Very discouraged =(

I think it's just hit me that I'm really discouraged with my weight loss, or lack of. I've been logging on MFP for over 3 months now and have been very conscientious about calories and exercise. I've been exercising probably 5x/wk and staying almost right at my calorie goal of 1410.... sometimes over a little, sometimes under a little.

I'm really wondering what the problem is? I haven't lost a pound and am at 145 but I'm 5"6 with an "athletic" build. I realize I don't have a ton to lose, but would at least like to tone up and lose 10 pounds. I'm wondering if I have my metabolism/BMR set too high? (It's at moderate).... or if my diet soda consumption is hindering things. (I usually have ~ 2 cans of coke zero or diet dr. pepper per day).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much guys!


  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    it would probably help if we could see your diary, tho i understand a lot of people dont want to make it public.
  • rtheilen64
    i was a big diet coke drinker for many years. I noticed that when I cut that to almost nothing and only drank water and juice my weight dropped, even before focusing on my diet. I have a goal of 1680 calories and with exercise am able to keep my net calories below my goal. I have only used MFP for 2 weeks but have lost 7 lbs in those two weeks....

    My conclusion would be to try for a couple weeks to drop soda from the diet and see if it makes a difference for you.....

  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    How is your sodium? What kind of foods are you eating? Is you NET calories over 1200 consistantly? It would help to see your diary. How about processed foods?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with dropping the soda...I am pretty sure that there are tons of resources that will tell you diet soda in no way helps you lose weight. I know it's best to drink water and some milk. If you want to jazz up your water you can add some lemon and strawberry slices, even watermelon chunks or cucumber slices. Pretty much anything, orange slices, berries. You can throw in a splash of soda water if you really want the fizz :)
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I think you might be on to something about your settings I'm 5'7 and 135ish and in order for me to lose 1/2 a pound a week without any exercise, I need to consume 1290

    Age is also a factor. I'm in my late 40's, so your numbers decrease with age.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Are you taking measurements, this is a huge indicator as is body fat. The scale sometimes doesn't give the whole story. For example, I've "only" lost 3 lbs since January BUT my body fat has gone from 34% to 29% which is pretty substantial. Bottom line, dont be discouraged and don't let the scale define you.

    As for what you're eating, I can't view your diary to help, but I think anything that isn't natural can't be good. I haven't had a soda in years so obviously I'd say cut em out, but maybe try weening yourself from them gradually and see how you feel.

    Good luck getting off the plateau, I'll be glad to get off mine soon too!
  • smithalcutie
    smithalcutie Posts: 30 Member
    You should be trying to be under your goal calories but not so much you are in starvation mode. also take measurements. if your building muscle your scale might go up so measuring your inches would be a really good indicater. you should really cut out the soda. don't get discourage make a change and see what works and keep on going. you will make it
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was a diet soda drinker and quit drinking it in January, and i swear that's helped me lose like 15 lbs since then. I've been very conscious of sodium, and once I realized there's sodium in even diet soda, I quit it.
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    Try weight training if you are not doing a lot of it. A friend of mine got stuck and more weight training took it right off. Cut out soda and make sure you are reading what ingredients are in your foods. The first three things listed is what that food is basically made up of. I change up my exercise routine often. That helps me a lot. Good luck and don't get discouraged because you will get there. If you take it off to fast your odds of gaining it all back are greater. Hang in there.
  • Honeywell
    My girlfriend wasn't paying attention and posted this under my name. It's still a pretty good read though.

    I don't have any great advice or words of wisdom...but I do want to tell you that you are not alone!! I've been sitting watching a stagnant scale while weight literally falls off my bf. And I grumble about it. Some days a lot. I'm 5'10" 150(ish), working out every day for about 1 hour, and net calories about 1300.

    But here's the good stuff for me...maybe you've got same of the same "small things" to encourage you: my body is changing and I can feel the differences (even if they've not shockingly evident)...I'm more conscious about what fuels my body and remember how nommy fresh veggies and fruit really are...I'm learning about nutrition and actually enjoy recording my calories and planning healthy, satisfying meals and experimenting with new food (beet chips? kale?? turnips??? greek yougurt???? YES PLEASE!), and maybe best of all I don't have crazy cravings for fast food anymore.

    Keep at it, and count the small stuff, being healthy is more than just a number on that little scale :)
  • marraruth
    I don't have any great advice or words of wisdom...but I do want to tell you that you are not alone!! I've been sitting watching a stagnant scale while weight literally falls off my bf. And I grumble about it. Some days a lot. I'm 5'10" 150(ish), working out every day for about 1 hour, and net calories about 1300.

