Put Downs

tjones7 Posts: 306
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone,

I am a very motivating person TO EVERYONE ELSE but I can't seem to get my own self together.
During aerobic class, I can't focus because I continually hear a voice telling me how fat and out of shape I am until the point that I just want to leave class.




  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hey Everyone,

    I am a very motivating person TO EVERYONE ELSE but I can't seem to get my own self together.
    During aerobic class, I can't focus because I continually hear a voice telling me how fat and out of shape I am until the point that I just want to leave class.


  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hey Everyone,

    I am a very motivating person TO EVERYONE ELSE but I can't seem to get my own self together.
    During aerobic class, I can't focus because I continually hear a voice telling me how fat and out of shape I am until the point that I just want to leave class.



    Nah...it's not crazy....I hate the mirrors they have in some of the classes at my gym.:sad:

    But as time goes on you'll feel a mind change and begin to hear the stronger healthy voice more & more often....you can try some inner dialoge.....when you hear that self depricating voice...challenge it....don't allow it stay!!:huh:

    You at the gym...working out...so it has no place to tell you how rotten you are...YOU ARE WORKING TOWARD BECOMING A HEALTHIER YOU!

    I think we all batttle that inner voice at times, perhaps the most at the beginning of the journey...self esteem begins to really build as you continue on and make more and more healthy choices.

    I have faith in you.......you fight that voice...it's NOT TRUE! Ok, so it tells you you're out of shape...well, everyone that begins working out is often out of shape. So no lie there.....but having the voice tell you you're fat is counterproductive to moving forward.

    Just keep on keeping on.....you fight that negative and instead speak the positives even if you don't feel them....soon you will....positive thinking on this journey called life is how we all make it through!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yes, I sometimes catch myself with negative self talk.

    Now this is going to sound corny... but it works!

    Write a list of 5-10 things about you that are great (now I can already see that you are beautiful, and have a gorgeous smile).... then use that list to promote some positive self talk. I know, it sounds crazy, but every morning and every evening, look in the mirror, and compliment yourself, and reaffirm your positive qualities (and not just physical things - all of your positive qualities).

    If you try it, let me know how it goes!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Yes, I sometimes catch myself with negative self talk.

    Now this is going to sound corny... but it works!

    Write a list of 5-10 things about you that are great (now I can already see that you are beautiful, and have a gorgeous smile).... then use that list to promote some positive self talk. I know, it sounds crazy, but every morning and every evening, look in the mirror, and compliment yourself, and reaffirm your positive qualities (and not just physical things - all of your positive qualities).

    If you try it, let me know how it goes!
    awesome ideas! takin more time to reread this later...but Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I tend to do that, too, when running-- or I used to. Somewhere along the line, I started replying to myself, "Oh, yeah?" When the negative voices would start, I'd shut them right up-- "Oh, yeah, watch me finish this mile-- "

    Just tell yourself to stick it-- LOL :laugh: :wink: :bigsmile:
  • :flowerforyou: Don't let those voices take over. I battle them always, and hate it, but REALLY enjoy the feeling I get from going to the gym. My best example...I'm a decent athlete...meaning I have played several team sports over the years, and now do lots of individual things like tennis, skiing etc. (have to ski...hubby is in the biz!!) Anyway, I've been going to ZUMBA classes at my gym. I've never loved dancing and looking at myself in those mirrors kills me. I look like Horton the elephant lumbering around (says the voices!)...but it's a new challenge for me, moves my body in new, better ways ... so I stay in the back where I can't see myself and go for it...heart rate monitor tells me I'm not slacking off. And...I really have to concentrate to get the steps, so no time for hearing negatives.
    AND...I know this a long post, but DO NOT FORGET...you are also motivational to someone else in that class or at the gym, so keep showing up!!
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :heart: DO not listen to that inner voice because it will only hold you back, but in saying that we all do it because we tend to not believe in ourselves or our value in ourselves!

    When I go to my excercise class I stand where I can't look into the mirrow or clock so it doesn't discourage me so I stand to the side and while excercising I keep telling myself how good I am doing and how many calories I am burning up.

    So you keep the faith and tell that little voice in your head that it doesn't know squat and that you are WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL & AWESOME WOMAN!!!!!:heart:
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    You tell that voice to shut-it. You are beautiful and you have every right to be in that class. And you are doing one of the best things you can do for yourself by exercising. And what's more - you're doing right now and that takes strength and self-respect.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Thank You All BUT the funny thing is, I play tennis, walk parks, and trails, even swim and I don't ahve thouse thougts BUT ONCE I'M IN THE 360 MIRRORED GYM WITH EVERYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE THEY BELONG ON THE RED CARPET:tongue: THE VOICES START!!!!!!!!! This morning I was doing hurkies and I was suffering and this lady was to my right and this man was on my left, I had two "i'm happy it's 6a.m" cheerleaders in front of me. THAT'S WHEN THE VOICES STARTED. After reading your responses I realized I only have them in the gym.

