Still paying for WW



  • loro1971
    loro1971 Posts: 135
    i just joined mfp, but have been going to weight watchers since january 25th... i feel until i am at where i need to be. or want to be i am going to continue... all support systems help. the fact that there is somebody weighing you in, not you just writing a figure makes it more accountable. plus i like the support/recipes/success shares/ failure shares that help you feel understood. i also do the wii fit and that weighs you and makes you feel crappy if you dont exercise. weight watchers has really helped me and hopefully this will too. good luck and cant wait to share success stories!!!!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I've been on WW off and on for 30 years. Rejoined Jan 2010, and lost 32 lbs over the next 13 months. When the new program started, I lost nothing for 11 weeks...I actually gained a total of 2 lbs. I started "double tracking" Cals/points on MFP and WW and
    figured out that the "cleaner", healthier I was eating, the higher my calories per point were...for me, I was taking in about 60 cals per point! I usually ate all my weekly points and none of my activity points so on average, I was eating 1800-2160 NET calories! Yeesh, no wonder I wasn't losing.
    Last week was my first week doing calories only on MFP, I lost 1 lb. This week I lost another pound! On a good week I'd lose .5 on WW. And this is free! It's kind of a no-brainer...I quit WW. I LOVE MFP!! :love:
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I am currently doing WW's, but I am using the old system. I have really changed how I am eating. I also am not going to meetings, I am doing it alone b/c I can not afford to pay for the meetings. I have lost 17.8lbs since January 1st. Yes it is coming off slow;y, but I am happy with that. I think it really depends on the person as to IF WW"s works for you. I also think you have to be very strict with it & also change how you eat. Yes, while eating anything & everything you want & counting the points, you will still loose weight, but changing how you eat & what you eat makes it even better.

    I also know that alot of people here down WW's. However it is a great system when used right. Or at least the old system is, I have no clue about the new Points Plus system, as I have not used it. It also works really well for me. I have successfully lost almost 20lbs on it. :)

    I think in the end, you have to make the right decision for you. If it is not WW"s, then try something else. I also think that you really have to be ready to loose the weight. I have done this several times before & never gotten anywhere near this point. However for some reason this time it just clicked & I was ready. Good luck with whatever it is you decide to do.
  • pddavis
    pddavis Posts: 1 Member

    I joined WW several months ago. I love the program but I sort of got off course, I stopped logging and I gained in 3 weeks 10 pounds. Lesson to be learned what you eat does matter. Back on course. Planning a work out today with the guys.

  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Maybe give it a bit longer, and have your friends/MFP friends hold you accountable. I say you can do both WW and MFP- why not? Good luck to you!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I haven't read the rest of the posts so sorry if this is a repeat.

    I think if you are doing it online, you should just cancel, use this site and save the money. I'm sure you'll make up the enrollment fee i a few months of not paying what you aren't using if you choose to go back. If you want to go to a Weight Watcher meeting and you have time for that, I'd say go with Weight Watchers but use this site for support and ideas. I go to a meeting but log in here every day for support and to read and respond to posts, it keeps me on track.

    Best of luck!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Yes you can do both- but I'd only pay WW if I were going to meetings!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Just1--that's what I found too. That was my problem. I eat mostly "clean/whole" foods. Therefore, I was getting more calories per point than the average 40 calories per point. It ended up being too many calories. I had learned to eat each and every point and I just couldn't unlearn that. Counting calories is working better for me so far.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,263 Member
    What works for one individual may not work for another. Counting points or calories, it's all about keeping track of food intake and doing the exercise to burn fat and create lean muscle mass. Choose what works for your body and what is the easiest for you to use, track nutrition, and motivate you, and you will have success!
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Warning: long post (sorry I got carried away).

    WW can be a great thing, and it does work for most people, including me, if you stick to it. And that is the problem, like with all "diets".

    I joined WW online January 1 2010 at 334 lbs. By March 6th I had lost 26 lbs and was sure I was on my way to a healthier me. And then I stalled. I was under points every day and I was hungry every day, and I exercised on average 7 miles a day on the treadmill (I was training for my first half marathon, which I did complete) and I ate at least half of my "exercise points" so as not to go into starvation mode, and yet I still could not loose weight. I got frustrated and quit counting points and just focused on the Half Marathon. I completed the 13.1 miles in 3 hours, 28 minutes at 315 lbs.

    I joined MFP on January 31st 2011. It is so much easier to keep track of the actual nutirtional informaiton with this site, that the need for points is no longer even there. Plus I keep track of WHOLE nutrition, not just carbs, fat, and fiber. I know at a glance if I am low on potassium, and so I eat some cantelope (lower cals than bananas). I notice I am low on calcium and I eat a non-fat yogurt. This helps me choose my snacks based on what my body NEEDS rather than what my mouth wants or what happens to be handy. And it actually satisfies my cravings! I feed my body properly and it doesn't ask for more. I know it sounds strange but it is true.

    I KNOW I will sustain this eating lifestyle, because it is exactly that. It is my new healthier lifestyle and not some temporary sacrifice I am making to try and drop pounds and inches. And the support I get here is at least as good as I ever got when I was on WW online.

