Need to lose 20 pounds

I am new to MFP and I would really like to lose 20 pounds and 4 pant sizes. It is really hard for me to stay motivated when I get on the scale and it has not moved much at all from the last time. I don't have time to go to the gym often because I work full-time, go to school full-time and I have a one year old. I do work out at home. I do Zumba in the morning and P90X at night before bed. Does anyone have any suggestions for other things I can do to get down to my ideal weight?


  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Calorie counting and cutting out processed sugars, foods and perservatives helped me :) I also lost the weight throughout 3 months
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Use that cute 1-year old of yours to burn some extra calories. My three-year old loves to be tossed up and down (can't do it with my 5-year old anymore). I am going to start using them as extra weight going up and down a steep hill we have close by. And given how much you are working out, you may need to eat more calories to fuel your body. Good luck with your journey! Sounds as though you have a good start!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    What you eat is a HUGE factor. I started Nov 1 and cleaned up my diet some between Nov and end of year and lost 8 pounds. I have lost 14 more pounds since Jan 8 by eating even cleaner but continuing pretty much same exercise. I am down from a size 14 to a 10. It seems like you would need to lose more than 20 pounds to go down four sizes?

    My two favorite reference books are the Eat Clean Diet recharged by Tosca Reno and Ultrametabolism by Dr. Mark Hyman. They both have websites where you can get some free information. I am also reading this article currently on the web: It has a lot of good information in it!

    Also it is good to mix up your exercises because your body does adapt - although both Zumba and P90X have that component built in somewhat. But you might take a day to run/walk outside or bike rather than Zumba or if you have access to heavier weights in a gym you might want to add that in one day a week vs just P90X.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I joined MFP in January and in the long run, want to lose 32 lbs. I am down 9 now and pants are looser!! Tracking the calories and finding time to exercise each day has been my saviour. This site and the pepole I have "met" here keep me motivated and on track. I love it! Also, I have started keeping track of measurements as a lot of times they will move when the weight numbers won't
    GOod luck in your journey. Don't get discouraged, just keep your eyes on the prize!!!!!! :wink:
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
  • nisha_85
    nisha_85 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for the motivation. Everyday is a challenge to do eat better and feel better. I hate to use the word "diet" because I completely rebel. It's a mental thing I know, but when I say I'm dieting I seem to want to eat everything in site. So I have made slow changes to my eating habits. I don't eat fast food as much (only once a week instead of 4), I eat more vegetables and I have started eating breakfast (something I've never done before). So it really is a slow process because I don't want to lose weight only to gain it back a few years down the road. I want to do something that I can continue to do regularly. So any tips or advice you have please shot them my way. I would love to hear what you guys are doing to stay motivativated.