Electronic Cigarettes

sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
I was looking into my options to finally make the attempt at quitting smoking.. which is seriously HUGH for me.. has anyone tried this... please share your experiences good and bad please!!


  • kajunsarah
    <bump> would like to see any response to this also.. would love to quit too!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    I was at a friends playing poker Sat night when the lady next to me whipped one out. So everyone at the table who smoked ended up trying it and they were all amazed! Apparently its rechargeable and almost exactly like the real thing!
  • fatguitarist
    fatguitarist Posts: 25 Member
    Electronic cigarettes make me want to smoke a real cigarette. I would stick to the tried and true patch, gum and maybe Chantix.. I'm down to smoking only once every 3-5 days now and it's made a huge impact on how long I can exercise. Good luck
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Electronic cigarettes make me want to smoke a real cigarette. I would stick to the tried and true patch, gum and maybe Chantix.. I'm down to smoking only once every 3-5 days now and it's made a huge impact on how long I can exercise. Good luck
    Been there done that.. dont work for me!
    Congrats to you .. keep it up!
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    I am in the process of quitting myself and I do use an electric cig. The first week I didn't buy any cigs and just used that during the day..I would take a drag here and there..(doesn't feel like the real thing to me) But however did knock out the nicotine cravings. At the end of the day I would bug my friend for a real cig and have one. I did this for about a week..would just bum a smoke from a friend here and there...ran into some stress in my life and broke down and bought a pack..however Im now down to a pack lasting me 3 days and not less then a day. It really does help with the cravings it just doesn't feel the same. I'm still going to give it a shot..can't hurt!
  • datchick
    datchick Posts: 13
    I have never tried the electronic cigarettes. I did quit last year, I used a hypnosis CD. I know this sounds weird but it actually worked for me. Good luck I know it is hard to quit. I smoked for 14 years, I am sooo glad I quit.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    While I haven't used the electronic cigarette, last year I had to go in to surgery to have my gall bladder removed. When I was released from the hospital after 4 days of not eating/drinking/smoking the first thing I thought I wanted was a cigarette. As soon as I got home I lit one up, took a drag and put it out. Haven't had a smoke since 03/04/10.
  • get_it_gone2012
    This may sound absolutely TERRIBLE and unsympathetic, but trust me, it's not. I've been there, and here's what worked for me:

    find something better to do.

    That's it. :smile: If I'm studying for a final, and all I can think about is having a cigarette, then I go for a walk, or to play counterstrike on my friend's computer. If I'm at a club and I want a smoke, I grab my friend and dance until it goes away. If I'm bored and have nothing to do, I clean or draw or do something to keep my hands busy.

    Oh, and those fantastic metal chinese balls are really good when you're doing something important where you can't keep your hands busy - you just twirl them in the palm of your hand, and voila! I'm good to go.

    That's how I quit. Hope it helps! :smile:
  • tnorkus
    tnorkus Posts: 45
    I used the e-cig along with the patch. As of today, I haven't had a smoke in 2 months!! I used the e-cigs to give me something in my hands/mouth while in the process of getting off nicotine. I used a non-nicotine cartridge that I purchased on-line after trying and the nicotine version I bought at a 7/11. They aren't approved by the FDA for smoking cessation therefore can't advertise as such but I think they definitely helped me so far.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    When I quit, I made a point of setting a date so I had plenty of time to get used to the idea and told everyone I knew so they would me accountable. Then I quit. I threw away my ashtrays, Febreezed everything in my apartment and started logging on to the lung association website everyday to look at the changes that were occurring inside my body for motivation. It worked for me.
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    I have to quit too! I've been really thinking about it lately. My cardio workouts hurt and I'm starting to want the workout "high" more than I want the smoke. I have gum and am thinking of giving it a shot Sunday. Good luck to you!
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    My mom bought me an e-cig thing for the holidays a couple years ago. It's GREAT for cutting down, or places you can't smoke, etc. It's not exactly the same, but it certainly does fill the void at those awful times. However, I don't think I (personally) would ever use it to try to quit. It's not even really marketed as a quitting tool (as far as I've seen), just a "healthier alternative" to smoking. They vary in similarity to smoking between the brands (my mom just got a new one that looks and feels more like a real cigarette and is down to about a pack a week from two packs a day since I was a kid). The things are definitely cool, but I think whether or not it will help you quit is totally up to you and your addiction level and willpower. Good luck!!! I'm hoping to quit this year, too....
  • dawnalis
    dawnalis Posts: 27
    I bought one when I was in Vegas in January and I can honestly say the only time I really use it is when I'm going out to the bar and I don't want to go outside to smoke. They don't feel like the real thing and as much as I want to quit smoking I don't think it's going to do it for me! My main problem with quitting isn't actually the quitting it's the staying quit, especially when I go out drinking so maybe it will work as my crutch when after I've quit and do end up going out it will help me get over needing a smoke if I puff on that instead of the real thing!