30 Day Shred Challenge - week 4 - Sept 22 -28



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How is everyone??? I know two of you are injured/ill but where are the rest??? I just noticed no one has posted in 2 days!! I rested yesterday. I did levels 2 and 3 today. My last day shredding will be on Saturday. I am starting a new workout next week. Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cassangelidy
    Hello ladies,

    So I was just curious...are you supposed to do the workouts every day? Or is it 30 days of working out...not workout everyday for a month?

    Just curious. I'm going to try it for the first time tonight. :)
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hello ladies,

    So I was just curious...are you supposed to do the workouts every day? Or is it 30 days of working out...not workout everyday for a month?

    Just curious. I'm going to try it for the first time tonight. :)

    I have done it everyday except 2x, I think everyone is different with how they are doing it. Some amazing ladies are doing 2 levels in 1 day!!!! Not me....I do one level a day. It gets easier each time you do it! HAVE FUN and GOOD LUCK!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am back!!! My knee is feeling MUCH better - I rested it for 2 days - ice and Aleve. It was weird though - I felt soooo guilty about not doing the Shred!! I did do pilates those two days which definitely does not burn as many calories and since I am addicted to weighing myself I was up a pound this morning.

    I did do Level 1 this morning and it felt fine on my knee - I iced afterward just in case though.

    Back in Action!!!! Love It!!! :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Congrats to all you ladies who are working so hard!!!!

    I fell off the wagon, and have been run over...

    I felt sick earlier in the week, and have not worked out once since Sunday! Argh! I've over done the calories, and really over did it last night. I can't even bring myself to get on the scale - I think I will wait a week (of good eating and good working out) and then see where I am!

    Have a great day and weekend ladies!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All three levels!!!! 630 calories!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Oh boy, it was tough but I am proud to say I did it. So, this is it for me!!! It has been a great challenge. I am formulating my plan for October. I might post my weight tomorrow or on Oct 1st when I start a new program/plan.

    I am dissapointed to see that this group has gotten so small. I think there are only a few of us now. How are you doing???? No one has posted since Friday.

    Good luck ladies!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All three levels!!!! 630 calories!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Oh boy, it was tough but I am proud to say I did it. So, this is it for me!!! It has been a great challenge. I am formulating my plan for October. I might post my weight tomorrow or on Oct 1st when I start a new program/plan.

    I am dissapointed to see that this group has gotten so small. I think there are only a few of us now. How are you doing???? No one has posted since Friday.

    Good luck ladies!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi Alf,

    I'm here girl!!! Who else lasted the whole 4 weeks? I've been pretty sick, so I have to say that I have not worked out since last Sunday. :ohwell: I've been in pretty rough shape though, and can't wait to weigh in because my appetite has been down (but we all know that is never permanent weight lost though, right!?).

    What is your plan for October? I was thinking of posting an A.M. / P.M. challenge - which is really simple - exercise in the A.M. (strength and/or cardio) and then finish eating four hours before bed, and do some light exercise in the evening (crunches, push ups, stretching) etc! That's it. I'm going to make that my October challenge for myself!

    Take care and keep up the great work! You continue to inspire me!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    .... looks like we are the foursome that stuck it out!!!!!
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Shall we start a new challenge for October? Everyone with a personal goal? Am I the only one left with actual poundage to lose?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Amanda, you are a sweetheart!! I really hope you get better soon and can resume your workouts. Yes, I might have reached my goal but it is not over. Now, the hardest part starts and that is to maintain the weight for life!!!!!

    My plan for October is to start heavy lifting again twice a week, Tue and Thu. I am hoping to make it to the gym on those days but if I don't I have a lot of equipment at home. It is more "fun" and challenging at the gym though...The rest of the days a variety of cardio with at least one day of no exercise at all.

    I will definitely continue to eat well, count my calories (although I have been thinking about a little experiment lately :tongue: ) You know how I like to experiment and challenge myself. I am going to change my goal to maintenance tomorrow. I might not eat as much as it recommends first. I think I might "shock" my body with so much food :laugh: but I will increase accordingly.

    Take care!!!!
  • daisygirl3626
    I LOVE your goals!! WHat a GREAT idea!!! I have had the final goal (rocking it at my 20 year High School reunion next summer) but had not thought about the smaller in-between stage goals! I'm gonna set some today!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I LOVE your goals!! WHat a GREAT idea!!! I have had the final goal (rocking it at my 20 year High School reunion next summer) but had not thought about the smaller in-between stage goals! I'm gonna set some today!

    Daisygirl - are you in for a challenge? Alf is AMAZING - she shows that it IS possible!!!!
    btw... you're a beauty...
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member

    .... looks like we are the foursome that stuck it out!!!!!
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Shall we start a new challenge for October? Everyone with a personal goal? Am I the only one left with actual poundage to lose?

    Only one with pounds to lose...umm, heck no! I would love to do it again. This month I have lost:
    9 lbs
    2 inches of my waist and hips!

    I still have a long way to go and this challenge rocks!
    Great job ladies!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    .... looks like we are the foursome that stuck it out!!!!!
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Shall we start a new challenge for October? Everyone with a personal goal? Am I the only one left with actual poundage to lose?

    Only one with pounds to lose...umm, heck no! I would love to do it again. This month I have lost:
    9 lbs
    2 inches of my waist and hips!

    I still have a long way to go and this challenge rocks!
    Great job ladies!

    Emikarls - 41 lost!!!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!! So you and I still have some weight to go -that's great because we are on to our next challenge, right!?!?!?

    Have a great night - I have a date with some Desperate Housewives...
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am still here. I will weigh in again on Tuesday and let you know the final results of my Shredding process!!

