No-one likes anything i cook anymore



  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    In my household the OH either eats what he is given, goes hungry, or cooks himself

    I do tend to give him sides like mash potato (I'll have new potatoes instead) and we'll have the same meat and veg?

    Sometimes I will stick him a pie in the oven and make myself a stir-fry but for the most part he just eats what I do, but a much bigger portion and with a few extras (coleslaw or potato salad whereas I just have a green salad)

    I've alway cooked pretty healhty food so our food isn't that different, I just used to eat way too much of it!

    Herbs, spices and condiments are really useful, plain old chicken can be transformed with some lemon and chilli (or some basil and oregano, garlic and a little olive oil).

    My meat sounds pretty bland (I cook mainly poultry - rarely red meat) but I love experimenting with herbs and spices!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    last night i spiced my chicken breasts with lemon pepper, a very trace amount of margarine, seasoned salt, and thyme and it came out really good! also when i make rice i boil it in chicken broth/ it a little more flavor.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    You say you can't do anything now but YOU ARE doing healthier and showing you can do this!! Don't get discouraged thinking you can't do anything now! It's not being selfish to do something for YOURSELF!! When you reach your goal body you can look back and say "wow, I CAN do something other than cook, I can take care of MYSELF and look GREAT! Please don't feel you can't do anything now or it will cause you to become depressed. You are worthy of this and it doesn't matter if they don't like the food, do it for YOU!

    I also usually make 2 meals. Other times I just "modify" my meal..Last night family had taco salads (wtih taco salad shells). I made me a seperate burrito with turkey and homemade taco seasoning (lower sodium) so it wasn't to difficult. I try to find recipes that I can use the main parts they are eating..for example tonight they will have chicken legs but I will do me a breast seperate and have the same veggies they have.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    There are other spices than salt. And spices don't have calories.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    What does your spice cabinet look like?
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I have grinders for sea salt, peppercorn, and italian herbs by McCormick. I use them in a lot of things I cook. Sea salt is awesome because you only need a little compared to how much table salt you would use. Peppercorn, to me, has a stronger flavor than table pepper. And the italian herbs are just awesome. I also use garlic a lot. Almost no calories for a meal packed with flavor and garlic is so good for your body. I use a zester for the garlic to get it small with very little effort. Just cut a little off one end, peel the skin off, rub it along the zester and it's finer then minced.

    My mom also gave me some Mrs. Dash seasonings to try. They have no sodium and very little calories and they come in so many different flavor combinations. I haven't tried them yet, but the tomato basil sounds so yummy with tuna! Good luck on finding things your family will like.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I took a lot of our old recipes and just changed them to make them healthier... chili gets made with ground turkey instead of beef and i add more beans. Taco Casserole gets made with low fat cheese and a combo of ground beef and turkey.

    I try to eat low cal and clean during the day so that I can make one meal for dinner and eat the same thing my family does. That being said... every one has had to get used to a lower sodium, lower fat diet. I do not cook 2 meals and I do not buy many "special" things for them... what's good for me is good for them... perhaps I can keep my son from having weight issues.

    I will occasionally make exceptions... if they order pizza, I'll make myself a pizza on a tortilla. If they want pasta - I'll make something else for me (It's not my favorite and not worth the calories for me).

    Keep working at it and not only will you get better - but their tastes will change as well.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Herbs and spices! My mom heavily seasons (and by seasons I don't mean salt) everything and that's how we ate growing up, so anything that isn't seasoned well is bland to me.

    Garlic powder, onion powder, basil, oregano, pepper, parsley, cilantro, thyme, bay leaves, etc etc etc.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I have quite a few herbs and , i was making my own curries alot before trying to be healthier. We ate alot of pasta dishes. I've never been big on salt since having the kids and knowing too much salt is bad for them.

    It's the sauces that i'm struggling with. I used to use coconut milk for the curries, i've tried tomato and yogurt and the yoghurt always splits, Tomato seems such a strong flavour, i use spices and it seems i get heat but still no flavour everything tasts really strongly of tomato.

    In mexican we used refried beans but we can't get the fat free. I tried the mexican crock pot chicken on the recipe forum here last week. I ended up with 100 more calories than the op with some extra spice and the ingredients i could get but again i was the only one who liked it.

    I'm in the uk and can only shop at tesco or asda, there is nothing else near so alot of what is mentioned on this site i can't get.

    It's mainly my oh, my kids are young enough that they go through phases whatever i cook them so that doesn't really bother me it's more my oh, sister, in-laws.
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I am not a short order cook. Not even for my three year old. What I make is what is for dinner and if you don't like it too bad. That being said, I have tried a LOT of recipes from and my picky three year old and even pickier husband like the majority of what I have made. If they don't like a recipe, I take it out of rotation.

    As for food tasting "bland" find recipes that rely on herbs (fresh are best IMHO) for more flavor.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member

    I cook lots of new stuff now, and this site helps me find stuff to make.