PCOS patients and even those who don't have it, pls add me!



  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Hey everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to say hi. I also have PCOS so good luck with your weight loss :)
  • I have PCOS as well, as was just diagnosed about 6 months ago. It was shocking and really hard to deal with for a little while, but I have accepted it, and am changing my lifestyle both because of it, and to look better. When I was diagnosed with PCOS I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which both together definitely explained the huge weight gain.

    Adding you as a friend! :)
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Ok so I had my Dr's appointment and of course, she made me repeat all of my bloodwork. As a vet tech, I draw blood daily on animals - no biggie. I cried for my blood draw - yes I am a raging wimp!
    Bloodwork came back, still as inconclusive as ever. Not surprised (or impressed). She starts talking about options. I reply with "Thanks for the ideas Dr Small, but I would like to start Metformin, spironolactone and birth control pills now. Ill start the Met now, and in a week or so when I test negative I'll start the other two"
    I needed the spironolactone for me, my mental sanity. I have had the stupid extra hair situation for too freakin' long and I'm done with needing to shave/wax/etc. It's embarrassing and I hate it. (end rant) Since spironolactone can cause birth defects, add the birth control on top. Plus, once you stop hormonal birth control, many women have a time of 'catch up' where natural hormones kick into high gear. (Hence why tons of people are able to get preg after a cycle or 2 once stopping bc).
    Since I have summers off, my plan is to take all 3 until the middle of summer, stop the bc and spironolactone and get back to trying. When we do finally get preg, it makes it easier on us if I take time within the spring semester or summer off. It would be way too hard on work if I take time off during the fall semester. I plan to continue the Metformin because A. it can help with maintaining my less-hair existance and B. has been shown to help maintain pregnancy.
    So I've been choking back those horse-pills for a week now, things are going great. Plan to either have Aunt Flor visit very soon or test, so I can start the other two. Metformin is not causes issues as of now. I should note, I had my gallbladder out when I was a teenager and have had diarrhea almost daily (sorry if TMI). Metformin can cause diarrhea in people. For me it's not a new thing but I could see how it can be unsettling to people not used to it.
  • hi

    ive only joined today

    at 16 i was only having 3- 4 periods a year doctors told me i had PCOS i only had ultrasound to check and was put on metaformin i got married and fell pregnant on my honeymoon my labour didnt go to plan and it ended up as a emergency c section my son was born healthy only then during the last bit the surgen found that i have only one ovary

    please get a secong opinion if any of you are concerned

  • Hello! It's so nice to meet others who are going through the same issues I am. I am almost 29 and wasn't diagnosed with PCOS until almost 3 years ago even though I had told doctors since I was 15 that there was something wrong. It wasn't until I tried to get pregnant and had three miscarriages and I made an appointment with a specialist after being told by 3 different doctors that my miscarriages were normal. There is nothing normal about having 3 miscarriages. I had to be on hormone therapy to get pregnant and to keep from having another miscarriage and finally with success I had a beautiful baby girl 2 years ago. I am always tired, I don't have a cycle any longer, and last year I started gaining weight which is unusual for me. I have always been around 115 pounds. Now I'm at 155. I just don't feel healthy. Therefore I have been trying to loose some weight and eat healthier. Its been 5 weeks and nothing. Not one pound. I have changed my diet big time. No soda, all whole grains, frest fruits and veggies, no processed foods, drinking plenty of water etc etc. I also went from no exercise other then activites with my children to walking/running 3 miles a day and still nothing. I am getting really discouraged. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have heard that the diet supplement DCI works really well for people with PCOS. Is there anyone who has tried it?
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that it is good to hear of other people who have PCOS as well. I found out 10 months ago that I have PCOS and before that I had never heard of it before. I have never really had "normal" periods, but it wasn't until I got married 2 years ago that I began to get worried about it. Last year I had all of the tests done and my doctor told me that I had PCOS.

    I am very frustrated with my weight gain. I have tried to lose weight, but it seems that nothing really works. I am not on any medicine right now. Is there any type of medicine that you have found helps with the weight loss part? When I engaged I weighed 145, then when I got married I weighed 155, and now I weigh 190. My doctor said that if I could even lose 10 to 15 pounds that it would really help. I have been working on losing weight, (again) for the past 5 weeks and still weigh the exact same. It's very frustrating to me when I have cut back tons on my food intake and I exercise 5-6 times a week now, which I did not do in the past.

