Kick it out.

    Do the hard, spiritual, introspective work it takes to commit to a life of self-care. Because until you do, you will find yourself in this place again and again. There is no diet or exercise in this world, that can save us from a deep seated belief in our own inadequacy. But when we know we are Enough, we can forgive ourselves for eating a cookie when we know we should have eaten an apple. Because our self-worth doesn’t rise and fall based on what we do and do not eat.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    MrsPitt that is such a great response. I noticed this feeling in me a couple of weeks ago when I was sharing Nachos with my children, I had an urge to eat quickly before it's all gone, but I reminded myself there is enough and I should just have a few because I don't need any more.

    I love Girl Guide biscuits (in Australia) as well, I really can't have very yummy stuff in the house, except I do buy icecream occasionally now for the children, but I have to walk out of the room when they eat it.

    I know that my after dinner time is my vulnerable time, so I make sure I am occupied (with craft activities), so that I am not bored and can distract myself from the food calling me in the kitchen.

    You don't really need herculean self-control, just one decision in this one second of time. Often you can make a deal with yourself: I'll put 1 or 2 aside for after dinner if I meet my calorie/exercise goal today?

  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Self control comes from yourself.
    That being said - I must have some great self control so far this GS cookie season. My daughter is in the process of selling 1,000 boxes and they are all stored in my dining room. Needless to say - I stay out of the dining room until they are sold. I have not had one cookie so far this year because I know I won't stop at 2 Mints, I will eat the entire sleeve! I keep praying that she sells these cookies soon to remove the temptation! 400 boxes down, 600 to go.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Okay...I know exactly how you feel. I splurged this morning and shared a king sized kit kat with my sis and doughnuts bad I know. It doesn't stop there. I was at the grocery store and was doing wonderful and decided to get some mini ice cream sandwiches for the kids and some skinny cow ice cream sandwiches for me which are 140 cals. I get home and it well past lunch time...my sis is still here. I thought she would leave. decided to have just one ice cream sandwich. I thought okay I need to log all this in and be so mad at myself.. I figured out how to eat healthy today and still come in under calories..But I have to have more self control...or I'm gonna end up splurging and starving just to stay under cal. I plan to still exercise tonight..not sure how long but it will at least be 100 calorie loss. hopefully I will do more..I need to get that just dance program for wii..I know that will be fun and a good "weigh" to drop the weight...lol. Probably picking it up this weekend :) All I can say is imagine that one picture of yourself where you actually had to ask someone do I really look that way? I swear my mirror lies or my eyes do one or the other..I know I'm obese but dang...when you see it in a full body picture your eyes pop out. So I am taking over my life one step at a time. Good luck to everyone and Good health. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    For me I have to remember what my ultimate health and fitness goals are: to loose a few pounds, tone the "jiggly" parts, and gain muscle definition.
    I have very few NO foods: french fries, candy other than chocolate, GS cookies. With those few things I know I have no self control, I can't eat just one so I don't eat them at all.
    I know I'll never reach my goals if I don't exercise and really push myself while I'm doing it.
    If there is a special snack or meal I want to have I'll be sure to do a longer workout or squeeze in an extra. I plan my meals out and on most days I'll log in my food the day before or first thing in the morning. When I eat I make a point of combining: carbohydrates, protein, and fat so I'll feel full longer.
    Other than that a good nights, sleep and plenty of water help my stay motivated and feed into my self-control. I hope this helps and good luck to you!
  • Jane1320
    Jane1320 Posts: 20 Member

    I could never order girl scout cookies and not be called by them, I might be able to stay away for awhile but inevitably something would happen, I would get tired, or stressed and there would be the cookies. I consider myself a compulsive overeater and food addict, what I learned in many years in overeaters anonymous is not to buy the stuff....think about it....it's like an alcholic buying beer and trying not to drink it....I just started MFP this past Sunday and had bought cookies the Friday before....they're almost gone.....I won't be buying anymore junk food for a while....I'm going to keep things in the house that are kind of fun to eat but lo-cal, like sugar free jello, lowfat yogurt etc. PS I have poured dish detergent over junk food just not to eat it You're playing with fire
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I think self control might just come from eating the heart of a girl scout. They seem to be the devil's minions for delivering the caloric goods according to everyone's #1 vice for indulgence temptation :devil:
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Great comments everyone! Thanks so much. So many things made sense in different ways. I mean, I know that self control comes from within but all the different views made me see some things differently.
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    I didn't order any girl scout cookies this year, but a co-worker brought a package of Thin Mints (my favorite) and when she left the room, I ate the last six she had and hid the wrapper, then claimed ignorance at where the cookies went. (We work at a college, so leave food out and the students...well....) I need a twelve-step! lol
  • Steen918
    Steen918 Posts: 9
    I have tried to completely eliminate sweets, chocolate, etc from my diet and my house. Guess what...it doesn't work. Your favorite things will always still be in this world. You will be confronted with the sweets at work, the family trips to Dairy Queen, the Girls Scouts in the family who you want to support. This time, I'm trying something new and it works. I'm not getting rid of those things from my cupboards. There is ice cream in the freezer and Girl Scout cookies in the cupboard. But if/when my calories for the day are still open enough to allow for a treat, I look at the label, I take out the serving size, I put it on a plate, and I put the rest of the box back away in the cupboard. Only eat the serving size, and if you do it slowly enough, you'll be satisfied! Better yet, if you do it in the middle of the day, you still have time to work out. The best thing for me about doing it this way, is that I don't crave those things anymore! It's easier to just say no because I don't need it. I used to need chocolate to get through my day at work. Now i open the drawer, see those Dove Chocolates, and think "I don't need that" and take a swig of water. YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    girl scout cookies are yummy especially the samoas...my fav!

