Looking for support :)

I recently started my weightloss journey but I am determined to shed these pounds! 100+ to go but I know I can do it, everyone on this site seems to be very friendly and motivated so I am looking forward to getting/giving support, it's great to know there are other ppl out there trying to get healthy! Add me as a friend :) You can never have too many ppl to lean on when the going gets tough!


  • TheBlondeGirl
    Hello and welcome. I'm sure you can do it too! I sent you a friend request :D
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    You hardly look like you need to lose 100+ pounds. But you're welcome to pick my brain on what has worked for me.

    After having my daughter in 2006 and taking a 1 year vacation from exercise and proper nutrition which brought me to 170 pounds, and taking another 2 year vacation from consistent exercise, in 2009 I joined the gym and I finally got back down to a healthy sized me at 135 pounds.

    I'm working on vanity pounds, not because I have to, not because it'll make much difference, but just because I have a pair of size 8 pants that sometimes gets too tight, so I want to lose a few inches around my big hips (I'm a pear) so that they will fit better more consistently. I also had to lose the 4 pounds I gained from eating too much holiday goodies, which I already lost just by being more mindful of what I was shoving into my mouth.
  • tramar
    tramar Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome! I agree that it is nice to have as many friends as possible to keep on the right track. I am new to the forum too. :)
  • Ashbee1224
    Well luckily I hold my weight well haha but believe me 100llbs at least.... I currently weigh 260 which is a bit overwhelming, so Im taking it one step at a time, My current goal is to fit into the smallest jeans I have that arent so close to buttoning at this time and to get to 199lbs! I just started counting calories about 2 weeks ago and Im feeling out what works for me. I have cut out sodas completely for over a month now, so Im proud of myself for that! Im not sure if Im being to hard on myself food wise though. I get 1590 calories a day, this may be a dumb question but I havnt been eating all 1590 i always have about 200-300 calories left at the end of the day, is that a bad thing?
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Girl, you can do it!!