    Good job to everyone that stuck it through ..... can't wait to see the next challenge!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I hope I didn't miss anyone when I stated the four of us who stuck it out - if I did, my sincerest apologies!!!

    So what's up next ladies? Shall we all suggest something and see what we like best? I like simple and easy to follow, but I'm pretty easy!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I hope I didn't miss anyone when I stated the four of us who stuck it out - if I did, my sincerest apologies!!!

    So what's up next ladies? Shall we all suggest something and see what we like best? I like simple and easy to follow, but I'm pretty easy!

    Go for it! I trust your judgement! Just let me know...:flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I hope I didn't miss anyone when I stated the four of us who stuck it out - if I did, my sincerest apologies!!!

    So what's up next ladies? Shall we all suggest something and see what we like best? I like simple and easy to follow, but I'm pretty easy!

    Go for it! I trust your judgement! Just let me know...:flowerforyou:

    Emikarls..... here's what I was thinking....

    My downfall is night time eating, hands down. What about an "AM/PM Challenge"....

    (1) A.M. = Exercise every mornning on an empty stomach (go directly to burning fat!).
    (2) Follow MFP calories. Simple enough.
    (3) P.M. = Nothing to eat after dinner AND add some type of light exercise in the evening (some crunches, some push ups, stretching, etc) even just 5-10 minutes.

    I do LOVE the feeling of going to bed on an empty stomach and knowing that my body is eating fat in the night!

    I figure this will keep our metabolisms revved up all day!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I hope I didn't miss anyone when I stated the four of us who stuck it out - if I did, my sincerest apologies!!!

    So what's up next ladies? Shall we all suggest something and see what we like best? I like simple and easy to follow, but I'm pretty easy!

    Go for it! I trust your judgement! Just let me know...:flowerforyou:

    Emikarls..... here's what I was thinking....

    My downfall is night time eating, hands down. What about an "AM/PM Challenge"....

    (1) A.M. = Exercise every mornning on an empty stomach (go directly to burning fat!).
    (2) Follow MFP calories. Simple enough.
    (3) P.M. = Nothing to eat after dinner AND add some type of light exercise in the evening (some crunches, some push ups, stretching, etc) even just 5-10 minutes.

    I do LOVE the feeling of going to bed on an empty stomach and knowing that my body is eating fat in the night!

    I figure this will keep our metabolisms revved up all day!

    That won't work for me:sad: I work nights :grumble: BUT...I can wakeup earlier to excersise. Doing it in the morning will be VERY different for me because I usually do not do it until later in the day or on the nights that I do not work, I end up working out around 9pm. SO morning is good, and it will switch things up a bit. I do not want to slow down now!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I hope I didn't miss anyone when I stated the four of us who stuck it out - if I did, my sincerest apologies!!!

    So what's up next ladies? Shall we all suggest something and see what we like best? I like simple and easy to follow, but I'm pretty easy!

    Go for it! I trust your judgement! Just let me know...:flowerforyou:

    Emikarls..... here's what I was thinking....

    My downfall is night time eating, hands down. What about an "AM/PM Challenge"....

    (1) A.M. = Exercise every mornning on an empty stomach (go directly to burning fat!).
    (2) Follow MFP calories. Simple enough.
    (3) P.M. = Nothing to eat after dinner AND add some type of light exercise in the evening (some crunches, some push ups, stretching, etc) even just 5-10 minutes.

    I do LOVE the feeling of going to bed on an empty stomach and knowing that my body is eating fat in the night!

    I figure this will keep our metabolisms revved up all day!

    That won't work for me:sad: I work nights :grumble: BUT...I can wakeup earlier to excersise. Doing it in the morning will be VERY different for me because I usually do not do it until later in the day or on the nights that I do not work, I end up working out around 9pm. SO morning is good, and it will switch things up a bit. I do not want to slow down now!

    Oh - then lets come up with something else! Maybe we could all do a personal challenge, and state if for all to see (for accountablitiy) - something that will target our weaknesses - for even if the weaknesses aren't slowing out weight loss, by attacking them, things should speed up, right?!?
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I hope I didn't miss anyone when I stated the four of us who stuck it out - if I did, my sincerest apologies!!!

    So what's up next ladies? Shall we all suggest something and see what we like best? I like simple and easy to follow, but I'm pretty easy!

    Go for it! I trust your judgement! Just let me know...:flowerforyou:

    Emikarls..... here's what I was thinking....

    My downfall is night time eating, hands down. What about an "AM/PM Challenge"....

    (1) A.M. = Exercise every mornning on an empty stomach (go directly to burning fat!).
    (2) Follow MFP calories. Simple enough.
    (3) P.M. = Nothing to eat after dinner AND add some type of light exercise in the evening (some crunches, some push ups, stretching, etc) even just 5-10 minutes.

    I do LOVE the feeling of going to bed on an empty stomach and knowing that my body is eating fat in the night!

    I figure this will keep our metabolisms revved up all day!

    That won't work for me:sad: I work nights :grumble: BUT...I can wakeup earlier to excersise. Doing it in the morning will be VERY different for me because I usually do not do it until later in the day or on the nights that I do not work, I end up working out around 9pm. SO morning is good, and it will switch things up a bit. I do not want to slow down now!

    Oh - then lets come up with something else! Maybe we could all do a personal challenge, and state if for all to see (for accountablitiy) - something that will target our weaknesses - for even if the weaknesses aren't slowing out weight loss, by attacking them, things should speed up, right?!?

    SOUNDS PERFECT! Let me think about it and I will post it later....
    You rock!