


  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I guess nothing, completely. I gave up pop a long time ago, but didn't change anything else, so that didn't do anything, except maybe keep me from getting even bigger. I drink a sip or two ocassionally if my husband has a fountain pop, but mostly I skip it.

    I have just started a week ago, so I haven't had a chance to really start missing anything yet. I plan not to eat any fastfood, unless it is a salad at least until the end of Lent. Then when I need to stop because I take my mom to lunch ocassionally I will just eat the grilled chicken sandwiches, or fresco tacos.

    For me I think my main problem is not what I eat, but how much of it. I have had to give up random eating.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    My whole family gave up fast food---even subway! We eat from home---whole, fresh foods, keepin it real.
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    I have to stay away from sweet tea and peanut butter... My two weaknesses, I can not give up coke zero, but I am cutting back a little on that...
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Wait, there is something I had to give up. Sweet tea and Vitamin Water. If I would rather have the calories in my food.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    definetly don't deprive myself,if I want something and my calories allow it I have it. That being said when I got a chicken burger at school today my classmate gave me a shocked look and said "thought you were one of them healthy people,thought you didn't eat any bad food". I do generally make healthier choices now,but I still definitely treat myself.
    I am trying to cut out pop however. Got a little addicted to diet coke for a while.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Diet Pepsi.
    Yes, DIET! I was so addicted it was insane. I read alot of research that showed diet drinks actually contribute to weight gain. They mess with your system in so many ways. I had a hard time dealing with the drastic reduction in caffeine, but now I am so glad I gave it up.
  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels from Trader Joe. Painful as it is to admit.... lol
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I never "gave up" or "sacrificed" anything... I deliberately chose "healthier alternatives" to foods I normally ate. I will still have them from time to time, so in essence, I still eat anything, just within the limits of moderation.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm willing to eat anything. The difference between now and before is that before, I was willing to eat anything at any time. But now, if there's something I want that isn't quite "healthy", and I really want it, I'll fit it into the plan on a free day or something like that.
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    Processed and Restaurant foods! I have been making pretty much everything from scratch and try to select carefully when out to eat. If I think I order something in a restaurant that is way too big I take half of it home. I am moving towards a clean eating diet and am enjoying how quickly cutting out processed foods is helping!

    Same here. I eat about anything if my calories allow. I have tried to make almost everything from scratch. There are still a few processed things left in the house still yet. I am learning first control. Trying not to overeat or overindulge. I have tried more fruits and vegetables but I am still not eating enough of them.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    i haven't given up anything completely, i just plan it in and make the portions small and the frequency lessened. There are lots of junky things that i would love to eat and i do eat most of them sooner or later, but not all on one day and always in measured portions. I enjoy the added caloric freedoms of a high-burn day (usually a long hike or a long run).

    Like someone said in a previous response: this is my life, not a short-term fix.
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    It seems like many of us have given up something we know isn't good for us. The main item here seems to be soda. I was just wondering if anyone saw a difference in weight loss if they gave up a food or drink that wasn't so healthy in the first place? Some give up carbs, red meat, processed foods and soda, but is giving up on something really going to change the rate of how you lose weight?
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I gave up cheddar. I love cheese and use to live on mayo and cheddar sandwiches. So I forbid that in my house. I do buy cheese spread and brie or Stilton for the kids, so they don't go without, but cheddar is a no no in my household until I kick the cheddar addiction, lol
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I was just wondering if anyone saw a difference in weight loss if they gave up a food or drink that wasn't so healthy in the first place?
    Yes, I've gotten rid of several "foods" that are unhealthy that I was eating on a regular basis (including crisps and high fat cheeses). Because the empty calories are gone, I feel like the weight is slipping off quite easily. I don't feel I've deprived myself not eating those things, because I'm being much more intentional about my eating and hence actually enjoying it more. I used to eat those foods because they made me feel good when I was eating them, but I always felt crap afterwards, because they were crap for me. I'm feeling so much better without them and don't miss them at all.

    I've spent a lifetime depriving myself of a healthy body, and I'm done with that! I deserve to eat food that tastes good and that is good. I've lost 17 pounds simply through eliminating the crap in my diet and power walking 3-4 days a week, a regime that has cost me nothing, and given me better health and a smaller waistline. I've also given my tastebuds a new lease on life. The salty and fatty foods I was eating before, were actually hiding the natural flavour of foods, making me eat more. Now I taste everything, and easily consume less. So, I've given a couple of things up, but I don't miss them at all.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I'm being much more intentional about my eating and hence actually enjoying it more.

    I've spent a lifetime depriving myself of a healthy body, and I'm done with that! I deserve to eat food that tastes good and that is good.

    I've also given my tastebuds a new lease on life. The salty and fatty foods I was eating before, were actually hiding the natural flavour of foods, making me eat more. Now I taste everything, and easily consume less.

    Love this post.... I'm so there with you flausa
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I gave up overeating. Everything is portion control and I still have what I want, within reason.

    I did quit soda except when I need a mixer. Then I use diet tonic. Sorry, I can't give up booze.
  • vara_andrea
    french fries and frappuccinos! I drink five hour energy shots to get my caffeine now.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    It seems like many of us have given up something we know isn't good for us. The main item here seems to be soda. I was just wondering if anyone saw a difference in weight loss if they gave up a food or drink that wasn't so healthy in the first place? Some give up carbs, red meat, processed foods and soda, but is giving up on something really going to change the rate of how you lose weight?

    I was one of the ones who said they gave up Coke. I have been losing weight, but I don't think it's because I gave up Coke. I think it's because I started exercising frequently at a high intensity and have stayed within my calorie range. I eat dramatically less now than before. Plus, I was never one of those people who consistently drank one or more Cokes a day. I just drank one a few times a week at the most. But I don't drink them at all anymore. I do miss them sometimes, but usually if I drink some water, that craving goes away, since water quenches my thirst so much better than a Coke could!
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    The only thing i use to drink was Dr.Pepper...and i mean nothing else! No water, no milk, nothin period. When i gave it up cold turkey, surprisingly it didn't bother me. Did i lose any weight? NO. I've lost 5 lbs recently~ from portion control on food.