Exercising with a leg fracture?

So I've been doing this exercise video for just over a week now, and I've injured my leg. It may be a stress fracture, and am due to go for an xray soon. I was curious as to what exercise I can do with a stress fracture? Any help is appreciated:)


  • katiemeridien
    Row, row, row your body!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I think if i were you i'd ask a nurse or doctor at the hospital what it is safe for you to do.
  • kendallblaire
    I have a broken foot, and have found SOME yoga to feel absolutely invigorating. There is always ab work you can do :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Kill your upper body!
  • bobbyandthekid
    Go lease a wheel chair and go for a 30 minute 'walk' around the neighborhood.
    It is a lot of work, but I know you can do it!