SlimFast! 3-2-1 Diet/Plan?

What opinions does anyone have on this diet? Not only have I heard good things about it myself, and seen my mother lose weight on it, but it might also help with food cost since I don't have a lot of money (buying the large shake mix things is pretty decent in cost).

Any success stories, concerns, etc.?


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I did the Slim-Fast after my son was born and lost 30lbs with it. As long as I remembered to add in fresh veggies and fruit for snacks, I felt fine.
  • mycrazyturtles
    You have to be willing to give up a lot. I like it for a quick meal replacement or when I don't feel good. It makes sure that Im still get what I need. When I tried it, I was ALWAYs hungry. Have you already been watching what you eat. Because you could always try it for 1 meal a day and then go 2 two. Hopefully you could get your stomach to shrink a little to help with it not being enough. Plus remember when you come off this your just going to gain the weight back if your not careful.
    So you really need a whole lifestyle change and not just something that will help take the weight off. Good luck though either way.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I would look for one that is healthier and has more protein in it such Premier Protein or Pure Protein. Lots of them around.
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    It's a good starter plan but it gets very boring very fast. I liked it for teaching me the basics such as eating breakfast everyday, having small meals, and healthy snacking but drinking my calories has never been very satisfying. That's just me personally though.
  • monoxidechick
    That is what I started with and then found this site later in the same day and decided to use both. I drank the shakes for about two weeks. I think that it was a good starting point for me to cut back on calories and get a good idea of how much 1200 cals really is.

    I quickly started replacing the shakes with real food that was about the same calories for breakfast and lunch. I found that it worked ok, but that they were pretty high in sugar and I felt better when I switched up meals and planned things that were the same calorie count.

    I think that they do have the ones with less sugar, which might help that situation. I think that it is alright, but I wouldnt buy into all of the extra bars and snacks and things along with it. You can make healthy choices without buying all that.

    I also see it as something that I would not be doing for long periods of time, and I am trying to work out a healthy lifestyle, not a diet.

    I know that it works and people have success, but I know that counting calories in real food works too, you just have to plan, the shakes are already planned out for you, so it makes it easy.

    Just my thoughts and experiences, good luck with the plan that you choose!