Heart Attack Grill



  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    These people are grown adults,with free will.I dont see anyone holding a gun to their head making them eat there.
    I agree. You certainly wouldn't catch a MFP member there! :glasses:

    I do however think it is really wrong & irresponsible, to offer free food to people who are the very last people who should be stepping foot in this place!:sick: How about offering them a free meal for every 25lbs they LOSE!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    These people are grown adults,with free will.I dont see anyone holding a gun to their head making them eat there.
    I agree. You certainly wouldn't catch a MFP member there! :glasses:

    I do however think it is really wrong & irresponsible, to offer free food to people who are the very last people who should be stepping foot in this place!:sick: How about offering them a free meal for every 25lbs they LOSE!!

    yeah thats a lil messed up but it still goes back to choice they dont have to take that free meal,its like all the junk food samples they give out at the grocery store just cuz its free dosent mean i have to take it
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    These people are grown adults,with free will.I dont see anyone holding a gun to their head making them eat there.
    I agree. You certainly wouldn't catch a MFP member there! :glasses:
    Damn I was gonna go this weekend
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I might go check out the one in dallas when it opens lol
    just to try it now im curious
    and one burger wont kill me
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    These people are grown adults,with free will.I dont see anyone holding a gun to their head making them eat there.
    I agree. You certainly wouldn't catch a MFP member there! :glasses:

    I do however think it is really wrong & irresponsible, to offer free food to people who are the very last people who should be stepping foot in this place!:sick: How about offering them a free meal for every 25lbs they LOSE!!

    yeah thats a lil messed up but it still goes back to choice they dont have to take that free meal,its like all the junk food samples they give out at the grocery store just cuz its free dosent mean i have to take it
    YUP Your right! We make the choice everyday to eat right well most days:blushing: And honestly if I were on vacation or something and the city had this place we would probably go check it out because well, it does look like a lot of fun. Just can't make this or any other place like this (in Cali we have Fatburger) a regular dining habit! Well that's the CHOICE I make!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    I just posted the same video. Didn't see your post. This is crazy and sad :cry:
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Disgusting! Greasy burger....YUCK! I don't eat beef and just seeing a burger makes me want to toss my cookies! Yes, people have free will.....what they need though is self discipline.
  • Cazador64
    Cazador64 Posts: 23
    While this is Sad and disturbing to most.
    Noone forced his hand
    He would have got the food else where anyways there are hundreds of places
    That serve way to large of portions Have you ever seen man vs food?

    But this guy is under attack because of the theme of his place.
    If it was called Joes meaty grill and changed the theme and dress code.
    But everything else stayed the same we would have never heard about it.
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I don't really think it's the food that is the revolting part. I agree that there are way worse menu items at most restaurants. I guess it's just the "let's make fun of people developing health problems due to overeating" that is the revolting part.
  • flutterqueen04
    I saw it. Despite the whole issue with the man that passed away, I didn't see anything wrong. I mean they tell you right there up front that the food is bad for you. Even the names of the stuff have to give you some kind of clue that its BAD FOR YOU. But if *you* still choose to go in and *you* choose to eat there then its your own fault. In all reality its no different from any other restaurant, they just don't sugar coat that their food is unhealthy like some other restaurants try to do. I wouldn't eat there because I have common sense not to. The only thing I would say is wrong is the fact that they let obese people eat free and parade that. Its ok to embrace your bad unhealthy food but don't flaunt it in that way. But then again, everyone needs to be accountable for their choices and actions. Otherwise we all should just blame the grocery store for carrying chips and cookies.

    And yes, he should have been more sympathetic about the guy who passed away.
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    That is so sick!
  • JHoersten2
    JHoersten2 Posts: 44 Member
    And yes, he should have been more sympathetic about the guy who passed away.

    I think it was more of a "we worked together, he enjoyed being here, and he'd want us to continue selling these burgers" ordeal.