First appropriate attempt at weight lost/ need support

ukyo999 Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I have had a weight problem most of my live and never new it. Tried some other stuff with no lasting success. I am in week two with this and this has being the easiest thing I tried. I would appreciate any support because most of the people around me are overweight and are not trying to lose.


  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    Best of luck :) I find this site amazing! Your welcome to add me as a friend if you like.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Good luck and welcome. All the support you need is here. You can do it.
  • This is also my first successful weight loss. I've also tried this site a few times, but now it's working.. I started the day after Thanksgiving. I thought at first this is crazy! Who the heck starts to get serious about weight loss during the holidays? The people I work with all were "starting" in January. Most of them are at my goal weight, but they think they're sooooo fat! Ugghhh.
    Anyway, I started and by the time January came, I was down 10 pounds. Since I started, there's that word again, it's been good. I got stuck on a plateau twice for 2 weeks one time and 3 weeks the other. But I'm feeling better, I've gone to the dr., and all of my blood work is better. He said to try for 1 to 2 pounds a week. That's what I've been managing to do. I have a stationery bike that I started riding again in November...thats boring! I bought a wii for Christmas mostly for my 7 year old granddaughter, but I love to box!! It makes me sweat, and according to this site, it burns a decent amount of calories. Gets my frustrations out! Hang in there, and I know lots of people say this....but if I can do it, you can too! I've been overweight for 20 years, now I'm doing it!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    FILLE Posts: 45
    This site is wonderfull. I have been on and off this site since 2009, I began again in February but I am adding friends this time. It is great to get words of encouragement. Feel free to add me as friend
  • katt2360
    katt2360 Posts: 12
    I have been on this website for only a week, and everyone here is so nice. You are very welcome to add me to your friend list. Good Luck
  • Great, just do it day by day. Focus on you're diet/health and make it a new lifestyle
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Good Luck with your diet! We are all here to support everyone and every body is very supportive. Feel free to add me too, I need motivation and will give you motivation too!!! :)
  • michelleg1
    michelleg1 Posts: 7 Member
    I need support too! Good luck!! Add me as a friend and we can help each other! :happy:
  • Hey All,
    I am new too ... I need to loose weight as the extra weight is taking a toll on my back! Had slip disk in 2006, and recently had another scare. I can't live like this anymore.
    I started exercising today, after a year. Slow and steady to build up resistance and endurance. My first goal is to get down to 90kilos.
    I really hope this works!
  • viclynn
    viclynn Posts: 56 Member
    this site is wonderful. Everyone is here for the same reason and all are very supportive. I started in January and am down 7 lbs. I feel great. I am keeping up with my exercise and watching my calorie intake. Keep up the good work and you will have success!
  • psausser
    psausser Posts: 7 Member
    I went on the site for the first time yesterday and I think it's the GREATEST support system on-line that I've ever seen. I tracked everything yesterday that I ate and it was a real eye-opener. My goal is 70lbs. away but I'm psyched.
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