Diaries and Unnecessary Comments - Rant

So, up until about ten minutes ago, I had my journal open to the public, I have since downgraded to 'Friends Only' after a very strange incident.

Someone actually scolded me because they saw my food journal, and I ate beef and potatoes for lunch. Why did I get scolded you ask? Because its Friday, and lent, which means I shouldnt be eating meat.

While thats great, there is a flaw in that theory. Im...Not...Catholic. I can eat meat whenever I darn well want to. I was a little steamed about this! Seriously!

First, I was annoyed that someone assumed that everyone must be Catholic. If you're Catholic, more power to you, but I was raised Baptist and we dont follow the lent traditions that Catholics do, sorry. Second, as many of my MFP friends know, Ive been having a very big problem with a complete lack of appetite (some may be happy with that, but I like my food and vitamins) in the last week and I am personally very happy that I was hungry AND that I ate a meal I dont get to eat very frequently because I have a strange beef allergy.

If I open it up to the public again, I welcome comments on "Great Job, but maybe a little less Pasta." I dont welcome random comments that dont have anything to do with my weight loss journey, in reference to my food journal.



  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    Those crazy Catholics are at it again.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Some people are just so rude. Ignore them.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Ughh, I would be seriously ANNOYED by that. So just because they are Catholic, means you have to live by their rules. BS.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    wow!! i would have done the same (making it friends only)!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I completely understand.. great job!!! Glad you got to enjoy your lunch!!
  • kao1970
    kao1970 Posts: 22
    I agree w/ you i am catholic and would never push that on anyone great job standing up for your self:bigsmile:
  • Darn, and to think, I just finished eatting chicken.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Totally agree, and I'm "technically" a Catholic, but all of those crazies have seriously steared me away
  • DLPenny
    DLPenny Posts: 41 Member
    sry to hear that you got scolded...i do too...so lets be friends ..
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    personally i'd report them to mike .. that's inappropriate imho.
    not sure if it is against policy here or not but... i'd report it anyway if it happened to me *S*
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Darn, and to think, I just finished eatting chicken.

    LOL....love it :laugh:
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I completely agree with you. I was raised non-denominational and we do not follow lent either. As a matter of fact, I saw some of my friends discussing earlier during the week and I asked my husband exactly what it was. He know because he was raised catholic until the age of 8 or 10. Don't let those kind of people get to you.
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Wonderful rant!! You gotta do you!! Keep up the good work!
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    Wow!!! Sorry to hear about that. I'm Catholic and I don't give a hoot about eating meat on Fridays!!! Again sorry to hear about that and I don't blame you for making your diary private. Some people just don't know how to mind there own business. If they don't have anything positive to say...they should simply keep there thoughts to themselves.

    Don't let the actions of one, inconsiderate person, get you down. :flowerforyou:
  • KhollerSA05
    KhollerSA05 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow they are really lucky that they didn't try that with me... They would have received quite the reply on the fact that the not eating meat thing doesn't actually out your soul in mortal peril it was the popes way of helping out the fishing industry, so it was more of an econimic helper than a spiritual one.

    Be either way keep up the good work, if you'renot really hungry don't force yourself to eat, but if you are hunry do eat and just do your best to make healthier choices. You may also want to look into a multi vitamin to ensure that you're not running into any deficencies.
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    that is pretty sad and ignorant. tell him/her to blow it our their ***!!
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Sorry to hear that someone used this forum to basically harass someone that does not believe as they do. I hope you reported them.
    Keep up the good work you're doing and good luck.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Many people don't realize everyone does not think exactly like themselves. The entire world does not celebrate lent, or pray to Jesus, or leave out pork. I can't verify, but one person actually told me lately that eating fish and not beef was actually created as a sort of crooked deal to increase $$ to the fishmongers businessmen. Either way, a vegan shouldn't tell you what to eat, either.
  • LM721
    LM721 Posts: 10
    that person has no life, obviously! Do your "thang" girl!!
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Awesome! I have a hankering for a little beef myself today...
    In fact I have some beautiful angus beef thawing in my fridge right now :)
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