Keep consuming 1300 calories...You'll end up FAT!

Just a Physiological fact; Eat less than 1500-2000 calories and the weight loss is GUARANTEED temporary. I read over and over and over again about the weight loss/weight gain yo-yo and that is the main reason why. At that level your body HAS to slow down it's metabolism. Sure you lose weight (look at starvation victims they are skinny too) but it's not healthy or sustainable. Good solid muscle cannot be maintained at the less than 1500 calorie level either. So, once life changes and you eat a few more calories or quit the "Killer Cardio" BAM!!! the weight comes back on. At that point, the prior "starvation" diet dwindled your lean muscle so the next "diet" regime will not be as successful. But, Do what you want. What do I know, I'm only 49 with 10% body fat day in and day out. Cookies in and cookies out. And that's because my metabolism is "cooking" the fat away all the time and I keep my muscle mass because I'm not starving myself. Just a though from frustrated Rick.


  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    are you speaking for men or for everyone..I am a 5 foot tall woman and I net 1300......I like food too much to skimp out of those exercise calories
  • theidarisafa
    coming from a strong personal trainer that means a lot.

    I'm a guy at 228lbs and I was having a really hard time at 1500 calories. I'm within 15lbs of my goal weight(I'm a bigger build guy) and I couldn't do it at 1500 calories.

    got headaches, was starving all the time. 1800calories was okay, but still not enough.

    so I know what you're saying. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    so how many calories do u suggest we have?
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Agreed here that it depends on the person. I'm not typically eating 1300 now but I will be before I'm finished losing weight. I'm just over 5' as well... and I'm pretty sure my calorie needs are quite different than the men who are at least a foot taller and more muscled than I am (or ever will be).
  • summernut78
    i seriously agree!! when i only eat my 1200 cals a day i feel funny! my 1200 cals are made up of protein, fruits, veggies and whole grains, i try not to eat much processed food. I work out with a kettlebell 4 times aweek and try to do cardio 6days aweek. I do eat my exercise cals because I HAVE to to have the energy to run!! I am currently 5' 4" and 129 lbs, I want to tone up and lose body fat, what would you suggest for me? I have the insanity workout dvd's and according to that i should be eating somewhere around 1600 cals a day!! Thanks so much :flowerforyou:
  • lordofultima
    It obviously depends on your sex, age, height, and current weight...My BMR is around 1650, but I'm a 144 lb. 5'8" Male. A male that is 6'2" and 230 has quite a higher calorie requirement.
  • findngme
    findngme Posts: 34
    i'm sure your intention is to help and it's thoughtful of you to try to help others by sharing your knowledge, but you're coming across a bit aggressive. people don't generally listen when your tone is quite that cocky. i also have to agree with kelsully. while 1300 calories may not be enough for a 300 lb male, it's certainly enough for a 150 lb 5'6 female such as myself. i have been doing quite well with my diet. in fact, i'm doing so well, i had a physical done for life insurance back in december and the insurance company said that my results came back so great that they lowered my quoted premium.
    yes, the weight will come back if i stop exercising and start eating like i used to but as long as i maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue to get regular exercise, it won't come back when i increase my calorie intake. i will be able to maintain a healthy weight and life. i'm not looking to body build or look the way you do. i'm not even looking to lose very much. i'm looking to improve my life and my health and so far, i've been very successful on this path, as the test results have proven.
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    Wow. Cocky much? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

    I'll stick with the advice of my Dr. Cutting calories is not going to make you fat unless you're eating garbage. As long as you feel full, you should not force yourself to eat. And as long as you are exercising regularly, you can bet you're going to lose body fat.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I want to follow this thread. I want to be able to eat enough calories that I am not starving and continue to lose weight. I have done starvation diets.....Dr. Bernstein. That diet really messed me up.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Its posts like this that confuse me. I was eating 2000 or so calories a day, thats how i got fat. how can i expect to lose weight eating that much?
  • quanta
    quanta Posts: 28
    I agree with you 100%. As soon as I increased my calories to 1500/day, I felt better and the weight is starting to come off. Also I am not going to drastically change my fitness lifestyle to get myself to lose weight because if my whole weight-control is based on a fitness regimen that I'm likely to abandon, the weight will return.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I find for me, personally, no consistent calorie intake is good. Some days I net 2000, some days I net 1100, some days its 1300, some days its 1000...and my weight has consistently been coming off for 2 years. When I reach my goal weight, I plan on eating my BMR + activity calories to maintain. Makes sense to me, and it seems to work. To each their own...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I eat 1300 or less usally and for the 4 months I stopped logging and exercising i never gained a pound of the 30 I had lost back.
    So going by what you say I should have gained atleast some of it back and never did
    Just because you are a personal trainer does not mean you know everything
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I don't think he sounds cocky at all. Just very imformative. So Rick, is this for men or women or both? My dietician upped my calories to 1500 from 1200 and I'm burning about 500 a day so that puts my net at 2000. I find it VERY difficult to eat 2000 calories a day. What do you suggest? Thanks so much!

  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Wow. Cocky much? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


    Congrats to you and your 10% body fat. I'm sure you've worked hard for it. But the truth of the matter is, our bodies are built differently. Mine, as a woman, is meant to birth children - meaning I naturally have a higher percentage of fat. Not to mention, add in genetics... and well, yeahhhhh.

    I understand what you're trying to say, but I think you went about it the wrong way. I've maintained a "diet" consisting of anywhere from 1200 to now currently 1450 calories for the last 3 years and have lost close to 100 lbs along the way.
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    Do you really think that because it worked for you it has to be the only option available to everyone? Yes, you found a system that worked wonders for you, congratulations, you deserve to be proud of that. I could not eat that much everyday and still lose weight. 1200 is a nice place for me to be most days, and I've lost a decent amount fo weight so far..
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Broad brushes just confuse people. Your point is well taken, but at the same time as the comments so far make very apparent, they are so broad they are not very helpful. Age, height, sex, and a whole bunch of factors all work into this. It also neglects the fact that most people when they stop dieting go back to eating the way they did before. Sure the number of calories may not start that high, but for many it gradually goes up and up. For that matter, they often stop exercising as well. I mean, their was a reason they got fat in the first place. The challenge as I see it, is to realize the closer you get to your goal weight, the more you have to ramp up your calories. I have done so once already, and when I break into 22% body fat I plan to increase the number of calories again. If I didn't two things would be the result, coming off of low calories to full calories would just result in my losing control and going back to how I ate before, and I would likely decrease the activity. A slow increase will help with the transition from lose to maintenance.

    Finally, if you are losing weight, you are in some sense starving yourself for you are taking in less calories than you need to sustain you for the day. That is why your body starts using the fat stores it built up for just such a time of shortage.
  • cnjbarry
    cnjbarry Posts: 91 Member
    Im just wondering where your info is comming from? I see from your profile page that you are a beachbody coach.......but when I started a beachbody program, their meal plan set out a 1250 ish calorie meal plan for me. So........
    I dont mean to sound *****y Im honestly just wondering
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    *cough*bull*****cough, cough*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    at my age (not say *grin*), height (5 foot), activity level (mostly lazy with spurts of strenuous activity) and medical history (past menopause), my bmr is only 1308 calories. pretty sure your advice doesn't work for me or i would end up fat.

    please don't generalize!