Hi everybody.

I'm in great need of some ideas to get me out of this predicament. It seems everytime I start on a weight loss journey I seem to sabotage myself. This past week has been extremely stressfull at work as well as dealing with sever illnesses with my mother-in-law and my middle son needing surgery. I have had a hard time sticking to doing my treadmill and my weight strengthning. I seem to have lost my motivation. HELP !!!!!!!!!!! I need any suggestions anybody has.



  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Have you tried a sing yourself before you put that next cookie, chip or whatever in your mouth: will eating this really change anything? It helps me sometimes.
  • oracle730
    oracle730 Posts: 19
    It is really difficult to stay motivated even when life is going along fine. Add the stress of your family situation and it is easy to loose site of your goals. I try to think of exercising as a way to relieve the stress instead of a way to loose weight. Exercising has become a way for me to relieve the stress and it makes me feel better. You can also look at it as a way to make your health better so you can be there for your family. If you are healthy, you can help them when they need you. Weight loss is only one benefit of eating healthy and exercising regularly, a healthy body is way more important.

    You can do it and you can maintain it!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I recently put up pics all over my house of the body I want to have when I'm done. I have one everywhere I need the help. I have them in my room, on my bathroom mirror, on the fridge, on the computer desk, the screen saver on my cell and right next to the tv for motivation when Im working out :) Seeing these pics when I first get up and everytime I go to eat or answer my phone has really helped me remeber my goal.
  • flttumee
    flttumee Posts: 16
    Remember .. you need to keep yourself healthy and your tank full (of good stuff) so you can be a support to those around you. Junk in junk out and you want to be the best you can be for those people who need you! It's like they tell you on the airplane. . . put your oxygen mask on first before your children. . . you can't help them until you've secured yourself! Good luck and breathe!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    I recently put up pics all over my house of the body I want to have when I'm done. I have one everywhere I need the help. I have them in my room, on my bathroom mirror, on the fridge, on the computer desk, the screen saver on my cell and right next to the tv for motivation when Im working out :) Seeing these pics when I first get up and everytime I go to eat or answer my phone has really helped me remeber my goal.

    I do the same thing. Pictures of me at my goal weight. On the fridge, got that black dress hanging on the wall in my bedroom. You've been doing really good w/ your exercising and food diary. You can get thru this. Hugs.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    #1- It's imperative when you're stressed that you eat well. Grab fruit, veggies, etc for a snack - it's just as quick as grabbing crappy food. An apple is much more portable than chips or cookies - an apple won't crumble.

    #2 - you may not be able to exercise the same way that you were before these events... but you can work some movement in. Take a short walk, do a few jumping jacks. (I've recently started doing 10 jumping jacks evertime I walk into my kitchen...

    This is a lifestyle change... so, you have to find a way to work this into your life when things aren't going the way that we'd like them to. Remember... "every little bit helps." Ok - so maybe you're not training for a marathon when you take a stroll around the neighborhood... but it's better than nothing!!!!
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    I would like to thank all of you for the support. You have given me the strength and motivation that I once had but are slowly regaining. I appreciate everyone of you. Once again Thank you.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    By the way - sorry I was remiss in saying it before... but I hope that your mother in law feels better soon and that your sons surgery goes well. Remember - the only way you can truly take care of them is if you are first taking care of you. (((((((Hugs)))))))) as you go through a stressful time!!!