For Women: PMS Cravings...

KTNemo Posts: 100
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
It is taking every ounce of will power for me not to give into my extreme PMS cravings right now. All I want to do is eat junk food, and tons of it. What strategies do you use to curb these intense cravings?

Do you have go-to snacks that help you through it? I am dying here, but I am hanging on...for now! Help please!


  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    homemade sweet potato chips do it for me =)
    I tend to crave carbs. Also i make sure i drink lots to stave off the phantom hunger..
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    Air popped popcorn with canola oil spray, salt, and splenda!

    You can have a BIG bowl of it and spliced with water it'll fill you up real quick!
  • goin through it right now lol... my worst is chocolate... and i buy sweet riot cocoa nibs... 1-2 calories per nib n the dark chocolate really tames my craving... a bit pricey for chocolate... but it works well for me =)
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    The thing that works for me is a slice of wholemeal toast with a teaspoon of reduced sugar jam - it really helps and it's only around 100 calories altogether x
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    my go to food as frozen yogurt, klondike slim bars or skinnycow ice cream bars,or popcorn
  • Foxworth81
    Foxworth81 Posts: 124 Member
    I am in the same boat right now. I did give in a little to be honest but the "junk" food I gave into was still low calorie. I keep 100 calorie packs around for just this such thing. I also like Baked Lays for my potato chip cravings. And if you're like me, the only thing you really want is chocolate. I'll let myself have a mini fun pack size candy bar as long as i have the calories for it. I know it is still tough resisting when you have those cravings but hopefully those cravings will pass quickly. That's what I'm hoping for at least!
  • Hinto
    Hinto Posts: 52
    At least you can use PMS cravings as an excuse! I got nothing!
  • ashleyb1031
    ashleyb1031 Posts: 69 Member
    man, i have to give in to those cravings...if not ill end up ripping someones head off...and most likely its gonna be my boyfriend lol =)
  • This is probably not the best advice, but it works for me. Keep in mind I am not trying to lose a ton of weight, and I maintain a fairly healthy diet. However, this morning I treated myself to a white mocha because of PMS cravings. What I do is allow myself 1 treat for the entire 3-5 days of my period. I pick something that I usually never have (ie white mocha) and try to savor it. If your go-to is chips, limit yourself to a bowl. Or buy a small bag.

    Hope that helps! Like I said, probably not the best advice, but I'm not on the extreme diet page; I believe in eating what you want as long as it's within reason (ie some chips or popcorn when hanging out with friends on Saturday night is fine if you stick to a handful, not 5 bags, and not every night).
  • wen it is my TOM i crave chocolate. so when the cravings are really bad i go to and watch episodes of heavy or go to and watch biggest loser. but when i just cant handle it, i give in and eat some chocolate chips. i get ghirardelli, and can have 16 choc chips for 70 cals. its not great but better than a huge king size candy bar. hope that helps.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    man, i have to give in to those cravings...if not ill end up ripping someones head off...and most likely its gonna be my boyfriend lol =)

    LOL! They make medication for this. LMAO!!! Too funny!
  • Oh me Too K, I'm still housing aunt flow and the cravings are insane. I let myself have some of them, I work them into my calories. So all day I try to eat clean and healthy, and let myself have desert. Tonight I will have low fat vanilla with toasted coconut shreds and a tbsp of chocolate on top with chopped strawberries.
    Also the 100 calorie mister salty milk chocolate pretzels do wonders for the cravings as well.
    Hang in there you are doing so well!
  • I chew gum. That always works for me! I get crazy cravings (like every other woman) and sometimes chewing gum distracts me from actually grabbing my go-to food. Honestly, I don't like giving in to cravings because I find it's much more satisfying knowing I beat them than giving in. Hope this helps in any way..
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I don't know what your cravings are, but mine are usually chocolate. I love Nabisco's 100 cal packs. They have so many flavors and many are with chocolate. I just had the fudge petites fudge mint kind, they taste kind of like thin mint girl scout cookies.

    I also found a recipe on a different post earlier this week for Chocolate Pumpkin Browniw it is:
    1 package boxed devils food cake mix
    1 15oz can pumpkin puree

    Mix the two together, it will be thick. Line a muffin pan with 12 muffin cups. Fill each cup with mix. They won't rise too much in the oven so you can fill them full. Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Each is 170 calories and they are so yummy and so rich you will only need one.
  • oshmom
    oshmom Posts: 78 Member
    Of course I jumped right to your post, seeing as that is me right now, and EVERY 20 days! I am a carb cruncher type and just found Trader Joes Baked Sweet Onion Rings. They taste like Funyons. So I limit myself to a serving, and then grab the gum and water and PRAY that I get that workout in after work so I can "afford" more!
  • ashleyb1031
    ashleyb1031 Posts: 69 Member
    man, i have to give in to those cravings...if not ill end up ripping someones head off...and most likely its gonna be my boyfriend lol =)

    LOL! They make medication for this. LMAO!!! Too funny!

  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Yoplait Light Desert Yogurts.... especially the Boston Cream Pie... but any will do. If you are craving ice cream my bestie suggested (and I tried it to my pleasure) freezing the yogurt for about 20 min.. gives the same consistency!

    Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants Dark Chocolate Almond Chewy Bars

    Are two of my go tos!
  • I crave chocolate. The Russel Stover sugar free chocolates seem to help do the trick, but you have to watch if you eat a bunch at a time they will give you gas :-/
  • destoni85
    destoni85 Posts: 32 Member
    I used to be a potato chip fiend...! And I have never liked fruit... So I found a happy solution for both... Brothers All Natural freeze dried fruit... They are crunchy, so they satisfy my chip craving. AND I get my servings of fruit... The only place I have found them so far is at Wal-Mart (I'm sure they have them at health food store too) in the CANDY isle. How cool is that? Makes me feel naughty!... I like the apple and the pineapple the best...
  • KTNemo
    KTNemo Posts: 100
    This is probably not the best advice, but it works for me. Keep in mind I am not trying to lose a ton of weight, and I maintain a fairly healthy diet. However, this morning I treated myself to a white mocha because of PMS cravings. What I do is allow myself 1 treat for the entire 3-5 days of my period. I pick something that I usually never have (ie white mocha) and try to savor it. If your go-to is chips, limit yourself to a bowl. Or buy a small bag.

    This is actually great advice. Savoring one treat is better than denying myself and binging later. Thank you!
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