New here and I need friends!

just_mary Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I learned about MFP from my friend Jacque and I love it! I have approx. 55 lbs to lose and I've already lost 8 since I started on February 22. I love the New Feed option and the fact that you can support your friends through their weight loss journey, but I only have ONE friend! Encouragement and accountability is what helps me the most........anyone want to be my friend? <3



  • caboeyes
    caboeyes Posts: 24
    I'll be your friend! I only joined 2 days ago and I LOVE the support. Welcome!
  • I'll be your friend.. I just started this in February, as well... I need the support.. I have 30 pounds to lose.. I gained it all back last year after I tore out my shoulder and have not been as active as I used to be..

  • k_b_fit
    k_b_fit Posts: 19 Member
    I'll be your friend. I joined at the end of Feb. I've got a long ways to go and I'm lonely on here! :)
  • YAY! Friends!!! It's so much better when you can share with and support other people with the same struggles.....I have many friends in my life that NEED to be on this website that don't want to be bothered with it.....I cannot live the way I am any longer.

  • ktrem2
    ktrem2 Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me. I only joined this week and I am really just getting started. I am hoping with friends on here I can kepp with it. I have a lot of pounds to lose so I am setting mini goals for myself. Good luck!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    you can add me as a friend too - I just started this I have NO friends! (Wow -that sounds sad!)

    I want to lose about 40lbs to start...then re-evaluate and decide if I want to lose anymore....
  • vickigee
    vickigee Posts: 36
    I am pretty new to here too tho I went and posted my stuff from the 1st of the year. I'll be your friend. :happy:
  • Thank you!!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Welcome !!! Feel free to add me if you like ;}
  • WOW.....what a WONDERFUL response!! Buckle in everyone.....we're in for a long, bumpy ride!
  • outdoorsmom
    outdoorsmom Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey. Sending a friend request your way! I am on here daily so I would love to send you some encouragment. I started last week and love this site! Laurie
  • bbdzee
    bbdzee Posts: 35
    I have nearly 100 pounds to lose. I have fallen off the wagon many times over the years. Now that I am here I find myself wanting to report all the stuff I eat, no matter how bad and it keeps me in check most days. i struggle with the push for exercise. I need to stop with the excuses and get moving. Come on Spring!
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    I'm in....we can all use some support! Feel free to add me!
  • Count me in and add me as a friend I need as much encouragement as I can get and I will give loads back in turn. I joined at the start of February as I turned 30 and decided that its now or never.
  • I'll be your friend! I joined at the beginning of the year and needed to drop 50lbs. I've already dropped 13lbs. since the beginning of the year. I am so proud of you for joining and wanting to take control of your life. Way to go girl!
  • Scott_R
    Scott_R Posts: 20
    You can add me if you want I started 16 days ago and have lost 23lbs I have a long way to go and have a sister a co-worker and a nephew as friends and it really helps Wlcome and good luck !
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    count me in, i started 2wks ago and love keeps me on track. welcome and good luck
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    You can add me as well if you like. Welcome to MFP. Congrats on your loss so far. Good Luck on your journey. And the people you encounter on here are amazing...
  • I need friends too. Support is key. I joined this site last week and still learning how it works. You can never have too many friends!!
  • Hey welcome to mfp. It's awesome. I have lost 8 lbs too and another 32 to go. so were about the same with weight loss goal. Friend me if you like :)
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