Bikram Yoga

Hey all!

I used to take regular yoga classes 2x a week (back when I was in my skinny phase..a whole 30 lbs and 4 years ago!) but have been reading up on Bikram yoga lately & am really interested. I know people have posted on here about it before...but just looking for opinions on what people think of it? Does it help tone well and lose weight? Has anyone seen a big difference since beginning it? (I ask because when I took regular yoga I was already limber & fit & tone so I didn't see much difference except better flexibility). All yoga places around me seem pretty expensive, so I want to know if it's worth it before I invest.



  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I can't speak to the "results" as I did Bikram so sporadically, but it felt sooooooo good I didn't really care beyond how it made me feel!
  • peach_pixie
    I've started using They don't have Bikram specifically. But some of the 20 min classes are free to download to ease back into it.

    I prefer Vinyasa, but I know I need to learn the poses a lot better in order to do it properly.
  • kacoats
    kacoats Posts: 2
    I think Bikram is wonderful to add to your workouts, but I wouldn't count on just that to lose weight. Next time you go ask them about Bikram Yoga and weight loss. They might have some tips for you.
  • SeaShell33
    SeaShell33 Posts: 141
    I do bikram 2 to 3 times a week and LOVE it! You should give it a try...:smile:
  • rmarin18
    rmarin18 Posts: 16
    Well yeah, I go to the gym 3-4x a week & am counting calories...not just depending on this. Just was curious about the benefits from people who have tried it.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I do hot yoga which is similar, and I love it. I am improving my flexibility, forcing myself to stretch (which I hate) and working my core really well.
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a huge fan of bikram. I was already in shape when I started doing it, but it changed my body like nothing else. I am so much more flexible now and my muscles are more defined, plus it has been helping me lose weight. But to really get the benefits of it, you have to go regularly, at least 10 times a month. The effects are cumulative, and you will lose them if you leave too much time between classes. It can be expensive, but to me, SO worth it. Not only for the physcial effects, but the mental as well since it really helps me relax and deal with stress.
  • shariheck
    I just finished a 30-day yoga challenge and I feel great! The yoga I did was the HOT YOGA kind. I definitely see results. I am relatively thin, and lost about 5 pounds, but lost significant inches in exactly the right places. I am much stronger too than I was 30 days ago. I even now see the indents of the muscles in my arms! With hot yoga, you are certainly getting the cardio as much as the stretching and strength. I highly recommend it!
  • rmarin18
    rmarin18 Posts: 16
    Thanks for all the responses guys! I found a couple places around me that do introductory prices for the 1st month for like $30 (which seems like a steal compared to the $150 they want per month after that!) and it's for unlimited classes. I read somewhere they say you should do it 5-6x per week when you start, then 8-10x per month after that. Does that sound right to the people who have done it before/continue to do it?