Getting back to workout after pregnancy

RunNes Posts: 4 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
My son is 3 months old. I am a working mother. I used to workout after work but now i see myself rushing to the day care then rushing home giving him a bath and food and put him to bed in meanwhile my husband is cooking,

we finish dinner around 8 pm but honestly all i want to do is sit on the couch and do nothing.

this is really not like me i used to go run or go to the gym almost everyday after work. i kept working out until i was 8 months pregnant and now it just seems so hard. :( i am very upset i hope the stamina to workout again will come again very soon.

thanks for reading!


  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I agree with the above poster, try a walk during your lunch break!
  • I know the feeling. My son is now 2.5 years old. How my husband and I have handled it is that we trade off every other night.... he'll go pick up our son and take care of things at home for the evening and I go straight to my work out after work. When I get home, dinner is ready to go. Then the next night, it's my husband's turn to go to the gym right after work and I hold down the fort at home. We also make sure to have our workouts on the weekends when life is less hectic.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Try not to be so hard on yourself. You are a new mother!!! And you are working--I'm tired just reading about your day. Work on finding ways to incorporate smaller bits of exercise in, and be gentle with yourself and your expectations. The stamina will come, but maybe not for a while, and the time to exercise will come, but maybe not right now--that's what nighttime feedings do to us! It took me a good year to get back into a regular exercise routine after my son was born, and another 6 to really get serious about working out again. At three months I was lucky if I had the energy to talk about exercising...much less do it!
  • egonda13
    egonda13 Posts: 1
    Whats the climate like where you live? If you get a baby jogger you could go walking/running in the mornings before work and spend time with your child. Then you wouldn't have it weighing over you all day and have to deal with the lack of energy so late at night.
  • RunNes
    RunNes Posts: 4 Member
    Hi thank you all for you support.
    Lunch walk is possible and i think it is a good idea i might do this today.
    As for jogging before i go to work i dont think it is possible.
    I wake up at 5:30 after i have been awake at 2:30 to feed my baby.
    at 5:30 i shower and then pump milk to send it to the day care then wake up my LO feed him get him ready and then at 7 am i have to leave to work.

    Oh well i am sure it will get better and i will be less tired! I hope.
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