Amazing Grass. Green SuperFood Drink Powder...anyone?

Soooooo I have this awesome powder and I've just had it blended with a splash of lemon juice. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried it and how they like to prepare it.


  • helluva4
    helluva4 Posts: 51
    Where did you get it and how much was it!
  • carolynmittens
    i mix the chocolate amazing grass powder in with baked goods sometimes. like muffins or pancakes (whole wheat, of course!). never actually drank it... but it's really good in a pancake! :)
  • Emilyanne6081
    @helluva4- my mom ordered the powder of Amazon....we both love it!

    @carolynmittens- oh my gosh I've never even thought to try that! I will have to try that this weekened. thank you!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I buy the regular flavor and put it in my protein smoothies. I love Amazing Grass! Really helps me get my greens in.