Weight loss plateaued

I've been a member on here since December but it gets more and more difficult for me to log my calories and lose weight. In the beginning I was gung-hoe about it but I'm losing motivation, not weight. That and I'm a loner on the site. A little encouragement would be nice. Maybe a work out buddy or two :smile:


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    u can do it, come on keep going
  • Sarahmami
    Sarahmami Posts: 18
    We ALL get in those ruts every once in a while, but you just have to keep going and you dont want to reverse all the good work that youve done!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I'm always up for new friends to share successes and frustrations with. If you want, feel free to add me as a friend and I'll cheer you on! :)
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    just keep pushing through! eventually you will break through the plateau.. try changing up your work out and maybe eating different foods. if you do everything the same your body gets used to it!
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Don't give up! Keep tracking all of your calories and your exercises.
    I've plateaued for about a month now - but I know I've built muscle from exercising and lost inches even though the scale doesn't show a difference.
    Friend me if you'd like!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    How is your water intake, exercise and sodium intake??

    There are loads of motivational groups on this forum with very welcoming members. Find one that suits you and join in.

    Try and change your exercise, increase your water and keep a close eye on your sodium levels...these have all been key factors in my weight loss.

    You are very welcome to add me as a friend. I'm a little busy with university at the mo, but do try and pop in to give encouragement and log my own food and exercise...:flowerforyou:
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Defo keep going, ive been using this site for last 2 months, had good weight losses the first 3 wks but had been stuck for the last 4 to 5, until this morning yippee 3 down. so stick in there it will happen :smile:
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member

    This might be helpful. They have a 3 part series on plateaus
  • Asharp22
    Asharp22 Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. I've been looking for some to do the same thing with me. Basically someone to keep me in check when things start to slide. Had a weigh gain recently, but I;'m back on the wagon and doing well. :) I'm on here almost daily :)
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    hey! We have about the same amount to lose ( I have my ultimate goal set at 120 lbs but really I might just be happy and stay at 130). I think it is sometimes hard when you don't have THAT much to lose and you knock off those first 10lbs or so. At least it is hard for me. I start to think–oh, I look pretty good now...let me reach for that cookie. I fall off the wagon sometimes but in general I am able to re–motivate myself and get back on the wagon. I have to get a little obsessive about it but it works!