    In the end, although the WW PP program is good and helps a lot of people, I don't think it lends itself well to whole nutrition. It doesn't include the complete picture and unless you go the extra mile and keep track of the rest of it on your own you aren't going to get everything you need. And if you are going to go the extra mile and keep track of it separately, why pay a fee to use their website? At least that is the logic I used when I decided to cancel my WW online subscription.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,263 Member
    tim_jennings- Well said! You're doing great!
  • Rhonkaye
    Rhonkaye Posts: 3
    As of today......No longer paying for weight watchers!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    People on MFP seem to do better & seem to keep the weight off by just counting calories rather than points. I agree that most likely you would have lost a good chunk of weight by just counting cals rather than going by the "point" system. What MFP does is puts YOU in the drivers' seat and it seems that people who have lost weight on MFP are here doing "maintenance" on the maint. threads.

    Counting points seems a bit "old fashioned" to me when you could just count actual calories and this site makes is incredibly easy to do. Plus you're in charge of what you eat, no one else. All the studies have shown that people who count calories lose weight. What WW provides are "counselors" & cheerleaders to help you, but mfp calorie counting / social network also provides that kind of thing.

    Plus you need to remember that WTW, the parent company is traded on the stock market. So their goal is to maximize profits...while this site is privately owned, and while the owner makes money it's a different animal entirely. This site works, it's easy to navigate & user friendly.

    That's the stock symbol for WW. I also like *not* paying for losing weight!!!
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    the in-person WW worked for me because I took responsibility and did the work involved.
    i absolutely would not pay for the online WW because in addition to MFP there are so many FREE sites... e.g. actually allows you to track WW points instead of cals (or did- I haven't been back for a long time since tracking here)
    In fact, I probably will not go back to any WW meetings either(well maybe I could drop by once to say hi since it's FREE for lifetime members) ..but now that I'm getting a grip on _real_ nutritional info and cals and not converting to their "points" i will definitely not go back to thinking in terms of that system. In fact even when I was doing WW my goal was to intuitively relearn to listen to what my body needed vs. all the counting anyway.
    MFP is similar though... if you don't dig in and do it for yourself it's not going to happen... in my case ~80 lbs later i am more interested in maintaining and improving fitness and building muscle so tracking food/exercise is exactly what I want. I also like that I can adjust my settings here to add back cals for s-l-o-w and steady, healthy weight loss/maintenance
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I used to think WW was where it was at for me... I had success with it many years ago. But when I look at why, it makes more sense to me. I had great friends on the message boards ... yes I went to the meetings but I didnt know those people... I was accountable to the "imaginary people" online.

    Over years, those people fell out .... and when I rejoined WW it didnt have the same feel ... I didnt have success ... and I didnt know why.

    Then I found MFP... and all of my great friends here (some imaginary people, and some real people who I am planning on meeting) and I realize its not about the program ... for me its about the community of support. That person to talk to when I wanna eat ... that person to ask questions of, and most of all that person who says wow you kick butt!

    Thats just my opinion though ... you know what works for you!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Well, I know I'll be on MFP the rest of my life, and I don't have to pay for it. Could you justify being on WW for the rest of your life and pay for it too? Even at your goal weight?
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    I'll give you my 2 cents worth as well...I've tried WW, physician programs, "metabollic diets", and nothing worked until I got here last November. MFP is working for me for the following reasons - if these apply to you, you'll find the same success.

    1. I'm a "numbers" guy. Show me proof in the math, and I'll buy in. MFP allows me to track my intake and exercise numbers easily on a daily basis, and I know if I burn more than I eat, I will lose weight.

    2. Accountability. The first thing I recommend new members do is to post on the message boards, and make friends. The more people you have in your network, the harder it becomes to disappoint them, and most importantly yourself. Keep your diary open for others to view, it makes you think twice before grabbing that 3rd slice of Pizza.

    3. Tools - I'm on the road a lot, being able to access MFP from any computer is great, and even better if you have an iphone, where its easier still. Track everything you eat, and all the exercise you do.

    4. Realistic - I'm not a fan of "cleanses", fad diets, or restrictive menus (ie. no carb). They're hard to follow, impossible to maintain, and fail to teach you how to eat. Life goes on whether or not your are on a diet, and we have to learn to live with the fact that sometimes we will eat something that is bad for us - but that doesn't mean we give up and continue with the bad habit over and over again.

    5. I was ready. I acknowledged I was a terrible procrastinator, and the "tomorrow" excuse wasn't going to cut it anymore. If your last 4 different "diets" failed, the only common element is you. Acknowledge it, and take responsibility for it. Ask yourself where you want to be a month from now. Yes, the first couple of weeks are the toughest - be prepared - but once the results start to show, there is no turning back!

  • edr2b
    edr2b Posts: 65 Member
    Yes cancel it..this is free..the WW program is basically the same thing...except to me w/the new program they have it is more work than this..again this is FREE..and u get the same results..after all you are the one that will have to do the work regardless..calories in..calories out!!
  • krissi1108
    Well, I did it. I cancelled my WW. Thank you everyone for your input. I was very helpful. I know that I am the only one who can change things whether it be free or cost money, might as well be free. Like someone said why should we have to pay to lose weight? I agree, aren't we paying enough as it is? :)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    well said, slapshotgolf....!