how often do you weigh yourself?



  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I weigh every morning to help me stay on track BUT the only day the number gets written down is on Mondays.......that is my rule only MOndays number counts!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    And I only log progress.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    More often than I should unfortunately. I'm trying to do better and just weigh myself weekly at the same time. I'm strict with the time but not with the how often. I usually cave after 3 days and jump on the scale.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I weigh myself almost daily, but only record like once a week or every 2 weeks. Ir ealize that weight isa trend over time, not what it says on any given day. That said, I weigh myself just to learn about my body. I like to find trends - how much did salt intake impact my weight/body the next morning? How much does water help? On days when I do x, does it help or hurt? So, I don't do it so much as to see progress, but rather to measure impact of what I'm doing daily. For example, Monday and Tuesday I did not drink much water at all. When I got on the scale, it showed 2 lbs heavier than it had been. So, I made note to drink a lot of water and monitor salt,a nd then today itw as back to normal.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I threw away my scale ages ago, if i still had it I'm sure I would weigh myself every single day. Now I use the one at the gym, and weigh myself every Wednesday morning before my workout.
  • 1medicwife
    1medicwife Posts: 28 Member
    I hate weighing myself .... I avoid it as much as possible. I am currently only weighing myself every 2 weeks, first thing in the morning. I'm still starting out the diet/workout routine (again) and not ready to face the numbers, just yet. :ohwell:
  • Poehlerbear1983
    Well since this is my 1st week I can only say what I think I am going to do which is weigh myself once a week. I don want to get discouraged and if I weigh myself more then that I know I will
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you for the insight!

    I like the idea of weighing on Sunday because even when I've done great in the past, I let myself go a little on the weekends.. which doesn't help the lifestyle change.

    I think Sunday will be my day, in the morning, after I pee, with no clothes on, at the same time. :)

    Thank you all!
  • ToniAnn411
    I'm a scale *kitten*. I weigh myself everyday. I need to, in order to keep myself focused. I've come to realize that when I don't weigh myself, it's because I had a bad day and don't want to face the reality.
  • Happytobealive
    You have to do what is right for you. I personally weigh myself everyday, but only only update my weight on MFP once a week. Good luck!
  • PenguinPrincess
    I weigh myself every day, which I wouldn't recommend lol It's VERY frustrating, but I only actually count what I weigh on Fridays.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I weigh and report to MFP every day, but only my Thursday weigh-in "Counts" as far as I'm concerned. I just like the daily thing so I can say "See, you had a big bowl of pretzels last night and now you're retaining water!" :P
  • techie30
    techie30 Posts: 82 Member
    Once a week. If I weight myself more than that, I get de-motivated!! If you keep in mind that you are losing weight slowly (a pound or two a week), a daily loss will not be evident on the scale. Every person's weight fluctuates based on time of day, how many times you've gone to the restroom (TMI, I know, but it's the truth), how much we've eaten/water intake, etc... I try to keep it on the same day of the week, same time of day. If you're being honest about your calories and your exercise, you'll see weight loss! Just not overnight :) Besides, it's all about how you feel, not a number on a scale!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    EVERYDAY. I am a scale addict, it is so bad. I've become obsessed. I want my weekly weigh in day to be Friday so every Friday afternoon my fiancee is going to steal the scale and hide it until Thursday night so I can weigh in on Fridays.. then he'll hide it again. This way I'll be forced to only weigh in once a week.

    The scale seriously makes me be in a good mood or bad mood in the morning while I get ready for work! This morning was the first morning I haven't weighed myself in like 2 weeks but I felt so weird not "knowing" but I really want to break this habit!
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Everyday. I like recording the data to look at patterns between my exercise/food/weight. (I'm a huge nerd.)

    I do think I do it a bit much and eventually I'd like to wean myself from it.
  • dawnyl25
    dawnyl25 Posts: 16
    daily!!! i love to get up first thing in the morning jump on the scale and set my day. i think its guides me on the foods i should eat and what i shouldn't. my body absorbs different foods differently i really had to find the food that i can eat and not gain the weight from. daily weigh in helps with that. i realized that carbs that are high in fiber work really well for me. i can eat all the mini wheats i want and my body not gain from it.
  • WeatherGurl1129
    WeatherGurl1129 Posts: 36 Member
    Weekly on Friday mornings after I pee and I am completely naked. I rationalize that I weigh the least at this time because I'm usually really good at sticking to my diet/exercise during the week. And if I get a positive result (i.e. a weight loss), then I will reward myself with an iced coffee or margarita that night. Plus I tend to go over a little bit on the weekends, so I'd rather have the whole week to burn it off before I weigh again. =)