Feel Guilty about NOT working out

3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I have gone to the gym 4 days in a row. I am debating on whether I will go today because my daughter has PT (hubby would drop me off at the gym since we are a one car family).

A part of me says, rest. But other part screams Guilty! :frown:

Anyone else feel guilty when not working out?


  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Some say a 'rest day' is required. Search around for info about days to rest while working out.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Some say a 'rest day' is required. Search around for info about days to rest while working out.
  • bunnyb11
    bunnyb11 Posts: 65 Member
    Yes i do. I was aggravated today cuz i had errands to run @ my lunch hour today but would normally try to walk at least 30 minutes. But i decided that tomorrow is another day but i try to work out to a exercise video @ home though if i can at least until i can get a treadmill. It will all work out dont beat urself up. You are doing great!!!!!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I do!!! Ugh hate it.
    If I can't get to the gym, I will try and run the neighborhood or do XBOX Kinect or a workout video. Or clean like crazy lol.
    I feels strange not working out. Almost like I forgot something or my day is incomplete.
  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    Thank you so much for posting this exactly when you did. I was just about to put a post up asking someone to help motivate me! :) I feel guilty because I took yesterday off. I took the dog for a nice long, long walk, but ate over calories (which I normally do after weigh-in anyways). Today is rainy and icky and I just don't have the motivation for my silly 20 minute workout, and YES I FEEL GUILTY.

    More tired than guilty, but guilty nonetheless.

    Let's just get off our toosh and do it!!
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    allllllll the time! even when i am sick or have an injury i am like 'man i feel so guilty- this stinks- i wanna be working out!' lol
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    if you can't, then you can't... it's not like you NEVER go. and if it really isn't an inconvenience to your huz to drop you off/pick you up, then go. sometimes i feel guilty about not going on days my Boyfriend is off work, he is an officer and has odd days off, we hardly see eachother unless i stay awake past 1 am, so Mondays and Tuesdays i feel like i should be with him, soaking in every minute, but those are also the days he wants to eat pizza,and ice cream, and drink beer, and eat wings.. blahhh... its really up to if you really WANT to go.
  • johnsoa3
    johnsoa3 Posts: 1
    go you will feel so much better afterwards
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Yup. I was sick all last week and felt awful for not going to the gym.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Oh, yes. The guilt is there. I woke up Sat and my back was so sore I could barely move all morning. I debated for hours if I should rest or do a light cardio or something without weights. I decided to rest, and just eat super healthy. I stayed active tho, no sitting on my butt all day. I cleaned the house, went grocery shopping... so while I didn't have an "official" work out, I was still moving around. I was even under my cals! Have a rest day, but don't just sit and watch tv. Be active, be productive, and have a super healthy eating day. :)
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    You paid the money...! Why not use it...!
  • Even though working out is a part of our daily routine in order to be mentally and physically fit, there definitely should be a day of rest built in. Also, there are days with "life" happens that prevent us from completing our daily workout as scheduled. You shouldn't feel guilty about those days. Only feel guilty about the days you don't do it just because you would rather sit at home and eat a box of girl scout cookies. LOL.
  • inkedshears
    inkedshears Posts: 27 Member
    i feeel horribly guilty when i dont go workout. the past week and 1/2 i have been terrible about going ot the gym, ive only worked out maybe 3 times. even though its only been about a week i feel like im starting all over again. ugh.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    If I take off today, I can go Thurs, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday....

    Bingo! It dawned on me why I feel guilty. I think it is Fear, not guilt. Fear that if I don't go today, then I won't go tomorrow and so on and so on.

    I know that won't happen. But I think deep down I have a fear it will.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    You paid the money...! Why not use it...!

    Um, because my butt cheeks hurt from working out yesterday. :laugh:
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    My rest day is Sunday, and even then I toy with the idea of going to the gym. Last Saturday I missed out on my gym time: youngest daughter had a track meet, older daughter having contractions. It just wasn't happening, and I was fit to be tied. Hmmmm, could that mean I have built an unhealthy obsession?
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Even though working out is a part of our daily routine in order to be mentally and physically fit, there definitely should be a day of rest built in. Also, there are days with "life" happens that prevent us from completing our daily workout as scheduled. You shouldn't feel guilty about those days. Only feel guilty about the days you don't do it just because you would rather sit at home and eat a box of girl scout cookies. LOL.

    I wouldn't touch GSC with a ten foot poll. So no worries there. :wink:
  • inkedshears
    inkedshears Posts: 27 Member
    thats my problem. i know if i dont keep it up and keep going ill quit all together and its so much harder to jump back on the bandwagon
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    My rest day is Sunday, and even then I toy with the idea of going to the gym. Last Saturday I missed out on my gym time: youngest daughter had a track meet, older daughter having contractions. It just wasn't happening, and I was fit to be tied. Hmmmm, could that mean I have built an unhealthy obsession?

    Naw, it is a good obsession.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I have one rest day a week. But I do get where ur coming from. Resting that one day, or not working out bcs ur sick or busy is one thing. But watch out, it's so very easy to fall of the wagon if u start skipping days like that. There will be days when u really don't want to go simply coz u'd rather sit at home and watch tv, those are the days that count the most, that's when u really need to tell urslef
    that it's time to work out. Once u start working out it's never as bad. Planning in workout days is so important, especially for me, if I didn't I'm sure I'd just push it til the next day, and then the next week, and then "hey I'll start properly in the beginning pof next month" etc. So it's all motivation really, give it a go u don't have to exercise like crazy just take a quick walk around the block or do a couple of sit ups, and u'll feel great!
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