


  • Hinto
    Hinto Posts: 52
    I have so many bad habits, haven't really eliminated anything. But I've really cut back on fast food, soft drinks, and desserts. Those are the worse for me. Still have some from time to time, but there's a good chance that I'll miss my calorie count when I do.

    Can't make me give up my peanut butter and chocolate milk though!:noway:
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    I gave up a lot of things, but it was because I was diagnosed with food allergies. Otherwise, I would still eat all that junk. Let's see... I gave up gluten, dairy and most corn products so that includes:
    baked goods with flour (cookies, candies, cakes, donuts, etc)
    ice cream
    coffee creamer
    most chips
    processed deli meat
    soda (except the occassional soda made with real sugar)
    Almost all other processed food because corn or corn syrup is in almost everything.

    So this has equated to no fast food because I can't have hamburgers, anything breaded, pizza, sandwiches, or salads that have cheese or dressing. You would be amazed how much food contains either milk, wheat or corn.

    I still have my occasional gluten free goodies like cookies or crackers made out of brown rice flour or some other non-gluten grain/seed, but they never taste anything like the real thing. Also all the "special" foods I buy are more expensive and spoil quickly because of little to no preservatives, so it's hardly worth eating any junk anymore. It's been almost a year now, and it does work to get rid of these items, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that has the option to just eat these things in moderation.
  • LacieVanMetre
    Ice cream, crackers, bagels, and curly fries.
    Six pounds lighter than I was 3 weeks ago, it was worth it.
  • ashleighk2010

    I don't deprive myself of it completely, I just don't buy it for the house anymore. I still don't mind ordering it when I go out (if the calories for that day allow) but if it's in the house I just drink 3-5 cans a day and that is just absolutely stupid.

    Also significantly reduced my intake of fast foods. I used to eat it multiple times a week. Now I have it maybe twice a month.

    I wouldn't say that this is why I have lost weight... I've lost weight because I am watching my caloric intake and am exercising regularly. However, I feel cleaner, get sick less often, and just feel BETTER than I used to and I do credit my improved eating habits and processed food/sugar reduction with that!