new to this

redneckgirl904 Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
would realy like some advice on how some of you do it. I need some friends so lets be friends and do this together :)


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you have to be committed and you will succeed
  • welcome! Im new here also. wishing you the best
  • Track everything! I've said it before and I'll say it again; how well you do on this site is entirely up to you. The better you track what you eat, the more weight you'll lose. Even if it means logging in on days you slip up and over-eat, it's worth it. We're all human, and sometimes we mess up, but logging in absolutely everything will make you accountable for what you put in your body!

    Good luck!
  • I'm new also, I just started about a week ago. I think the best way to succeed is to make it easy and convienant. Do you have a phone to download the MFP app.? I have an iPhone and that has made it a lot easier to keep track of my food. I just log it in while I'm eating. A couple other tips; start with baby steps. While cardio is the key to burning calories, muscle mass burns more calories while you're sitting still. IE: MUSCLE BURNS FAT! Find your "fat-burning" heart rate (60-70% of (220 minus your age)), 80% of the calories you burn while in your "fat-burning zone" are fat calories, the other 20% are empty calories (water-weight). And finally, the key for me is accountability, surround yourself with people who know your goal, that makes it harder for you to give up. Good Luck!!!
  • clau35
    clau35 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am new as well. I went from 330 pounds to 180. My goal is to get to 160. I believe the main key that is going to make this journey easier is "you have to want it" :) Then you have to find a way to organize yourself so you can learn discipline. By organize I mean schedule, meals, and some stressors that you might have that do not help you to work on your goal.
  • sherri31
    sherri31 Posts: 80
    Welcome everyone feel free to add me.:smile:
  • mtngrl1986
    mtngrl1986 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am new here as well. Very excited to see what this website is all about! GO WEIGHT LOSS!! :)
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    I've been a member for about three weeks. I'm 5'5" and presently an uncomfortably snug size 12, now 165 lbs. My goal is to get back to my "in shape" size, which is between 135-140 (or size 8-10). I'm aiming for 140 first, which for my frame should be about a comfortable size 10. . At that time I'll decide if it's necessary for me to lose another 5 or not. I got up to 170 lbs about a year ago. I've kept off 10 lbs, but have not been able to lose any more
    What's helping me most is to enter everything I eat and drink right here. I have an iphone so that's really helped me keep track all during the day. I'm also able to keep track of how often I work out, too. I know I need to eat a minimum of 1200 calories every day, so my goal is to eat/drink at least that, but not much more. By keeping track of how many calories I have left I'm able to determine if I need to make sure to work out if I'm at risk of going ove. For example: The other day I was able to stay on track because I knew what my calories were for the day... we went out to dinner... I'd gone over... and it made me realize that I had to get in a walk if I were to meet my daily goal. So I when I got home, I got on the treadmill for a 30 minute casual walk and was able to keep my daily calories under the target. (When you exercise, it gives you more calories that you can eat)

    Another thing that's helped (A WHOLE LOT) is that I joined one of the Challenges... the 7-week one. That started me adding friends and helped me quickly feel a part of the site. So every day when I log in and post my food and exercises it's posted along with the others in my friends list on my home page so we all can see how each other is doing. I can't tell you how much being on a team has helped motivate me to make better, healthier choices more often than not, and to stay on track. We cheer each other on for our successes. It's really cool :)

    Another thing is to try to keep track of which kinds of meals help you feel fuller longer without feeling bloated. Some things I eat I'll be starving 2 hours later. Other things I eat I'm satisfied for 3, 4 or 5 hours. So I try to keep track of which ones help me keep from getting hungry again so soon so I can concentrate on other stuff instead of when my next meal is.
    And plan your snacks too!
    Best of luck :)
  • Giakat
    Giakat Posts: 2
    well I am learning this whole track track track thing, and I have to say being committed to 30 min a day, may seem like a little, but when you haven't done exercise in a long time, it can seem overwhelming! Day 3 for me! Just keep hanging in there and even on a bad day, CALL A FRIEND~
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Hey ! I am new too! I think about 5 mins now. If you want a friend, go ahead and add me. The more the merrier! Good luck to everyone too!
  • emegg
    emegg Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I'm 44 and very unhappy with my weight. I just started the website today. I've downloaded the app on my phone, so since I always have my phone with me hopefully I will be more accountable for what I eat, especially snacking at work. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this. Good luck everyone.
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