Not seeing this normal?

I've started to regularly workout and track my diet for the past month. The first week, I lost 2 lbs. However, I haven't lost any more, even though I'm doing more exercise than that first week. Is this a normal part of getting back in shape? I figured losing 1-2 lbs a week was going to be normal, but I wasn't expecting plateauing after only 2 lbs! Anyone have advice or similar experiences?


  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    This is me right now. I'm not giving up but it's so discouraging. Keep up your hard work though, it's gotta come off some time!!
  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    I have lost 16 and can't seem to get anymore off even though I'm exercising and couting calories also...siggghhh..but don't give up!!!! I'm not going to either!!
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    Make sure your eating enough calories on the days you workout. If you don't this will stop your weight loss, believe me I know. It happened to me.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    new workout programs can play havoc with weight loss, give it a couple more weeks, if you still have no loss then re-examine and make sure your goals and nutrition is all where it should be.
  • martidavies
    I am also not seeing a major change on the scale. I work out 6 days a week, and have been since Jan. 1st. I've only lost 3 lbs!!!! However, my body has changed a lot, my jeans, t-shirts, even undergarments are fitting way differently. So i am trying to not let the numbers bother me.....easier said than done :)
  • flttumee
    flttumee Posts: 16
    Same thing here. . . so much work for so little results. . I lost 2 the first week also then 1 now it seems nothing is happening. . I have to admit though my pants fit better. The mushroom top is gone.:drinker:
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    make sure you're getting enough. It may catch up. I also agree about examining the goals you put in fitness profile make sure its all set properly and honestly.
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    Are you taking your inches as well?

    I lost 4 pounds in my first week, and haven't lost any since (I'm on week 5). I too have been going to the gym WAY more than I did at first yet the scale is stubborn and hasn't been moving.......However! I took my inches when I first started, then at 2 weeks and again last week... And since the 2 week mark, despite having not lost any weight on the scale, I've lost a total of 5 inches.

    I have no clue wth is up with the stagnant scale but it's encouraging to see process in any form... I would try that before you worry it's not working!
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    new workout programs can play havoc with weight loss, give it a couple more weeks, if you still have no loss then re-examine and make sure your goals and nutrition is all where it should be.

    What he said.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Since not able to view your food diary hard to comment specifically, but I know for me cutting out processed foods (white flour, white sugar) made the weight come off at a more regular pace. It is true you need to be eating enough (more than 1200 calories and eating back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories too), cause some folks think less is better but it makes your body hoard. I would suggest you really review your food choices and make sure you are drinking a lot of water too.
  • jscimeca
    jscimeca Posts: 66
    Have you been checking your measurements? A lot of people show no loss in pounds, but show significant changes in inches.
    Your body is probably building muscle, which might be why you haven't lost any weight. I'd suggest checking your measurements, you could be very happily surprised with some lost inches!!
    Hang in there!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    OMG, I so relate. The first couple of weeks I lost 2lbs, then lost only 1lb another week. I was so upset, but remember this is a lifestyle change, that is what I keep telling myself. Also I took my measurements this week, so maybe you could track that as well. It can be frustrating when your working sooo hard during the week and the scale doesn't budge, but I hear so many people have ditched the scale. I am thinking to weigh myself every two weeks versus every week.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    don't know what your overall goal is ( meaning how many pounds you want to lose), but if you just have those 10 - 20 lbs to lose that you've been carrying around for a few years, it's a much slower process-- :yawn:
    no big weigh-in's like the biggest loser :wink:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Options The scale is not always reliable.

    Make sure you are eating enough. Sometimes going too low with calories can have the opposite effect that you want. Instead of burning fat the metabolism slows.

    And SHBoss knows what he is talking about. I've seen lots of great information from him. Some of his posts are in the link "Links in MFP you want to read again and again".
  • Jentrin03
    Jentrin03 Posts: 49 Member
    Inches is what really matters. Muscle weighs more than fat so as your body burns the fat and builds the muscle there will not be a dramatic weight loss. Measure yourself to see how much inches you've lost. But definitely don't give up!!!
  • dixiechicdana
    Don't live by the scale. It always discourages me too. Instead, take you measurements. neck, shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, waist, hips, thigh , above the knee, calves, ankles. Muscle weighs more than fat but inches don't lie.
  • Darshiamr
    Darshiamr Posts: 1 Member
    I've been reviewing my Curves Fitness & Weight Manangement Plan book. (Published 2008, pg. 132, 133.) It defines a plateau as the following.
    Two weeks w/out progress, which means no weight loss, no loss in inches and no loss in body fat for two consecutive weeks w/no identifiable cause, comprises a plateau. Consider the following issues if you hit a plateau:
    1. Diet: (You've stated you're following/recording what you eat- not an issue)

    2. Exercise: (Recommended 3x/wk consistently)

    3. Medications: Taking any that may interfere w/weight loss? Is so, consult a doctor.

    4. Menstruation: Women tend to retain a few pound before their period. If this is the cause, your weight will drop after your period.

    5. Metabolism: (Paraphrased) If none of the above apply, you may have a low metabolism. It may take 2-3 months to rev. To rev the metabolism increase caloric intake gradually (1400 1st wk, 1600 2nd wk, 1800 3rd wk) to ~2000 (sedentary lifestyle) to ~2500 (active lifestyle) UNTIL you gain NO MORE THAN 3 POUNDS from your CURRENT weight. 3 pounds above current weight is your high weight. Then go back down to the caloric intake MFP has given you to lose the high weight. This should take only 2-3 days to lose. Continuing this process gives your metabolism adequate time to recover if you've been restricting cals for a long time or yo-yo dieting. If you notice the duration of the time you are able to eat increases before you hit the high weight, this is proof that your metabolism is increasing.