hi! i'm new to the forums and trying yet again to lose weigh

Hi! I'm Frances. I'm 24, 5'10" and 270. I feel like I've tried and failed to lose weight or even just improve my eating habits a million times, and always with the same results. I lose my motivation, get depressed, stressed, tired, etc, and go back to my regular eating habits. I'm a compulsive overeater. I have been for most of e. It's generally my go-to coping mechanism. My bmi is 38. I'd like to lose 60lbs to get myself out of the obese range, then another 35 to get me to the normal range. I also want to get my eating in check. In a way I can keep it in check. While food is wonderful, my relationship with it is not. I'd love support on my journey. I've got a long road ahead of me


  • christinekojack
    christinekojack Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Frances, Welcome and good luck, have sent you a friend request, if you'd like to add me xox
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Frances.
    Feel free to add me as a friend,.
    I feel like my relationship is bad with food too.
    I eat really healthy and then just go on a massive binge, feel disgusting and start the journey again.
    I'm here for support it you ever need it :)
    Good luck
  • BeastieGirl
    Hi Frances and welcome!

    I've been using MFP for just over 3 weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I've lost 1.5k, not a lot but a nice steady loss and I feel tons better.

    I'm not very overweight, but I've always carried about a stone and a half above what I should. I train regularly, but I'm still not shifting the weight, until I joined MFP. It's really helped me to see the kind of mistakes I'm making with food, and it's not just about giving up everything you like, it's more about getting it all balanced.

    The other thing I've learned really quickly is that you cannot maintain your calorie goal without doing some form of exercise each day, but it could be something as simple as walking for 30 minutes at a brisk pace. I'm a big fan of walking actually, give it a go, see what you think.

    Personally, I love the gym and doing weights, hate cardio, but I do do it! The key is to find something you like and want to progress with, don't do what others think you should do.

    Anyway, I wish you lots of luck, you can do it, but if you have a few setbacks along the way, don't beat yourself up about it, just start again, nobody's perfect and those that think they are are just plain boring to be around lol!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and believe in yourself xx
  • PrincessLynn2010
    PrincessLynn2010 Posts: 49 Member
    You are NOT alone. The first thing I think about when I get to feeling "down" is, "What is there I can munch on." And, more often than not I have a "WHATEVER!" attitude. I get depressed and tell myself negative things like, "Why bother? I never lose weight anyway.", "The way I am is fine. I'll deal with it.", "It's too much work. I give up."

    I love food. I like enjoying the taste of various items and meals, and I get cravings that take such a strong hold of me, I feel weak in denying myself. Especially during certain places in my cycle. If I feel bad, I reach for sweets, chips and other unhealthy items. I work as a nurse, and the kitchen here (I'm at work, now) is packed with temptations. Foods leftover from earlier meals provided. For example, there is a cannister of cookies on the employee counter, a bucket of chocolate candy bars (snack sized) under another counter, and even pumpkin pie sitting out. All are calling me, as I type.

    I switched to eating healthier foods, and have done okay the past two days. But it's been TOUGH. And I wonder if I can continue successfully, when two measly days have been such a struggle!

    I'm glad to learn to know you, and just wanted to post and tell you - NO! You're NOT alone! We can support one another. This forum is great. Three years ago, I lost almost 40lbs using this site. It's the only thing I have to use as a bolster, to support me in keeping on keeping on! I have to literally (and actively) remind myself that I have done it before, and I CAN do it again!

    Welcome! Add me as a friend, if you would! I could use all of the friends I can get, and I assume many others feel the same!

  • tinkerbell1964
    Good Luck Frances , You're in The Right Place , Lots of Support On This Site, Stick With And You Wont Go Wrong