    Also, I was wondering about thyroid and thyroid medicine. I am thinking that that could be a part of my difficulty with losing weight. I am going to go in for detailed blood work soon, but I was wondering what you all have found to be helpful.

    I am 23 years old and want to be healthy and have a family some day. I know that it's possible to get pregnant and stuff with PCOS, it's just probably going to be a harder for me than for other people. I want to be healthy so I can avoid any other problems in the future.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that it is good to hear of other people who have PCOS as well. I found out 10 months ago that I have PCOS and before that I had never heard of it before. I have never really had "normal" periods, but it wasn't until I got married 2 years ago that I began to get worried about it. Last year I had all of the tests done and my doctor told me that I had PCOS.

    I am very frustrated with my weight gain. I have tried to lose weight, but it seems that nothing really works. I am not on any medicine right now. Is there any type of medicine that you have found helps with the weight loss part? When I engaged I weighed 145, then when I got married I weighed 155, and now I weigh 190. My doctor said that if I could even lose 10 to 15 pounds that it would really help. I have been working on losing weight, (again) for the past 5 weeks and still weigh the exact same. It's very frustrating to me when I have cut back tons on my food intake and I exercise 5-6 times a week now, which I did not do in the past.

    Also, I was wondering about thyroid and thyroid medicine. I am thinking that that could be a part of my difficulty with losing weight. I am going to go in for detailed blood work soon, but I was wondering what you all have found to be helpful.

    I am 23 years old and want to be healthy and have a family some day. I know that it's possible to get pregnant and stuff with PCOS, it's just probably going to be a harder for me than for other people. I want to be healthy so I can avoid any other problems in the future.

    Good for you, for nipping it in the bud right now. The longer and the more weight you gain, the more you have symptoms of PCOS. As for losing weight it is a battle, the way my doctor told me is I have to eat right, no eating out, but mostly stay away from bad carbs, like white bread or white pasta. You want your good carbs like the ones in whole wheat and the ones in vegetables... You will have to exercise twice as much as someone who doesn't have PCOS, which is frustrating, but with the support of others you will do it. I started in January and have lost 30 pounds so far. So, with no cheating and exercise you will be able to do this. Good luck on your weight loss journey, mine is a very long one but I will get there and so will you! :)
  • CScholl
    CScholl Posts: 3
    I too have PCOS and was diagnosed in 2009 when I went without a period for 6 months. When i was diagnosed I was put on Metformin, which helped bring me back to a normal 28-30 day cycle. I ended up getting pregnant in December 2009 with the assistance of Metformin and Clomid and gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl this past August. While pregnant they diagnosed me with Hyperthyroidism and I am still taking the thyroid medicine, but am no longer on the metformin since I started Birth Control again to keep my cycles regular. I was told that when I am ready to try again for another baby that I will need to probably start the Metformin again, which is fine with me since I lost 10 pounds the 3 months I was on it with no change in diet and exercise. Currently I am 6 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and it appears that the PCOS is under control with the Birth Control for now, but I am still having trouble losing weight. I just recently joined MFP to try to get myself into a routine for tracking my calories and my exercise to see if it will keep me motivated to lose the weight. Don't worry PCOS is not the end of the world, because you can still live a normal life and have a healthy family.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I am not diganoise PCOS but I am highly hormone sensitive. I have gone a yr without a period, had cyst that burst (owie), 2 months on my period and still have acne issues and I am 27. Birth control is too strong for me and I end up becoming loonie when it was prescribe by a dr who didnt listen to me. One thing that has helped me tremediously is VITEX it is all natural suppliment that helps regulate your cycles. When I have trouble starting or having my period I start taking it and it helps a whole lot also watch what type of meat, milk, and cheese you eat. most of these animal are filled with hormones, anibiotics and other additives.

    I wish everyone with PCOS good luck with your weight loss....I know each one can do it no matter how frustrating it becomes Add me if you like.
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