
Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

Do you find you

A Put on weight?
B Stay the same
C Or still lose weight

When menstruation?

Thank you


  • brandi16
    brandi16 Posts: 56
    I have to really up my workouts to barely lose anything...SUCKS. Last two months, during that week, lost .3 each week...
  • Women gain 2-4 lbs during menstration... YUCK! lol. Water weight/retention. :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I retain water like a camel for about a week before... and then everything is back to normal.
  • Akeddie
    Akeddie Posts: 18
    I usually put on a little bit pre- and then during stay - and after lose again.
  • ronjaa
    ronjaa Posts: 65
    A - I put on weight. I guess it's just liquid but feels awful eitherway..
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Everybody is individual, myself I can bounce around by 6lbs in the week or 2 running up to TOM then during to end will have a sudden drop. I now only weigh myself once a month at end of TOM as otherwise my weight chart would be jumping about all over the place and is so demoralising :noway:
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    gain the week before ,lose while on it (weird right) and play the yoyo game the other 2 wks
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I like these answers... i guess next week i'll find out if i go back down 2 pounds! all i know is the last week (even before it started) I have been on the "see-food" diet. everything in sight, i want in my mouth.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Im like that 1% that has no issues with that:D
  • Prayera
    Prayera Posts: 9
    All women retain water the days before. It is normal. But I'm not worried about it, it's just water after all, and it will go away. We are not gaining weight, we're just retaining more water.
  • definitely gain...
  • Charlea1981
    Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all! Thank goodness, I've gained 2lbs, I thought as much but werent sure I was well depressed!!, I have had so many cravings today too!! I ate everything in sight but managed to exercise!! Will try to be good tomorrow!

    Thanks again :-)

    Jeeze its so hard being a woman!! lol
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I usually stay pretty much the's always a frustrating week for me, but then I lose even more than usual the week after so it all equals out. I just have to be careful to not add salt or chocolate to my diet the week of...those are my 2 major cravings when I'm on it.
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    I am up 3 this week because of it. It will be gone next week.
  • I usually put on 2kgs (over 4lb) during my period, and I get MAJOR food cravings beforehand. Like, I can never feel full two days leading up to my period, so I try to stick to the calorie counter because I know that no matter how much I eat during these two days, I will never be satisfied
  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    I stay the same. Towards the end, I'll rapidly lose weight to where I would've been if it hadn't stalled.
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