Pole Dancing

I'm starting a Pole Dancing exercise class tomorrow. Sounds great fun but strangely enough it isn't on the exercise list. Anyone any idea how I work out how many calories I might have burned?


  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    If I give you my wife's number, will you call her and explain the benefits of this type of exercise and convince her she should do it?

    To your question, not an expert or anything but the only thing I could think of would be to get a heart rate monitor that tells you calories burned and wear that while doing this exercise. Might be the best bet.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Get a Heart rate monitor...it is the greastest thing ever...It doesn't have be expensive....I bought mine at walmart for $27....It doesn't have a chest strap but it gets the job done....There is one with a chest strap on the walmart website for $33.
  • Allieballie
    I'd love to find out too. I've been doing it for a few weeks and I'm seeing more definition in my arms and legs. I've been logging it under pilates and stretching, but I"m sure it burns more calories than that. The HRM is a good idea.

    As an aside, I'd be keen to know the caloric burn of chair dancing as well.....
  • stringcheeze
    If I give you my wife's number, will you call her and explain the benefits of this type of exercise and convince her she should do it?

    LOL! :drinker:

    HRM or if you're not up for that, probably do strength training (add it under cardio).
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    @ AllieBallie,

    I usually log my chair as general dance, as long as there's lots of movement with the routine, (more dips and walks, less sitting and touching =p) If I don't break a sweat though, I don't log it.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm trying out pole dancing for a month starting April. Anyone care to share personal experience/tips?
    I'm going to feel so self-conscious about my body if I have to wear shorts!
  • classicshell
    I LOVED my pole dancing exercise class. It was so BEYOND fun! unfortunately, I moved an hour and a half away, and can't afford to continue it. But I wish they had one here! I have no idea how many calories you burn, but it's definitely plenty.

    It's fun choice for exercise that makes you feel sexy while doing it! (After the first few sessions at least, once you get over the awkward "how to swing on the pole" stage).
  • classicshell
    I'm trying out pole dancing for a month starting April. Anyone care to share personal experience/tips?
    I'm going to feel so self-conscious about my body if I have to wear shorts!

    SUPER fun. I'm a BIG girl, and there were plenty of other bigger girls there too. Don't be ashamed to wear shorts (you kind of HAVE to wear them or you'll fall), because everyone else is too! Besides, once you start, you don't even care anymore. You're focused, having fun, and feeling sexy!
  • MommieDearest1966
    You usually don’t need shorts until you get into climbing and inverts and they usually don’t do that in the beginner classes. I really noticed a difference in my body after I bought a pole for home. Do your research before you buy so you don’t end up buying twice. I have 3 poles and have danced on several different brands. I've been at it for 2.5 yrs and was the president of the pole dancing group here in my city. It’s a great work out.
  • kmcoulon
    kmcoulon Posts: 70 Member
    Most pole studios are very good about making women feel SUPER comfortable. Even if you're nervous, DO IT. It's the most fun thing you'll ever do. The first time you go upside down you'll feel like a super sexy queen, no matter what your weight is.
  • MommieDearest1966
    Go to Youtube and punch in" Plus Sized Pole Dancer" and up pops loveracing25's Channel she is a great dancer! She can pull off stuff I haven't ever been able to do on the pole.
    Then there is minicoopergrl. And take a look at the old videos that thatlarawoman
    Keiloces still have up and you can see how much their bodies have changed.