    oh and in additon to the mirrors, the back wall is glass so the entire gym can see me barley making it...lol:happy:

    I'll see how it goes Thursday

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Thank You All BUT the funny thing is, I play tennis, walk parks, and trails, even swim and I don't ahve thouse thougts BUT ONCE I'M IN THE 360 MIRRORED GYM WITH EVERYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE THEY BELONG ON THE RED CARPET:tongue: THE VOICES START!!!!!!!!! This morning I was doing hurkies and I was suffering and this lady was to my right and this man was on my left, I had two "i'm happy it's 6a.m" cheerleaders in front of me. THAT'S WHEN THE VOICES STARTED. After reading your responses I realized I only have them in the gym.

    oh and in additon to the mirrors, the back wall is glass so the entire gym can see me barley making it...lol:happy:

    I'll see how it goes Thursday


    Ohhhh!!!! Well, focus on something else at the gym maybe!!!!

    Another things about some gyms... I've been to two gyms that use "tricky mirrors" - the ones In the mens weights areas are cut a little wider to make you look a little wider yourself, and the ones in the ladies circuit section or around the cardio are hung with a touch of a bottom lift, to make everything look longer and leaner... could be those dreaded wide cut gym mirrors that are throwing you off!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    could be those dreaded wide cut gym mirrors that are throwing you off!

    lol!...LOL! I THINK THAT'S IT...LOL
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    just tell yourself , "I AM SKINNY" it works WONDERS for me.

    and get a dry erase marker and write it on your bathroom mirror. you'll be surprised how much higher you carry your head when you read THAT every morning!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Good for you for still going to the class! 360 mirrors and 6 AM cheerleaders... yuck!

    Keep telling yourself how much you rock for getting to the gym and participating in that class. I couldn't do it! (Not a fan of 6AM, at all!) In fact, you rock more than those other people b/c if this is new for you than you are probably working a lot harder to do that same thing.

    I came home from the gym the other day in tears. I was mad at the scale and suddenly horrified by the size of my *kitten*! Next time I wore all black to the gym and felt awesome, lol. My butt looked so much smaller! :bigsmile:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    You are doing great, keep going and your "voice" will finally be surprised to find that the hot chick with the "nice legs" or "good looking Tushie" is actually you.

    You can do it!!!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :noway: Oops..sorry on the excitement I must have clicked it double:laugh:

    I also just now saw the edit button ...had been wondering for sometime now how you all edited things on here. YAY...

    Now I get to go be a gym rat and play in the water...so off I go:drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    just tell yourself , "I AM SKINNY" it works WONDERS for me.

    and get a dry erase marker and write it on your bathroom mirror. you'll be surprised how much higher you carry your head when you read THAT every morning!

    :heart: Lovin that dry eraser marker idea!! :heart:
    Wow....how awesome to write positive things on the mirror to read each time you walk past it..... I had NEVER thought of that before... sticky notes..yea, but something about actually doing the task of writing it down on a mirror.....well, something there just CLICKED for me!

    Thanks so much for sharing this idea with on the thread as then we all get to see it.:flowerforyou:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I know I have a terrible self image and hate being seen exercising by anybody, but I just keep telling myself that if I get through this one work out I will be closer to my goal of being thinner.

    Hang in there.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    GUESS WHAT!!!! Since starting this message board and reading your responses I came up with an Idea. I decided to help out other people. I have friends and family members who won't exercise in front of anyone NOT EVEN THEIR SPOUSES but I know these people can dance.

    So I decided to get them together and just dance for an hour and break a sweat and work some major muscle groups AND NOT CALL IT EXERCISE....LOL It's funny what we say to trick ourselves.

    As for me, I'm going to return to class cause I missed last week and I'll give you guys an update

    Thanks for your inspiration
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    GUESS WHAT!!!! Since starting this message board and reading your responses I came up with an Idea. I decided to help out other people. I have friends and family members who won't exercise in front of anyone NOT EVEN THEIR SPOUSES but I know these people can dance.

    So I decided to get them together and just dance for an hour and break a sweat and work some major muscle groups AND NOT CALL IT EXERCISE....LOL It's funny what we say to trick ourselves.

    As for me, I'm going to return to class cause I missed last week and I'll give you guys an update

    Thanks for your inspiration

    What a cool trick! er, um I mean Idea:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    GUESS WHAT!!!! Since starting this message board and reading your responses I came up with an Idea. I decided to help out other people. I have friends and family members who won't exercise in front of anyone NOT EVEN THEIR SPOUSES but I know these people can dance.

    So I decided to get them together and just dance for an hour and break a sweat and work some major muscle groups AND NOT CALL IT EXERCISE....LOL It's funny what we say to trick ourselves.

    As for me, I'm going to return to class cause I missed last week and I'll give you guys an update

    Thanks for your inspiration

    Wow, you are truly and inspiration! :flowerforyou:
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