


  • OH MAN gave up chocolate for lent. I am by no definition religous but I think it's a great opportunity to give up something I battle with daily. It can't hurt right??? Luckily, my awesome Jewish coworker/friend is giving up caffiene. So, I'm not in this alone!!!
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Not religious so I'm not giving anything up. I stopped eating junk when I started dieting, I quit smoking with the new year and I don't drink soda. Good luck to everyone tho!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I JUST gave up Facebook this morning. It'll be so hard cause I usually surf it on my phone before class so I uninstalled the app. My roommate thinks I'm crazy cause she's a facebook addict!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm giving up my Sunday mornings, to attend church. I haven't been good at all about going, so I'm making a Religious lifestyle change along with my weight loss. I hope to make this a permanent thing, not just for Lent.

    This is my goal as well. I will start attending either Sunday mornings or Saturday nights. I'm going to have to research the churches around my house.
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    As a few others have said...I am also giving up weighing myself, Somebody mentioned that you don't have to do this on Sundays but I was brought up that Sundays are included, Good luck to you all.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I'm not Catholic but I always give up something for Lent so I can dedicate that time in prayer. This year it's chocolate...and today I made brownies and I don't even get to have one. It's a struggle...but His struggle far outweighs mine.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I'm not Catholic but I always give up something for Lent so I can dedicate that time in prayer.

    same here. i gave up facebook (second year of doing it) and plan to use the 'extra' hours knitting. i have a sweater i want to finish. lol. i also fast every wednesday during lent.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    fried foods and fancy coffee drinks!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Nothing...I decided to actually do my daily Bible readings :o)
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I decided on pizza!!! i LOVEEE pizza, and even though i dont order out pizza (often), we make homemade pizza at home and it is my absolute favorite!!!
  • nuimproved
    nuimproved Posts: 57 Member
    OH MAN gave up chocolate for lent. I am by no definition religous but I think it's a great opportunity to give up something I battle with daily. It can't hurt right??? Luckily, my awesome Jewish coworker/friend is giving up caffiene. So, I'm not in this alone!!!

    I'm not religious either but for the last few years have given something up both to test my willpower (I don't have much) and to help myself appreciate certain things more when I do have them. This year I'm giving up chocolate and anything deep fried--so after Easter I will probably find myself desperately wanting a Boston Cream doughnut from Tim Hortons! I've given up both of these things before but never at the same time!
  • jennyath
    jennyath Posts: 22 Member
    I'm giving up alcohol, chocolate, maybe all sweets.... (jury is still out on that one) limiting my FB to 20 minutes a day. Also the scale, I get weighed once a week where I work out. I think I'll let her weigh me, but not tell me. As some others have said, I would like to be in my Bible every day.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm not givin' up anythin' - I'm actually helpin' out at homeless shelter... :happy:

  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    i gave up smoking
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Since November when I decided to start living & eating healthy, I've given up alot of stuff. So this year for Lent I'm adding stuff.
    My list of additions includes:
    Attending the 6 weekly Stations of the Cross Services at Church on Friday nights.
    Picking out 6 people in our Parish that need Prayers said for them and devoting a week of Prayers to each person. 5 people in our Parish are battling Cancer and one is battling a Chronic Disease. (There's 6 weeks of Lent!)
    Exchanging the time I spend on Facebook for some Devotional book reading.
  • I'm trying to stay close and true to the actual meaning of Lent (Christian reformed) I am giving up Red Meat! (They use to give up any foods from animals and fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday) I today did not eat meat and dont plan on eating meat Good Friday! Its my own little twist on it since I know fasting would only cause me to binge eat and I need to keep going! But keep your thoughts for me, as I head to Houston this weekend and will be surrounded by SOUTHERN BBQ! HAHAHAHA Not only for the red meat portion but the diet as well! :)
  • I am giving up fat .. or rather getting rid of it!
  • I'm giving up being jugdmental!
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    Chocolate! And anything sweet really! Will celebrate by eating some Easter Sunday :)

    I've failed. Miserably, the chocolate pro max diet bars have too strong a hold :(
  • my3kidos
    my3kidos Posts: 19
    I'm giving up my Sunday mornings, to attend church. I haven't been good at all about going, so I'm making a Religious lifestyle change along with my weight loss. I hope to make this a permanent thing, not just for Lent.

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