Some Help.

I'm trying to lose about 70 pounds and I started dieting last week or so. My only problem is that I think about my diet so much. Which makes me think about food more. Which makes me hungry. So I end up eating more. I'm not sure how not to do this.


  • Beach_Chica
    Beach_Chica Posts: 111
    Sounds so cliche, but it works for me. Don't think about it as a diet. Make it your lifestyle. If you stop what you're eating while trying to lose weight, you will gain it all back. Just take it one day at a time. Don't push yourself more than you are able to do, but make yourself work for what you want. I'm on the same road as you. Our goals are very doable. It gets hard at times, but don't give up. Set up smaller goals and then check them off as you achieve them. Give yourself small rewards if that is an incentive for you.

    And when you get hungry, fix you something light. Snack on veggies and choose a better choice for when you get cravings. I love sugar-free Jello. It's sweet, satisfying, and easy to make. If you prefer crunchy foods, try some Wheat Thins, Triscuits, and those Kellogg Chips. Make your own trail mix.

    For more inspiration, go to It has lots of recipes and snack options.
    If you need a friend, feel free to add me. I could use encouragement along this path as well.
  • THoutkooper
    I have found the thing that helps me is not being on a 'diet'. What I mean by that is, I'm changing my lifestyle, not just what I buy at the grocery store. Excercising, trying to cut out processed foods, drinking more water, etc. I know it's hard to not focus on food when you're trying to lose weight, but after a little time it get's easier.

    When you're feeling the urge to eat out of boredom or emotions or because you're uber-focused on your diet, try drinking a glass of water, make a protein smoothie (tasty, filling and not that many calories 200-250, typically), or do something that get's you moving. That's what I've found that work for me.

    Hang in there.
  • ElizabethLinville
    well since both of my parents have shed lots of pounds i know a little about losing weight. my mom says when i'm hungry i should drink a protein shake because it will help keep me full longer but i just don't like having liquid all the time. i have some special k crackers but i've also heard special k doesn't really work.
  • Beach_Chica
    Beach_Chica Posts: 111
    Have you tried Fiber One bars? Those are so good. My favorite is the chocolate and oats one.
  • ElizabethLinville
    oo. yes. i have two boxes of those. i eat them for breakfast on the way to class. i have chocolate ones. they are really good. i actually forgot i had some!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    It's all about calories in and calories out. Find low calorie foods that let you eat a lot. And find something you like to snack on that is low cal too help your body get out of the habit of eating all the time (meaning, snacking on junk all the time). Veggies, butter-free popcorn, etc are good options. You can eat them for a long time and munch and be under 100 cals. Protein shakes are not necessarily good snacks.... they still have like 300 calories in it and you can get a lot of filling protein and fiber rich foods for those cals. Protein shakes are actually better for when you have extra calories you need to try to work in because you haven't eaten them all.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 70 pounds and I started dieting last week or so. My only problem is that I think about my diet so much. Which makes me think about food more. Which makes me hungry. So I end up eating more. I'm not sure how not to do this.

    Ok, first of all, do NOT think of it as a diet! The word makes me cringe lol! Just look at it as you're being healthy and your body is thanking you :)
    Just look at food as your fuel, like putting fuel in your car! :) Maybe do something else other than think of food. Have you been working out at all?
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Vita muffins are really good- though they aren't cheap!
  • ElizabethLinville
    well seeing as i'm a college kid. i actually live in the dorm. pretty far from my parents. so i'm pretty broke. haha. and yes i try to work out for an hour everyday but i usually end up only doing 30 to 45 mins of a workout.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    well since both of my parents have shed lots of pounds i know a little about losing weight. my mom says when i'm hungry i should drink a protein shake because it will help keep me full longer but i just don't like having liquid all the time. i have some special k crackers but i've also heard special k doesn't really work.

    I don't reallhy agree with your mom. I am not a shake person, and think that some of us need to have an actual FOOD! Special K diet=don't even consider it- total fad :)
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Can you get your friends involved in healthy eating and working out? Are you on a meal plan at school?
  • ElizabethLinville
    its required to have meal plan as a freshman. so yes i am. i can go to the servery here and eat whenever its open how ever many times a day. and the food it through sodexo and most of it is pretty low in calories! =D and my best friend here is working on improving her lifestyle too. but it seems like she puts more work in it than i do.
  • ElizabethLinville
    well since both of my parents have shed lots of pounds i know a little about losing weight. my mom says when i'm hungry i should drink a protein shake because it will help keep me full longer but i just don't like having liquid all the time. i have some special k crackers but i've also heard special k doesn't really work.

    I don't reallhy agree with your mom. I am not a shake person, and think that some of us need to have an actual FOOD! Special K diet=don't even consider it- total fad :)

    the only reason i agree with her is because both my parents drink the shakes a lot. and my dad lost almost 200 pounds! but they both also only eat about 500-600 calories a day. they both had gastric by-pass surgery. so i just figured they would know a few tips for me to lose weight too. My dad currently weighs less than me and its very upsetting.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member

    the only reason i agree with her is because both my parents drink the shakes a lot. and my dad lost almost 200 pounds! but they both also only eat about 500-600 calories a day. they both had gastric by-pass surgery. so i just figured they would know a few tips for me to lose weight too. My dad currently weighs less than me and its very upsetting.

    OMG!!!!!!! That is NOT enough for a healthy, 18 year old woman to eat. Please don't let it upset you that he weighs less than you because they got surgery. I don't know much about gastric bypass, but what are the long term effects of your body ONLY eating 500 calories a day. They know how they are losing weight but 1- you are younger and 2- you didn't have as much to lose and 3- 500 calories a day is starvation for most people.
    Don't worry about what your dad, or your mom weigh, just take good care of YOU!
  • ElizabethLinville
    oh don't even worry. i couldn't eat that less even if i tried! but thank you so much. you are really inspiring to me. you make me feel more confident that i can actually do this. =D
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    CONFIDENCE is so important. Our brains can trick us. I'd suggest, if you have time, though I do know you're a student, to read inspirational books. Also, check out my mentor- as she has great, amazing words of wisdom to all!