    But here's the good stuff for me...maybe you've got same of the same "small things" to encourage you: my body is changing and I can feel the differences (even if they've not shockingly evident)...I'm more conscious about what fuels my body and remember how nommy fresh veggies and fruit really are...I'm learning about nutrition and actually enjoy recording my calories and planning healthy, satisfying meals and experimenting with new food (beet chips? kale?? turnips??? greek yougurt???? YES PLEASE!), and maybe best of all I don't have crazy cravings for fast food anymore.

    Keep at it, and count the small stuff, being healthy is more than just a number on that little scale :)
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone for all your support and posts!! Ok, so I've made my diary public (Scary!! eeekk!).... haha, but realize it's a necessary evil. Also, I've realized by your support that I'm drinking too much soda -- going to try to cut that out! Also, too much processed food. I have a huge sweet tooth and I think between the diet soda, sugar free pudding cups etc I'm just not doing myself any favors. I'm going to try to do water with lemon starting today!

    As for right now, I've kept my "activity level"/BMR set at lightly active. If necessary I can change it down to sedentary, which knocks off another 150ish calories for the day.

    I'm starting off fresh today with these changes, so we'll set what happens! Thanks so much again! =)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone for all your support and posts!! Ok, so I've made my diary public (Scary!! eeekk!).... haha, but realize it's a necessary evil. Also, I've realized by your support that I'm drinking too much soda -- going to try to cut that out! Also, too much processed food. I have a huge sweet tooth and I think between the diet soda, sugar free pudding cups etc I'm just not doing myself any favors. I'm going to try to do water with lemon starting today!

    As for right now, I've kept my "activity level"/BMR set at lightly active. If necessary I can change it down to sedentary, which knocks off another 150ish calories for the day.

    I'm starting off fresh today with these changes, so we'll set what happens! Thanks so much again! =)

    :drinker: Cheers to you for not giving up!
  • peytjalmom
    From what I saw on your food diary, too many carbs, not enough protein, not enough fruits and vegetables, which all adds up to too many calories because you're probably hungry all the time. Try eating more natural snacks, like fruits, nuts and low fat cheese. Choke down some more low fat protein and make your carb choices good carb choices, like whole grains, legumes, and even potatoes! How do I know all this? It's all the changes I have had to make. I've lost 30Lbs since October. Also, your net calorie seems a bit high to me, just saying. I wouldn't eat all your exercise calories.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Boy, you do have a sweet tooth, lol!

    Your sugar intake is really high, and hardly any of it is coming from natural sources. There's certainly scope for you to change things there.

    And - I wouldn't eat back all those exercise calories either. I know, I know it's a controversial subject, some people swear by it, others don't feel the need to! Again - try for a while and see what happens.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Ok thanks so much guys!! Will opt for more 'natural' snacks. It's so hard because my husband is sooo skinny and likes to keep all the junky snacks here. Eek! I'll try for more self control here. Thanks!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Ok thanks so much guys!! Will opt for more 'natural' snacks. It's so hard because my husband is sooo skinny and likes to keep all the junky snacks here. Eek! I'll try for more self control here. Thanks!

    Yeah, your carb level and the type of carbs will put you on the road to insulin resistance and all the bad(metabolic syndrome)that comes with it. Something to talk to the hubby about too. Your calories look OK depending on the number of calories you are burning in exercise.

    If you address the carbs the scale will move. It's going to move a good bit from less water weight. Than fat should start to move if you are eating your exercise calories back. Your carbs at 30-40 percent of total calories will be a total of 105-112 grams per day, roughly a third of what you take in now. Don't go low fat either .
  • peytjalmom
    One, well two more things that helped me: Google "resistant carbs" and "sugar addiction". Information for us who LOVE our carbs!:tongue:
  • JeanMargaret
    Hi Lindsay,

    I don't know that I have any excellent advice, but I wanted to send you a cyber *hug* and ask you to please take a look at the great things you've accomplished. The scale is one way to measure (& I know it's annoying when people say that, BUT that's if you've not really been trying.) You've been very consistent, from what it sounds like here. You're consistent with exercise & you eat healthy most of the time. I think there's a lot to be said for that.

    Also, like you mentioned - b/c you don't have a lot of weight to lose, it may take just that much longer - but please don't lose heart. You're making great strides. You've accomplished things that many others WISH they could accomplish (consistency).

    Stay at it & it'll happen.


  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    This is just my own experience, but for me when drinking diet soda the scale won't budge even if I stay in my calorie allotment. I personally don't buy into all the "bad carbs vs good carbs" or the starvation mode thing. I think different types of carbs effect everyone differently. For me, getting carbs from grains causes fluid retention, so I limit THOSE type of carbs but I do NOT limit carbs. Sometimes just tweaking the small things can make a big difference. It takes some trial and error, but stay with it and you will figure it out. Journaling really does help, and you're doing that so you're on the right track.