new to fitness pal

my name is sheoashie and i am 34yrs old i said i wanted to be n a bikini by the time i was 35 being i have been heavy all my life i still haven't put forththe effort to meet that goal i probably wont b in that bikini by august but i want to have been to lost at least 30-50lbs im on my way to a healthier new me.


  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    You can do iiiittttt!!!
  • Rheinrich02
    That is a great goal! I too, have been heavy my whole life and am sick of it! I wish you the best! Kepp up the good work!
  • lucigetskinny
    I found that fitness pal is a great way to make that happen, I never realized how many calories I was eating until I joined this group. You can do it, everyone is so encouraging. Welcome :)
  • airmay1
    airmay1 Posts: 10 Member
    You chose the right place to do it. Believe in yourself!! :happy:
  • chicnsweet83
    You can do it. I lose 25lbs in a year by changing my eating habits alone. It's going to be tough, but if you really want that bikini you'll work really hard to get it. There are people here that can motivate you and help you along your journey. :) Good luck!