Geeky Canuck chick here!

Hello all,

I've been perusing the threads this past week and have decided that perhaps it might be a good idea to get to introduce myself. I'd like to 'stay on the wagon' and it seems like you are all really awesome and supportive. :)

A little about me:
I'm almost 25 years old, and a graduate student in my first year of a PhD (studying astronomy & astrophysics)... hence the 'geeky.' :) I'm also a fairly serious amateur photographer. Basically my life is about photons, haha.

My history and what brought me here:
I've basically always been on the heavier side, and at my last physical, the nurse took my height (5'4") and weight (178 lbs) and commented on my BMI - the first time a medical professional has ever done so. I don't own a scale (I was afraid of them!), and so I only got weighed, usually, at my yearly physical (or the off times I'd be in a friend's bathroom and was brave enough to step on the scale). It's been pretty much a steady gain of 5 lbs a year for the past 4-5 years or so.

So I finally decided to actually, physically, and concretely do something about it. My 'weight loss' ideas in the past were always somewhat abstract. I'd go to the gym, but I wouldn't monitor what I was eating - figuring, naively, if I kept the same diet, but just exercised more, that naturally I'd lose weight. Of course that didn't work out.

I got pretty into strength training for a while a year back, following the New Rules of Lifting for Women. Then I got sick for a month and stopped going to the gym. I've now started to ramp up my cardio exercise, but I'd like to get back into strength training, too.

I'd really like this to be a lifestyle change - for real, for good. This is the first time I've seriously monitored my food intake, and so far I think it's a great idea, and one I can stick to. As for my diet, I eat vegetarian or vegan meals a good deal of the time (partly owing to the fact that I have several close vegan friends), though I'm not a vegetarian. I don't eat any red meat, but do eat birds and fish.

Ideally, I would like to lose about 40 lbs, taking me down to around 135 lbs. And keep it off! I'd like to be able to play soccer for hours, to keep up with my partner during bike rides (or close to it, anyways - he's an avid cyclist), to not feel so tired all the time.

So that's me!
I'd welcome a few friends: people with like-minded goals & attitudes, or people who have been where I have been! :)

Glad to meet you all.


  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Welcome aboard! If you want, add me as a friend. I'd love to share this journey with you! I just turned 26 myself, and I too love photography!
  • marisa_munches
    Hi Stephanie! I'm also a science nerd (genetics). We have a lot in common. I am also 5'4" and at my heaviest, I was around 186 lbs. I've been working towards my health goals since ~2002 so it's been a long road with many bumps along the way. I think MFP is the best tool I've ever found and you're right that the people on here are incredibly supportive. I'll add you as a friend and wanted to wish you the very best of luck! It's so worth it. :)
  • Laelee
    Laelee Posts: 36
    Its so nice to meet you!
    I'm a Canuck too:) Where are you from? I'm in Alberta.
    I've also been playing around with vegan and veggie meals..even becoming a fan of raw vegan food.
    What a tasy helathy surprise that was! I still eat meat but I'm more careful of my choices and make an
    effort to eat mostly vegan.

    Welcome and thanks for sharing your story.Lael
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I'm a little older but somewhat geeky (only a BSc, haha) and definitely Canuck, if you want to add me! Eat mostly veg too (but not veg because I eat fish) and I guess you could call me an amateur photog - I'm an artist (yes my brain is confused) and take all my own reference photos, so naturally I've spent way too much on photography equipment. ;-) Anyway, welcome! Where are you studying?
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Going to send you a friend request, because you sound awesome. I used to be really into amateur astronomy and took some astronomy courses in college. Sadly, I live too close to the city now to have a proper dark sky most nights, and the western Washington rain clouds aren't very conducive to stargazing even if I drive out of the city.

    At my heaviest, I was around 160lbs (at 5'3"), so I've lost a little over 40 pounds overall (32 of it since joining this site last May.) The beginning was the hardest, but after a while everything fell into place. :)

  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Aw, thanks for all the responses and kind words! :) I've been impressed with the sheer number of people that frequent these forums - such an active and fun community!! It's really great to know that there are people who have been where I have and gotten where I would like to be. It makes it seem more real, more possible - not just an abstraction!

    Laelee, it must be interesting to try to eat veg/vegan in Alberta... what with all that beef around you! :) I'm from Toronto (and studying at the University of Toronto, javamonster!)

    Sara, I feel you about not having proper dark skies. Toronto's light pollution is terrible. We run some public tour nights here, where we set up some telescopes on the roof so that the public can see some neat astronomical objects, but sometimes it is a pain to find things because you can't see any stars! (Which is where Google Sky Map on my phone comes in handy - what an awesome app!).

    Fantastic to meet all of you, truly!!
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Oh that's cool you're from TO - I'm just half an hour west. Went to UoG (FoodSci, so I know just enough about food to be dangerous. ;-).
  • JemErin
    JemErin Posts: 9
    Hey Stephanie!

    I came across your post purely by chance which means it must be fate that we become MFP buddies (in addition to facebook ones)

    You are right about the forums - they are very fun and active and also a very good way to feel accountable for your choices.

    You are going to rock your weight loss!