Anyone else using a BodyBugg?

rnasim Posts: 6 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

My BodyBugg arrived two days ago. I worked for 2 days in a row wearing both my heart rate monitor and my BodyBugg to see the difference in data....the HR monitor always said I burned 200 calories MORE than what the BodyBugg said....that explains a lot. Apparently, the BodyBugg is more accurate. Has anyone been using it for a while? Any tips/success?


  • Sorry... I'm new. What is BodyBugg?
  • I've been using my bodybugg for two weeks now. It is a lot more accurate than my wrist HRM in my opinion. I would rather guess low than high anyway on the calories burned.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    bodybugg is the 24 hour fitness hrm that was really made popular by the show 'the biggest loser'. What kind of HRM do you have? they shouldnt be that far off. Although, if the 90 dollar HRM gave me the same info as the 3-400 bodybugg, i think i would be a little peeved. something more expensive probably has more sophisticated software in it to calculate your calories burned. Also, I know its a little silly, but make sure that your HRM is the correct weight for you, if theres a weight diff between the HRM and the bodybugg that might change your readings.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    is the HRM you comparing it to a chest strap type? I've read that those are far more accurate than non-chest strap HRM's.
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    been using my bodybugg for the past 2 weeks now and absolutely love it! It makes it so easy to know whether or not I need to exercise more or not during the day to hit my calorie burn or not and if I go over I know I can eat a little more!!!

    Keep using it, it really helps!!! Also like anything else make sure you have your specs for yourself inputted correctly for the most accurate results
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Definitely interested in this too..
    I don't have a BodyBugg but have FitBit which is a less expensive, scaled down alternative. Was wondering if I should also get a HRM as the FitBit only tracks calories burned & steps taken.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    It sounds really amazing, I wish I had it...
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I just got the FitMedia, which is made by the same company. I LOVE it. I am just learning how to use the site to get the information that I need, but it is an awesome tool. It was well worth the $$. I got mine from for $149 and it came with 12 month membership to the site. I think that it it pretty acurate. It makes me want to move just to see how many calories I can burn... Have fun with it!
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    Like anything else the BodyBugg is a great tool, just like with a HRM or any of the others, it will help you to monitor/track how well you are doing during the day. I find it is a great motivation tool. I see how many calories I've burned for the day and if I am lacking I will get on the bike or treadmill and burn off a few hundred more calories.

    Best of luck in your decision! I do highly recommend the bodybugg
  • rnasim
    rnasim Posts: 6 Member
    I have a high-end HR monitor (Polar FT60; yes, it does have a chest strap), and all the info in it match what is in the Body Bugg, but the calorie calculations are off with the HR monitor. Logically thinking about it, that does make sense, because even though your HR is up doesn't mean your calorie-burning furnace has turned on yet. I do think the BodyBugg is more accurate, we'll see how things go.... it is kind addicting though! I find myself checking it constantly to see where I am for calorie burn throughout the day!
  • You can donate one to me if you want ;)
  • wslusher
    wslusher Posts: 1 Member
    Here is the rub. I just bought the BodybuggSP. My fault, because I thought it would work on any smartphone, iPhone, or iPad. Turns out, I’m a big loser (not the like the TV show), because the app won’t work with my iPad. That’s right; it will work on an iPod but not an iPad. No problem, so I thought, I have a blackberry smartphone. No luck, the program only supports Android. OK, so I will borrow my roommate’s Android phone from time to time to log in my progress. No luck there, it won’t actually upload information to the Bodybugg website, I need to do that separately. As a result, I have no idea where I stand at any point in the day. So, with no actual mobile readout, I have succumbed to the fact that I will simply log in to the website every morning and every evening to see my guesswork in action.

    I started using the device over a long weekend, and finally figured out how to use it within my daily routine. First day back at work, my calories (or blood pressure) shoot thru the roof. According to the device, I’m burning about 4500 calories per day without having to work out at all. I’m not obese. So am I dyeing?
    $300 into the experience, and I can’t give up yet. The expensive subscription based fee is very expensive, and very difficult to use.

    Now that I have this device, won’t someone out there figure out some sort of software that is easier to connect to, transfer and update information, log in calories based on more intuitive software from a more expansive list of foods? I’m looking for a product that will help plan both my meals as well as shopping cart. We need something to make our lives simpler, not more cumbersome. Won’t any of you unemployed tech-savvy folks figure out a way to harness the information provided from this device into an intuitive program. I don’t mind paying a subscription, if it works….somebody help!
  • HawaiiCam
    HawaiiCam Posts: 23 Member
    Can the bodybugg be bought at 24 hr fitness stores? It's crazy expensive to ship things here
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    You can order BodyMedia from the website without having to go to a store. Same device.
  • HawaiiCam
    HawaiiCam Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks I know I can order it from online. I was hoping to not do that. I live in Hawaii and shipping here can be outrageous and sometimes takes a while. Thanks for replying though
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Can the bodybugg be bought at 24 hr fitness stores? It's crazy expensive to ship things here

    The 24 Hour Fitness Gym I go to has it for sale in the Gym. Right now it's selling for $149 for the BodyBuggSP w/6 mo subscription
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