Thought I'd share

I thought I'd share my person experience with everyone and to let everyone know you aren't alone in what is or isn't happening with the "scale".

Ok here's my story. About 6 months ago, I started going to the gym on a regular basis, 5 days a week for an hour a day. During my first 3 months or so, I lost 45 lbs! I was elated to say the least! I started going to the gym because I got some not so good news from blood work I had done and knew it was time to do something. So I kept working out, 3 days cardio and 2 lifting weights, but the dreaded no more weight coming off started happening. I actually put weight back on! Now talk about discouraging! Sound familiar to people? I'm sure it does. Well, I didn't give up and I'm still at it. Now here's my point.

Don't go by the scale! Period! End of story! I say this because even though I had put nearly 10 lbs back on of the origianl 45 I lost, I still went down 2 pants sizes and needed to add a hole to my belt. My shirts at baggy to say the least in the stomache area and getting tighter in the arms and chest. Just as a reference point for all to drive home my point here. For my cardio, I use a machine called a cross trainer from Cybex. It's like an eliptical and stair stepper all in one. When I started, I thought I was going to die after 5 minutes! Now, I can do an hour at a higher intensity. I mix things up as to keep my body from getting used to things. Now weight lifting, that's another thing. When I started, I struggled, and I mean struggled, bench pressing 250 lbs even 1 time! This weight is now my middle amount and I now bench 305 lbs. twice! Proof is in the results of what you can do, not the scale!

Now I am starting to lose weight again, but much slower and that's fine. Keep doing what you're doing and things will come around. I'm proof! We're all in this together, gone through basically the same issues, discouragement and let downs but together, we can all achieve our goals. One of mine is to bench 350 lbs and I know I'm going about it the right way and WILL get there! BEST TO ALL!


  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Way to go dude you rocks...and strength training is excellent because muscle burns fat dats wus up buddy:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :smokin: :smokin:
  • HealthyEscape
    Thanks for sharing your story. I am a recovering scale addict. At first it started with weighing 1x a week, then 3x, then daily. When it didnt move, I got discouraged and gave up. What was the point of working hard if nothing changed. But I noticed my clothes felt looser and I kept having to pull my pants up back to where they belong. I met with my trainer for the 1st time 2 weeks ago and she said "throw away the scale, it means nothing." She's right, but i couldnt throw away my $100+ scale, so its happily nesting in my closet under all my extra blankets and pillows. When I think we can get a long, I'll bring it back out, but right now we are taking some time away from each other :-) The best thing anyone can do is ditch the scale and get a measuring tape. I find the fabric tapes to be easier than using a construction tape that is pretty unforgiving in movement. Measure once a week on the same day and keep notes somewhere. I guarantee changes are happening, you may just be looking in the wrong place.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Thanks for sharing that. I needed the reminder to not worry about what the scale says (even though it has gone up a few pounds lately). How my clothes fit is a better indicator of how I'm doing weightwise.
  • toddduper
    I needed to do this for myself to as a reminder there's more to this than the scale! I feel much better, can play with my kids more and my clothes fit differently! People don't notice as much as I'd like them to but I know once I reach my goal, I'll be making peoples jaws drop! :wink: All in due time!
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    The only reason to weigh oneself every day is to measure how much water has been lost during a workout. For this, you'd weigh yourself before activity, then after. Tennis players can lose as much as 7 lbs. of water weight during a match. Other than that, bodyfat % testing, as well taping, are the best measure of fitness!

    All the best on your journey!!

  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    I like that idea, measuring how much water we lose. Thanks for sharing. I do need reminding sometimes to not take the scale too seriously.
  • toddduper
    My saga continues. Much has changed since I originally posted this so thought I'd give a bit of an update. My weight loss journey was going great! I had lost 60 LBS, was doing great with everything as far as exercising goes and then I hurt my shoulder. Unfortunately I wasn't and haven't been able to get to the doctor to have it looked at. This happened about a year ago and I contributed it to over working it lifting weights and the way I slept (I like having my arm over my head). So I figured rest it and work it back slowly. Sounds legit right? Well last May, my work got flooded out and since I worked out on my lunch, there went my workouts! I wasn't able to get to the gym anymore and with the stress of the flood, working from home (kids just see it as dad is home lets play and not dad needs to work) and my wife having to start babysitting because of financial issues, I put 1/2 of my weight that I lost back on in the 6 months we were displaced. After we finally got back into our office, it took me a couple extra months to get back on the horse. I've been going back to the gym religiously for the past 3 weeks and have lost half of what I put back on! 15 LBS in 3 weeks! Biggest loser trainers would be proud! So I'm really counting calories, working out and mixing it up and it's working. So even if you fall off the wagon like I did, you just need to get back on it and you can do it.

    Oh, and my should is starting to feel better too. I think it missed the working out too. ;)