Ate a whole container/box of...



  • a whole box of cheddar jack cheese itz in one day
    a whole box of mini sprinkles christmas sugar cookies in one day..

  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I think I could eat a whole box of almost anything tasty. My body doesn't get the "full" signal, ever! :laugh:
    Me too :noway: At least when it comes to sweets. It's a curse!
    I can eat a whole bag of powdered sugar donuts.
    Recently I made a batch of no-bake cookies and ate 15 of them.
  • misschoy
    misschoy Posts: 125 Member
    A whole loaf of frozen garlic bread that you buy at the grocery store.
    A bag of bubble gum (no i didn't eat it but I chewed one piece for a few minutes before spitting it out and getting another one) Turns out that bag of gumballs was over 1000 Calories. EEEK!
  • [I like Clint Eastwood movies, but I could never eat a whole one...

    Thanks for a great laugh!!! I can't stop myself now!!!! my sons think I am doing drugs or smoking something in the computer room!!!

  • Recently I made a batch of no-bake cookies and ate 15 of them.

    Oh my... I forgot how much I LOVE no bake cookies!!! The store up the street makes peanut butter no bakes... mmmmmm
  • laney237
    laney237 Posts: 26
    ..I haven't eaten a whole container of anything lately...but after reading all these posts I am Starving lol.
  • A box of Girl Scout Samoas....Grrr.
    I LOVE the samoas.... yumm! And So easy to polish a box of them off!

    I have been known to eat a whole box of Better Cheddar Crackers! I dunno what it is about them, I just can't stop eating them if I start. Thank goodness I haven't bought them in a while :)
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    Haha...This post is amazing. Champagne I cannot buy. I love the stuff in the worst way. I will drink the entire bottle and want more (swear I am not an alcoholic and I can easily limit any other alcohol I drink on rare occasion) AND fresh bread is my WEAKNESS.....gawd I love fresh baked bread....yummmmmmmmm
  • Double Stuff Oreos! Oh God, we can't even keep them in the house, and on those *rare* occasions that we do my hubby HIDES them!! How sad is that?? On more than one (or a dozen... :blushing: ) occasions I've eaten the entire package + milk in one sitting. They also tend to be one of those foods that I see in the kitchen and think, "Oh, I'll just have one or 2..." and 15 trips to the kitchen later they're gone! LOL
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    A box of Girls Scout Cookies - Thin Mints - my favorite - did not buy any this year - must avoid that temptation.
    Does a bottle of wine count?
  • yoliv
    yoliv Posts: 2
    I love reading/sharing these types of indulgence.

    My guilty pleasures have included:

    Cheez-its (the whole grain kind hahaha)
    Pop-tart boxes, preferably cinnamon (their slogan should be 'one you pop, you can't stop')
    Peanut butter jars (usually paired with pretzels & Nutella)
    Half-Baked Ben & Jerry's pints/Blue bell pints
    Cinnamon raisin bread loafs
    Mac n' cheese
    Velvetta/rotel queso (w/ tortilla chips)

    I haven't indulged like that in quite sometime, and I'm very proud of myself. Yet I can't help but wonder, when will it happen again? I know the last time wasn't The Last Time, and after this weight loss (I've actually lost 25lbs) I can't help but fantasize about a possible guilty pleasure indulgence because I know ONE time (meaning a night I consume an entire B&J pint) every 3 months or so isn't going to make me gain back the 25lbs back over night. (I'm trying to avoid using 'binge' because if I am consciously aware of the event I'm planning than its positive right?)

    Am I crazy for thinking of setting aside a day where I practice such an unhealthy habit of eating an entire package/box/carton of some yummy goodness? (Just ONE of those items) Or am I smart for losing weight the healthy way while being aware of the realty that I LOVE gorging on food, so in return, "rewarding" myself every 2-3 months?
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Um a block of cheese not even the reduced fat kind....

