Im struggling to stay below my dialy calories!!

helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss

I keep reading on hear people are struggling to get to their calorie allowance and Im always going over so must be eating the wrong stuff!

I can eat 1320 per day (I want to lose about 10lb - Ive lost 5/6lb already - before I used this). I have only started to use my diary so wont be much good you looking at it.

I exercise about 5 times per week (including walking the dogs) so I have extra calories from there.

What do you actually eat in a typical day?

I dont feel like im eating too much as I am hungry, but need to change waht Im eating so if anyone can offer me advice that would be great.



  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    try upping ther protein intake, protein will keep u fuller for longer :) ive also heard fibre is good for keeping u full too :)

    hope this helps :)

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Our calorie allowance is just about the same. You can check out my diary, if you like - not for the last couple of days, a combo of celebrating my birthday, then getting sick has thrown me back a bit. But go back a week or two, and we should be on the same page.

    Regular day:

    Breakfast: Porridge oats with skim milk

    Snack: A piece of fruit OR a fat-free yoghurt

    Lunch: A salad with egg and chicken OR two pieces of good, wholemeal bread with cottage cheese, mackerel, low-fat cheese OR small serving of warm lunch and a side salad at work.

    Snack: Piece of fruit OR fat-free yoghurt OR protein bar/shake (if I'm working out in the pm)

    Dinner: Some sort of lean meat (chicken/fish/pork) with lots of veggies - can be Asian/Indian/Middle-Eastern/Mexican inspired, but always in a low fat variety. Also a huge fan of soups - great way to get veggies in.

    Snack at night: Low-cal hot chocolate and a piece of fruit, if it will fit into my calorie allowance.

    My key to success? Portion control. And working out. I lost 15 pounds in six weeks doing that. Now I'm back and dealing with the final five pounds. Add me as a friend if you need support along the way.
  • bunnybeth14
    bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
    Maybe start your day with boiled/poached eggs cos they are very filling, salad for lunch u could put a little pasta in with it to help fill u up and I usually put tuna in too and minced turkey with potatoes and veg for dinner. Just an idea! Hope this helps a bit!
  • gryheyl
    gryheyl Posts: 5
    There are so many good tasting foods like cabbage and cumbers and spaghetti squash peppers mushrooms the list goes on. find the veg you do not mind filling up on and use it on those days you struggle. And drink your water you would be surprised at how many times people think there hungry when there thirsty that is an important tip. plus take a multi vitamin it will help you to have less cravings too. hope this advice helps.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks for the comments. I think I have too much carbs/bread. I will try and have more protein so it fills me for longer.

    Im 30 in may and really want to get to my target weigh for then

    I usually have Porridge for breakie at about 8am, then I have a midmorning snack of about 150cal. For lunch I have a tuna and salad sandwich on brown bread, or Jac Pot and cottage cheese and salad, with a LF yogurt. At 5pm when I get in from work Im straving so have banana on 1 brown toast or peanut butter on 1 brown toast, then I take dogs out or go to Zumba/swimming.

    I think I need to try and eat less for my Supper (Dinner), we dont have it until about 7.30. e.g last night we had homemade meatballs with onions, peas, corn, brocolli BUT I also has a couple bits of Garlic bread.

    My OH wanted pancakes for pudding but I told him no! lol Think we will have them tomorrow (instead of supper).

    Thanks ingebrogv I will look at your diary and try and see what I can do to help myself.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks, I am trying to drink plent of water and making sure I go to the kitchen at work eachj hour and refil my glass.

    I will defo buy more veg in and try and have plenty.

  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I would have porrdige with a banana chopped in for breakfast, an apple (small) as a snack, lunch could be home-made veg soup and 2 multigrain rolls, or pittabread with some cheese or ham or salmon and salad. In the afternoon I'd have another small snack, fruit, or small bag op popcorn. And for dinner it could be anything, we eat relatively healthy at home, meat/potato/veg, or rice and curry, or pasta, anything really. And I'd have another cuppa in the evening with a biscuit or two.

    In between I fill up on water, this really helps, and in my lunchbreak I always try to go for a fast walk, which seems to boost my motivation for the rest of the day again (otherwise I might get that afternoon slump and get the munchies).

    I'm usually pretty close to my calorie target, but I have to be honest, half the time I'm only guessing the calories, so I'm sure I'm not always bang on target. But as long as I keep losing steadily, I won't obsess about that bit too much. For me MFP is more a way of re-evaluating the way I eat and what I eat. And I couldn't care less whether I'd have 200 more or less calories.
  • I eat every 3 hours. The food is what they call "clean" food though. I start before workout with a couple hard boiled eggs. After workout oatmeal or cereal. Then I might have cottage cheese or a sandwich with pita bread, etc... I have a hard time getting to my 1200 calories. I am never hungry eating 5 to 6 times per day and getting all my water. Try mini meals and high protein.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Exercise more, eat what you want. Helps you decide if you really want it. Exercise early in the morning, and you always have exercising calories for the day. I can't say I eat to the point of stuffed, but also am never starved. For snacks eat something that takes some time to consume. Instead of granola bar (4 bites). Use flavored rice cakes. 11 of them could be same calories.

    Another thing that helps me. I think of how many friends say their trying to lose weight and are failing. Then I say to myself to push myself harder. Look around and see the reminders of why your doing it. Not hard to recognize skinny is the minority.

    Best of luck.
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    hey i really struggled at first, for me it's all about learning what a proper portion is. I was suprised at the difference between what i was serving up & what i should have been eating makes a BIG difference. The wrong sort of carbs will make you go over very easily so most days i don't even touch bread 100-110kcal per slice no thank you! Heres a typical day for me:
    Multigrain porridge with skimmed milk & omega seed mix-205cal

    Spicy king prawns 1/4 cup brown rice, home made salsa & guacamole - 333cal

    Meatball in tomato sauce with wholegrain pasta - 545cal

    Apple - 80cal
    Clementine orange - 35cal
    2 squares 80% dark chocolate - 110

    Total=1308 cal

    Then i do a 40min wokout every morning that burns between 300 - 350 cal

    I'll be 30 on April 30th & also trying to reach a mini goal by then. If you need any more help or support just friend me with can be Birthday Fat Busting Buddies :)

    * also i drink 3 cups of green tea every day plus 1.5ltr of water*
  • Lady_G
    Lady_G Posts: 35 Member

    The trick with using this site and wanting to lose weight is to try and change the things that you are eating. You can if you want to continue to eat as normal, however you should try and stick to your goal. It is probably better though if you change or try to find lower calorie foods so that you can try and stay within your daily goal.

    It also helps to drink a lot of water. I try to eat and keep within my daily goal. Most days I succeed, but you mustn't beat yourself up if you have the odd bad day.

    Good luck.
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