8 glasses a day= 8 trips to the bathroom

skinimin Posts: 252 Member
I know this a bit of an odd topic but I've really been working hard to get my 8 glasses a day and the benefits are fantastic and endless but it is so inconvenient to always need to go to the bathroom!! I went 6 times before lunch today. Ahhh anyone else find this as annoying as me?? Haha


  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I am right there with ya! :P
  • D_elCoop1216
    I take about 6 or 7 trips to the bathroom at work as well. I drink a ton of water all the time! It's annoying but also very healthy!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You're body will adjust after doing it awhile.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    it's only like that in the beginning. Your body will adapt and you will have to take less frequent trips. Don't be discouraged. It may take about a week or so for the adjustment, but it is well worth it. I drink about 12 cups of water a day and my skin looks great! Hang in there!
  • kkwellness
    kkwellness Posts: 55 Member
    Yes i agree your body adjusts- your bladder accomodates for the increase
  • acquiescent
    I hope I adjust. Now that I've been drink 6+ glasses a day for 2 weeks, I always feel thirsty, and all the bathroom trips are driving me nuts.
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    I SO hope my body adjusts! I keep joking that I'll be making us broke with how much TP I've been using...I go ALL THE TIME!
  • PenguinPrincess
    Oh my goodness yes! I feel like I am running to the bathroom ALL DAY!
  • binsylad
    binsylad Posts: 99
    And the best thing, You would never believe that this is one of the places that the excess fat goes when you are burning......
  • HilaryB1982
    I can't live without my water and have been drinking it for years - somedays all i feel like I have done all day go to the bathroom! I don't know if my body will ever adjust!!!! I notice the difference though if I haven't drunk enough.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I know this a bit of an odd topic but I've really been working hard to get my 8 glasses a day and the benefits are fantastic and endless but it is so inconvenient to always need to go to the bathroom!! I went 6 times before lunch today. Ahhh anyone else find this as annoying as me?? Haha

    Trust me, it'll slow down lol Your body & your bladder will adjust.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I don't mind the trips during the day taht much, its waking up at 2 a.m. having to go! LOL Oh well, the price I pay for exercising at night I guess. That and drinking 96 oz of water in a day! UGH!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    The bladder adjustment has helped me. I try and get 60-80oz per day. Sometimes I'm going twice an hour. I can't even get through a workout without having to stop and pee. But I don't mind. I think it's well worth it.

    I could possibly just have a weak bladder like my mom.
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    Your body definitely adjusts - it was EXTREMELY difficult at first (I teach, and have a few specific times a day I can leave my room for a potty break) but it was worth it - my skin looks better, I feel better - keep it up!!
  • dtwrybhpy
    dtwrybhpy Posts: 25
    Personally, I wasn't a water drinker at all (pre-MFP). For the first couple of weeks, I had to go really often too but it has evened out. I don't go nearly as much, but have maintained the 8/day. Just think, it's "free" :) It will get easier.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You're body will adjust after doing it awhile.

    Very true. I normally drink 9-11 glasses per day. When I first started doing this, I was going to the bathroom every hour and half or so. But now, I only go once or twice the whole 8-hour period at work.

    Just give it time and your body will adjust.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I SO hope my body adjusts! I keep joking that I'll be making us broke with how much TP I've been using...I go ALL THE TIME!

    I am the only person in my office and I am afraid my boss is going to think I am taking TP home. It is crazy how much I go.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Not everyone is the same. I have always (last 15 years anyway) drank around 120-200 oz's of water a day and my body still has
    not adjusted to that much water. I have 3 cups of coffee in the am and then the rest is just pure water....no soda's.... I get up anywhere between 4-6 times a night!!! I have gone to the doctor to see if anything is wrong with my bladder but it is ok...
    So I hope your body does adjust... :smile:

  • ladydelicia
    ladydelicia Posts: 3 Member
    This would be the worst part for me as well. I go, what feels like 100 times a day. I don't even want to wear heels to work anymore because i am constantly having to walk to the bathroom. What makes it worse is lemon water, pushes it through you faster!!!!

    Is it just me or drinking your 8 glasses a day, though you pee alot, make you feel heavy? i have noticed that i feel fat cause of all the water!!!
  • kryzdominikan
    kryzdominikan Posts: 4 Member
    i HAVE to go to the bathroom every hour, when i dont i feel as if my bladder is going to EXPLODE! i absolutely LOVE water. and dont mind taking those trips to bathroom. I drink over 20 cups of water daily. I actually utilize that time to throw in 10 push ups each bathroom visit. sounds pretty silly but it keeps me motivated to working out since i sit in an office all day.