Gym self-consciousness?!

BrittBritt117 Posts: 15
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel very self-conscious at the gym?! It really hit me more so today when my guy friend lovingly pointed out my sweat stains down my tata's :blushing: It doesn't necessarily affect my workouts...I get in, do my own thing, and get out, but in the back of my mind, I have this irrational fear that people are looking at me and judging

I don't know why I care so much because I applaud anyone who is at the gym trying to get healthier, so honestly - who else feels this way? And who is a judger here?! (guys especially!!! :-P)


  • demiashlyn
    demiashlyn Posts: 9 Member
    i feel that was all the time! the worse is when i am not running or doing something as fast as all the fit people around me! but as long as you are doing it for you thats all that matters! :) but trust me, its not just you! :)
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    In my mind I do feel like people are gawking when in reality I'm sure they aren't. I'm always saying to myself, "I bet they are thinking how huge my *kitten* is!" LOL

    But I try to put it out of my mind and just do my thing.
  • Crossfire77
    Crossfire77 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't care....I just reassure myself with "Hey, I'm not the worst looking person here" :)
  • Hi! I don't think you are the only one out that that feels that way-at least I definitely feel that way. That's part of the reason I don't like to go! lol But I guess we just need ot keep telling ourselves, " who care's what anyone else thinks?!" because we know we are there to workout, feel better about ourselves & get healthy!! Keep up the good work :o)
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    It took me years to sort of get over that, and I still feel that way at a new gym for a few weeks. But I do tell myself things like "oh just go over there and try it. . if you can't do the weight you thought for 10 reps so what.. at least it looks like you're trying to push yourself."

    I DO love to try to go at the very least busy times to avoid that though.
  • i could never join a gym I know it's all about "support" "everyone is here to lose weight" all that crap but have you looked at some of those people it looks like they've been small all they're life and they just come in to make fun of people :/
    no way i'm okay doing it at home! xD
  • Georgie_P
    Georgie_P Posts: 62
    if youa rent sweating you aren't working hard enough and you aren't getting the full benefit of the work you are doing...

    So Yep you are sweating - CELBRATE IT!! there is a new you coming out .. and regarding those other people... yea they may be looking - but they are looking at how GREAT you are doing!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    OMG im looking at all the women who posted and if people are looking its because they are checking you out =)....You have nothing to be self concious of. I do HIIT training at the gym and people look at me weird but when they saw my weight loss they were like ok what the hell are you doing.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I feel self conscious sometimes at the gym, even the tiny little one at my apt complex. Mostly if I feel guys staring but I just try to keep it in check, they either want the machine I'm on or they are staring at my boobs or I'm making it up. I just can't let it affect me enough to make me not go / do stuff.

    As far as looking or judging others at the gym, I am aware of my surroundings but I try to ignore other people because that's what I'd prefer they do to me. I hate gym chatty chatty unless it's a friend I'm working out with.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I used to feel that way too, but now that I have made some progress and am feeling better about trying to be healthy I don't care so much anymore. I am working out for me, and yeah I get sweaty, and gross, but that just means I'm working hard. Someday, I'll be the hot chick at the gym that everyone is checking out.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    honestly, I think 95% of the gym goer's are there to workout and stay focussed on themselves. I'm assuming the people gawking are/or typically guys. They are probably just checking you out - in a good way. guys are like that - girl walks by - and everyone cranes their head. we are not so subtle. i think it's in our genes.

    I think the majority of the people in the gym are happy to see someone working out hard and putting in an honest effort.

    i workout at a gym with some serious people lifting some serious weight - WAY more than me. and i really don't think they pay me any attention at all - and don't care if I am benching 185 lbs and a sweaty mess - and they are pressing 285 lbs and looking fresh. i f anything, I am looking at them more in astonishment and using it as inspiration.

    guys are guys. never will change. and the people that do laugh or give people a hard time at the gym should be slapped. :smile:
  • smcclaycouffer
    smcclaycouffer Posts: 104 Member
    I'm definitely self conscious at the gym. I work out on a base where everyone in there is fit and lean. So I feel like they are stairring at me and judging, but like most I get in and do my own thing. I crank up my music and pretend its just me in there!!
  • Anita1271
    Anita1271 Posts: 56
    I don't go to the gym for that exact reason! I am SO self conscious that people are staring! I'm sure they aren't but I can't get passt the thought they are judging me. My husband has numerous times tried to get me to go, but I am so shy about it. So I have work out DVD's, and a mini gym in my garage so I still get in my strength training in. LOL!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    I think everyone does, very few people are actually in their comfort zone in a gym, sweat stains!! hell yea!! means your working out hard!, no sweat then you haven't worked hard enough!! lol

    Its not pretty but everyone is in the same boat in the gym, I don't go as often as I like (gym is miles away) but I feel the same in there. Keep up the good work and remember they are all probably thinking the same thing.

  • haha, thanks for the feedback everyone!! I definitely go when it's not busy for this reason. Sometimes, though, I swear that I am THE only girl sweating her butt off in there! When I work out, I work out damn it! lol. I just try to remind myself that I know absolutely no one there (thank god for moving to a new city) except my 2 classmates, so they can just enjoy my sweaty, smelly awesomeness. :-P
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    I definitely feel self conscious at the gym. There are all these gazelle-like people running on treadmills barely breaking a sweat while I'm beet red, panting and leaving a puddle of sweat everywhere I go.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I'm really self conscious at the gym. Just last night, in fact, when I was on the elliptical, I was looking around at everyone wearing their ear buds while I have the regular earphones. I can't workout in ear buds because they always fall out or hurt my ears, but I feel like people are looking at me (or even worse, making fun of me). I think I've been thinking like that as a way to subconsciously sabotage myself. I've been continuing to workout but it does make me feel self conscious/uncomfortable while at the gym.
  • lbares
    lbares Posts: 8 Member
    I didn't feel self conscious, until people started telling me how great I looked! With weight loss, I realized people are paying attention! I will try to enjoy the positive reinforcement, but man, part of me still feels so high-school!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I feel more self conscious when it comes to using new machines. don't want to look dumb trying to figure one out. But as far as sweating and not being as fit as others, I really don't care, I am drenched at the end of my workouts and feel very proud of myself for getting through an hour of tough exercise! Everyone at my gym is different in appearance, this is why this is not an issue for me.
  • I always feel self conscious. I know that no one really cares what I'm doing or how I look doing it, but I always feel like they're staring at me. A friend of mine actually asked me once, don't you worry that other people will think you don't belong in a gym? Well, yeah I'm overweight, but at least I'm doing something about it. I belong there as much anyone, if not more.
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