    Oh yes! I am seriously addicted to cheese, to the point where my DH calls me the mouse!
  • Garfy
    Garfy Posts: 41
    Cadbury's Chocolate fingers (which I now know would wipe out my daily calorie allowance & then some ....)
    Box of mint matchmakers
    Packet of 12 Thorntons Caramel Squares

    Whilst I could easily one of them now, I am actually quite happy muching on some fresh cherries :)
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    Could easily eat a whole domino's pizza (used to eat medium, 8 slices; now I eat a small, 6 slices, if it is pizza night). And that used to be with as many pots of garlic and herb dip as I could find (terrible, terrible pots for cal and sodium). Not to mention the side of chicken strips, cheesy garlic bread.....oh and gooey cookies for dessert. Slowly weening myself off 0_0

    I haven't really pigged out in a while on junk food, but I used to easily pack away a full (double layer) box of cadbury's milk tray chocolates; light salted/lime/cool original doritos (BIG share bags) with sour cream...

    My big thing is CHEESE!

    I can and have eaten 2-3 person cheeseboards to myself. I can get through a whole wheel of brie/camembert/stilton like nobody else can. Once I start on cheese I CAN'T stop so I have had to pretty much nix it from the house. Last time I went to town on cheese was about a month and a half ago at a friend's house. Not a pretty sight!! And it throws my 'digestion' -ahem- off for days afterwards.
  • Cori615
    Cori615 Posts: 100
    1 month ago i ate an entire bag of Wavy Ranch Lays the big bag so more than 1,500 calories... Every time i go to the grocery store I stay as far away from the chips.
  • edr2b
    edr2b Posts: 65 Member
    2 cheese krystal's and a small fry..I haven't eaten fast food in so long but I promised if I ate it I would workout...well 2 tired but 2mor a new day right?? Gotta get back on track..
  • EmmaMaingay
    EmmaMaingay Posts: 4 Member
    Oh god..
    This post makes me feel so good! My partner never pigs out like I do and I thought it was just me haha.
    I cant think of many right now.. but i used to be a shocker for peanut butter! Id have it on everything, especially after I tried it in ice cream I'd add it to that too! it got so bad that I started buying the natural one that i didnt like anywhere near as much.. then i started eating the little peanut butters whenever i was at work instead haha.
    Now i only have baskin robbins chocolate peanut butter ice cream. which i ate the majority of 16$ worth in one day last week =(

    I once went through a stage of just having craploads of cheese melted on plain pasta for lunch or dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    and Lindt Lindor chocolate.. me and my partner buy it for each other on special occasions... i eat mine and his. He ended up hiding them all in the house and only giving me one or two when i hadnt eaten anything else bad all day lol.
    forgot where he put it! ... til our housemate found it a several weeks later hidden in her bedroom.

    and PRINGLES! oh boy are they the best thing ever! I eat the whole contain but about 3 in one setting. I leave 3 so i can tell myself how good i was for not eating them all -_- i want some pringles.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Well lets see...
    I've eaten a whole box of Stovetop Stuffing for dinner before (but it was just the stuffing, nothing else, does that make it better?)
    A whole box of mac n cheese
    A sleeve of thin mints (easily)
    An entire small thin crust veggie pizza from Domino's (EW)
    An entire sleeve of crunchy chips ahoy
    A whole bag of Gardetto's or Chex Mix, the kind with 10 servings a bag.

    I never did it frequently, and I haven't done any of that in such a long time, but it's so gross to see it all typed out like that! At least we aren't alone, right?!
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    container of cottage cheese - not entirely in one sitting, but over the course of an afternoon :)

    and back in the collage days I would regularly polish off an entire medium dominoes pepperoni pizza
  • kristy3119
    kristy3119 Posts: 46 Member
    I've killed 2 liters of soda in one sitting, boxes of wheat thins, entire cans of honey roasted cashews. Boxes of Froot loops w/ the lil marshmellows. Boxes of chips ahoy cookies, 4 slabs of steak in one night...I can BE...A...PIG at times

    They make Froot Loops with MARSHMALLOWS IN THEM? Oh nooooo....
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