edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So lately I have been drinking a lot more water than I usually do and I was just recently told that room temperature water is better than cold water for you. Does anyone know the truth to this myth?


  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Interesting, I have never heard that. I drink my cold sometimes and sometimes room temp, personally I would do whatever pleases you. The point is to drink water. Enjoy
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Never heard that. Personally I cannot stand water unless it is cold. Literally makes me gag. So I will continue with my cold water!
  • The comment came from my vocal teacher, so maybe it was just for the voice more than health wise????
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    I think it's more concerning the voice. I was told that cold water causes the vocal chords to tighten. As far as health though I'm sure you can drink the water however you like. Cold water even burns more calories because your body has to heat it up to a normal temperature.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    i actually read a blog on this earlier on webMD which said that ice cold water can help burn fat but room temp water is easier to drink quickly. with cold water, you have to drink it slowly or get that "swimming" feeling so it is harder to get in your 8+cups a day. with the room temp water, you can drink a big glass and feel full but not bloated.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I normally prefer room temperature...not sure why.

    But it seems like I read somewhere that cold water is best because it makes your heart work to keep you warm...or something like that?
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    My husband's choir coach says the water is definitely best to drink before singing to get things lubed and loose. I have heard that drinking warm water makes it get into your system faster and cold water your body has to work harder to process so you burn calories drinking cold water. Haven't reserached that but it's what I have heard/read in the past.
  • Must be for voice. Cold water is actually slightly better, because your body expends more energy warming it up. But, I haven't found anything that says it really makes THAT much of a difference. .
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    Interesting....i read an article a long time ago that said COLD was better because you burn more calories since your body has work to warm up the water in the digestive phase. Don't know how much truth there is to this.

    Hot/Cold...whatever, I am gonna drink it the way I like it anyways..lol
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    i actually read a blog on this earlier on webMD which said that ice cold water can help burn fat but room temp water is easier to drink quickly. with cold water, you have to drink it slowly or get that "swimming" feeling so it is harder to get in your 8+cups a day. with the room temp water, you can drink a big glass and feel full but not bloated.

    Cold water burns only a fraction of a calorie, so it really makes no difference. In a day of drinking 8 glasses of ice cold water you might burn 1 calorie, if that.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member

    Most of that seemed like double-talk to me and I didn't quite understand what they were saying BUT I did understand the message. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    So lately I have been drinking a lot more water than I usually do and I was just recently told that room temperature water is better than cold water for you. Does anyone know the truth to this myth?

    Cold water is better it takes more calories to heat up the water... however I have heard that it is not good to drink cold water after a meal high in fat.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Oh and I wanted to add that during the day, while I'm at work, I like to drink ice water. But during a workout, I find it easier to drink the room temperature water!
  • Actually, I heard from Dr. Oz that cold water is good for burning calories. Due to the fact that the water is cold, it takes more energy for the the body to adapt to it, thus you burn calories. Your vocal teacher is right, it keeps the vocal cords from swelling when singing for long periods of time, at least that's what I was told. :smile:
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Oh yeah--it's a vocal thing. Cold liquids tend to tighten up your throat. I was a vocal performance major in college and studied voice for years and years with several teachers. I'm going to give you a tiny bit of advice. Work very hard with whatever your teacher tells you to do when it actually comes to singing--take the rest of the advice with a grain of salt. The reason I say that is this: your instrument is internal and invisible to the naked eye. Voice teachers can't point to a way to finger your instrument (like, say, a saxophone), and there is a lot of folklore that they use. In fact, having had 4 different voice teachers over the years, and a daughter who had two (not quite fair--one of them was me!), I have heard a lot of really conflicting advice. Drink hot drinks like tea and coffee--drink warm coke--never, never drink caffeine on a day you are going to sing. Suck on lemons to clear your throat vs. suck on hard candy to coat your throat. Use honey/don't use honey.

    Drink your water the way you like it. If drinking cold water before singing seems to hurt, don't do it anymore.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    "The comment came from my vocal teacher, so maybe it was just for the voice more than health wise????"

    i could see where that would make sense...perhaps too cold of water or too hot can damage vocal cords or something...i am agreement with an earlier post...i HATE water unless it's so cold it's nearly frozen! :bigsmile:
  • wow thats pretty interesting yall :)
  • Oh yeah--it's a vocal thing. Cold liquids tend to tighten up your throat. I was a vocal performance major in college and studied voice for years and years with several teachers. I'm going to give you a tiny bit of advice. Work very hard with whatever your teacher tells you to do when it actually comes to singing--take the rest of the advice with a grain of salt. The reason I say that is this: your instrument is internal and invisible to the naked eye. Voice teachers can't point to a way to finger your instrument (like, say, a saxophone), and there is a lot of folklore that they use. In fact, having had 4 different voice teachers over the years, and a daughter who had two (not quite fair--one of them was me!), I have heard a lot of really conflicting advice. Drink hot drinks like tea and coffee--drink warm coke--never, never drink caffeine on a day you are going to sing. Suck on lemons to clear your throat vs. suck on hard candy to coat your throat. Use honey/don't use honey.

    Drink your water the way you like it. If drinking cold water before singing seems to hurt, don't do it anymore.
    Thanks :)
  • mcs1987
    mcs1987 Posts: 4
    I played soccer for 10 years when I was younger and I remember all the coaches saying dont drink water that is ice cold because it can cramp up your muscles. We always tried to keep our gatorade and water room temp while playing. Yes we kept it in a cooler on really really hot days but with only a little ice. When we got really hot we would have orange slices to give us the boost of energy as well as keeping us well hydrated. I only drink cold ice water if I am at home relaxing for the night. If I am doing any type of exercising I will have water that is at room temperature. I know that when you are sweating and running around on a soccer field you will get at least a stomach cramp if the water was too cold. I have actually had it happen to me before.
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