Sore nipples?

lcdblue1026 Posts: 34 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Uh I guess this may be a sensitive topic in more ways than one, but I've been working out for the last week and my nipples have really been progressively more sore. I've used different sport bras and they fit well and I don't notice excessive movement, but halfway through my cardio class today I thought I was going to die. Checked with my peeps and no one else seems to have this problem. Tell me I'm not alone and how to fix, please.....


  • jen051279
    jen051279 Posts: 44
    The need to heal up but once they heal use a product called bodyglide on them. It is sold in a tube like deodorant at sporting good stores.
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    I always used to use one of two solutions, vaseline or bandades.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I've never had it happen to me, but I have heard of it happening. I think I've seen it mocked on a sitcom when somebody was running a marathon or something. Like vzepol said, bandaids, at least until they heal (maybe even the larger patch-like ones). Then try something topical.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I saw a product at my local running store called Nips ---- also, so of the guys I know use that product that becomes a band-aid when you apply it? Like new-skin or something, they sell it at any local drug store by the band-aids.
  • chasing_130
    chasing_130 Posts: 43 Member
    maybe put some band aids over them?
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    The need to heal up but once they heal use a product called bodyglide on them. It is sold in a tube like deodorant at sporting good stores.

    Body Glide is awesome. Runners use it to prevent chafing on their inner thighs, nipples and other sensitive areas. I've used it when I had chafing on my inner thighs and I've never had a problem since.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Extreme runners use band-aids to stop chaffing.
  • lcdblue1026
    lcdblue1026 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the input...I was freaked out that it was only me!
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I'm training for a 1/2 marathon next week and my nipples have been sore after my long weekend're not alone! Good luck with the products
  • carguy42503
    carguy42503 Posts: 24 Member
    Body glide is awesome but it is more for skin rubbing against skin. I use it on my inner thighs and it is great. I don't think it would really work for this issue. I'm sure it couldn't hurt but the stuff isn't exactly cheap.. about $10 for the last one I bought. I would think band aids would really be your best bet. Just make sure you use the regular plastic kind and your clothing should easily glide back and forth over the smooth surface. The fabric or foam "sport" band aids could cause you another issue all together...
  • twilightchica
    twilightchica Posts: 15 Member
    nips! ive heard good things about em :)
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