Gained Back What I Lost

I'm a little discouraged. I began my weight loss regimen last June where I began at 141 lbs. I wanted to get back down to my previous weight of 120 lbs. I used a low carb and low sugar diet and it worked for me, but I couldn't seem to get past the 128 lb mark. So, I decided to use MFP three weeks ago and it worked for me. I went down to 124 lbs, but within 1 week I have gained back up to 128. I feel like I'm eating all the right things, but I'm hungry all the time. Am I eating too little?


  • hellsbells417
    hellsbells417 Posts: 8 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day?
  • starrbright585
    i know this is personal but, are you pmsing? lol! i seem to gain like 4 pounds in that week, all in water weight!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I don't think you are eating enough. You also dont' look like you are drinking enough. You either aren't tracking your water or are drinking something else you aren't tracking. That could be hurting too. Especially if you are drinking diet soda with all the sodium in it.

    You are not that far above your goal, so 4 lbs in three weeks is a lot to lose, maybe you are up and down on water retention. You should be averaging about .5 lb a week at this close to your goal. It will take a while. 8 lbs at .5 lbs a week is 16 weeks. Be patient.
  • cortim1
    cortim1 Posts: 2
    Not pmsing and I seem to only drink water during my workouts. I live on diet Dr. Pepper during the day.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    A large weight gain is usally salt or not enough water. Having said that I looked at your diary for a few days and maybe. seems low on days you exercise you need to eat some of those back you will need to play with that number lots of things factor there. how you figure your exercise, are you weighing or measuring your food (this makes a bigger difference I have found than most people think) how much you eatout ect. so for two weeks try eating back half or all see what happens Life journey.... a few weeks are not the big picture learning how are body works is. Good luck
  • MissMe2morrow
    Your post sounds exactly like what happened when I first started using MFP. I dropped 3 lbs the first week, then gained it all back. I'm also pretty close to my target weight and found that I was trying to lose too fast and killed my metabolism by eating too little. Your food diary looks like you may be doing the same. I readjusted my settings so that I am only trying to lose .5 lbs per week and I make sure I eat back my exercise calories. If you are hungry all the time, something is wrong. Try upping your calories for a more gradual loss-- as soon as I did that, I started losing again. Good luck!