Spartacus Blood and Sand Workout

Has anyone tried this workout at all that they actors used for the TV show?

Just curious if anyone has and what results they found.


  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    Never heard of it but saw the show.. would love to work out like that
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was in the gym one day, in the studio room, while two regular members were working out to a dvd on a laptop. They were killing themselves! During a rare break, I asked what dvd they were using, and it was Spartacus. It looked intense. The one guy is in super shape, and he was huffing and puffing.
  • Shaye85
    Shaye85 Posts: 107
    omg that show is AMAZING!!! anyone who hasnt seen it is really missing out!
  • WarriorJayne
    that is the work out that got me wanting to get back into shape. I saw it, and i was like I WANT TO DO THAT... its been down hill ever since. LOL
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Looks kind of like a P90X or Intensity workout.
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I haven't done that one but I have done a modified 300 workout. ( which is apparently the one used by the actors for the movie 300. It's a killer. Definitely a great workout but you'll feel it the next day!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I haven't done that one but I have done a modified 300 workout. ( which is apparently the one used by the actors for the movie 300. It's a killer. Definitely a great workout but you'll feel it the next day!

    Wasn't 300 all CGI?
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    Just gonna be honest. You wont build serious muscle doing this, youll just get cut.. also, if you did the same thing every time, your muscles are gonna adjust to it, muscle confusion is really the most effective.
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    also, the 300 workout is a hoax in a sense, its nothing like what they used for the actors. It was the entrance test for people trying out..
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    muscle confusion aint real, lol. your muscles dont care/nor do they "know" what you are doing...
    all they care about is being stimulated. ;)

    sure they adapt. as in they'll only get as big, or as strong, or last as long, as they "need" to. hence progression.

    the 300 workout is more a Metabolic conditioning workout, think crossfit, or HIIT. in fact its very much like a Crossfit "hero" workout, just not a heavy one.

    its not overly difficult for most guys who do a bit of training. girls it would be harder i guess with the pullup and deadlifts. though a 135lb deadlift is nothing, so even "weak" girls would be able to deadlift that after a month or two. The clean and press is a joke. 36lbs??. thats 16.3 kg. very light, 50 of those would also be acheivable for most non-training guys.

    "also, the 300 workout is a hoax in a sense, its nothing like what they used for the actors. It was the entrance test for people trying out.."

    totally agree there man. had to be the test exam...they probably had to do it within a given time yeah??
    i'd imagine they would have been doing it througout thier training as a progress test.

    The spartacus workout is similar.
    but if you were to use weights that you could only manage say 10-12 reps with, and do say 8-10 reps per set rather than a timed set, could becomd quite effective in building some extra muscle, while maintaining cardio fitness, if you move fast from station to station.