Leslie Sansone

Ok I have a question. I do a lot of the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home dvds for my exercises. I like the Walk at Home stuff, but I'm not really sure what to put it under for my exercises? Do I log it as like 4.6 mph walk, brisk pace or would I do it as some sort of aerobics or race walking or what? Because she has both walking at various speeds and some jogging in there and some aerobics moves and some cardio stuff and use of the firm bands...I want to make sure I'm logging it as close as I can? And what would be the best thing to put in for zumba?

Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help!


  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    if you are doing the 12 minute mile you are averaging about 5mph walk. so a 4.6 probably works since you slow down abit doing the other moves aside from marching. rather guess burned cals under then go over and eat to much.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I do leslie sansone as well and was logging her 3 mile walk (45 mins) as a 4.0 walking pace HOWEVER I recently got a heart monitor and the calorie burn MFP gives you versus what I am burning was WAYYYYYYY OFFFFF by like 200 or more calories .... Im a very large girl 387lbs and I burn calories extremely quickly but MFP was off!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Good question! I do an iFit program on the t'mill and that varies the speed & incline. I have just been recording the ave speed as my walk. Even though I'm sure it's more then what MFP says, I would rather record my cals burned low (and make me work harder!) then record too high.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I just finished doing the Leslie Sansone 5k witha twist and put it under low impact aerobics ! I put the Zumba under Dancing General but have seen others put the zumba under cardio ! I hope this helps you !
  • pinkie55
    pinkie55 Posts: 18
    I did a search on your question and this is what I found.

    Leslie Sansone’s workouts are not just about walking. She combines simple marches, kicks, sidesteps, and overhead arm motions to boost the intensity of the workout to the “moderate” category. To log the In-Home Walking 1 Mile DVD, you can select from two activity choices: you can choose “Conditioning Activities” and “Health Club Exercise – General” or pick “Walking” and use “Walking 3.5 MPH at a very brisk pace”. Either way, those numbers will be close enough. Read a review of Leslie Sansone's DVD's from the Guide to Walking at About.com.

    I hope this helps you in some way.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    I do leslie sansone as well and was logging her 3 mile walk (45 mins) as a 4.0 walking pace HOWEVER I recently got a heart monitor and the calorie burn MFP gives you versus what I am burning was WAYYYYYYY OFFFFF by like 200 or more calories .... Im a very large girl 387lbs and I burn calories extremely quickly but MFP was off!

    mfp is an average burn, not relying on your weight, if you want a good accurate count then you gotta have a HRM only way to go, but if you can't afford it is best to go under on cals burned then over.
    I log my hrm numbers and they are pretty close to what MFP has, but it is dependent on person, not everyone is the same and there is only so much MFP can do for ya lol
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Yes!! I'd much rather think I'm burning more than I think than less than I think! Thanks!!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Thanks guys!! I appreciate all the input. I'm trying to make this go around with diet the one that actually works so I'm trying really hard to do everything as close to right as possible!
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I do Leslie's walks too...I usually enter it under 4.5 mile walk.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    uhhh...I mean 4.5mph. LOL
  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Leslie Sansone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is the best and has helped me to finally start losing weight. I do not have a HRM but I do log her as 5.0 walking. Which ends up being 500 cals for me and I eat probably close to 400 back. I have lost every week. I love her workouts. Your doing way more than just walking and jogging at the end. Its a great work out! I just make sure I net above 1200 and im all good with it :) Good luck! Glad you like her :)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    She has different speeds and activity levels.... I have a few different ones. I just enter it as walking at the appropriate speed, but only half the time. I don't have a HRM and feel that MFP overestimates the burn rate a bit. Then I don't feel bad about using any of the exercise calories.