    what I do is get only 1 box and ration it so it lasts longer. I tell myself sure I can eat the box now but I won't have any for another day...that usually works for me since I am limited. I try to make my 1 box stretch the longest.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    My DH and children still eat everything they want and more LOL. I am the only one in a family of 5 who is watching my calories and trying to make a healthy change. I have noticed if I EAT my meals plus healthy snack during the day I don't want the "unmentionables". There was a candy bar on my counter the entire day and when DH got home I said to him.."you know, that has been there all day and not once have I been tempted to eat it". I am a chocolate FREAK but I eat chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter, Strawberries dipped in hershey's non fat chocolate, or have a homemade mocha with 0% milk, splenda and no calorie no sugar chocolate flavoring. These things always curb my chocolate cravings!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I know my weakness (there are a lot of them). I know my strengths (there are few) When it comes to weight loss and lifestyle change. I started here last June and for 4 months had great focus and results (27 pounds). I was doing it, making good choices, exercising and losing weight and feeling better. Then the MFP honeymoon was over and "normal" eating habits started again. I had learned enough to maintain(sort of) but that's not good enough, I still need to lose 50 pounds!

    Today there were 4 boxes of girl scout cookies delivered to me ( I only remember ordering 2, but didn't want to argue) So all day long those cookies sat on my desk and I had all the will power in the world because I know me... I can't eat just a bite of something, it triggers some maniac that can't quit. I get home and my daughter sees them and so I opened the box for her. Well that is all it took. so 4 Thin Mints and 10 Somoas later I sit down to type this because how do you do it? Where does Self Control and discipline come from? I really need to find that place and live there. I feel very frustrated with myself.

    I know, I know... Brush it off, tomorrow is another day, don't look back, it's all in the past (like 5 minutes ago, I can still taste the chocolaty goodness)

    Any tips, advice, or butt kickin all appreciated...

    Take care people of MFP and STAY AWAY FROM THE GIRL SCOUTS!!!!!
    Oh, katlou2! You just voiced my cries of yesterday :sad: THIN MINTS... and I too "can still taste the chocolaty goodness"!!!

    Aside from my absolute (few-and-far-between) favs, I wait. I'll imagine the last time I gave in, the feeling afterward, the workout afterward, the scale afterward....ALL THE AFTERWARDS, and that has finally been enough to get me to want this me more than the crap :happy:
  • LMP1979
    LMP1979 Posts: 54 Member
    I definitely had to practice on my self control. Two things worked for me:

    1) Out of Sight, out of mind. Get up, and put it away!
    2) The clock. If I want something I will give myself a time limit. I have to wait until another 20 minutes, or wait until 4pm..or whenever. In the mean time, distract yourself, find something else to do and drink some water. Usually, I find myself forgetting about it and after awhile the self control came alot easier at saying NO !!

    You CAN do it! Just don't give up.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    omg, thin mints and samoas! i love those things! i used to also indulge in fast food binges for as long as week, or i could easily polish off a bag of potato chips. i realized that i overate mostly out of emotional reasons, but it ultimately came down to not respecting my body or myself. in the past several months, i've made lots of strides in nurturing myself, so it's much easier to not use food to allay my self-doubts, etc.

    for yourself, the reasons could be different, and next time you're tempted to overeat and give up all self control, pause and think: are you bored? stressed? once you figure out the cause, you can do something that will deal with that true issue -- instead of using food as a proxy. but also, i've found it helpful to remind myself of my motivations to become healthier and stronger.

    however, if you still want to indulge in a treat, i've found one great technique is to take out 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate, or portion out a serving size of chips, then put the container away. then i'll try to eat it slowly and mindfully, and it's so much satisfying that way. :)

    all of us mess up at times, but even so, we need to forgive ourselves and not give into feelings of guilt, frustration, or blame. what we can do is to analyze why we did it, and then try to take measures to deal with it differently in the future. it's definitely a process, but the journey gets easier over time, esp. with the great community here! :)