Sometimes I'm Just Tired.....

ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Tired of having to think about everything I put in my mouth..Tired of worring about whether I'm going to gain a pound back...Tired of being dissapointed when I go a week without loosing a pound...Tired of feeling gulity when I don't workout, even if it's my day off.

I do feel good, however, because i'm feeling great about the changes to my body and my health. And it's a bonus when someone I haven't seen in a while tells me how great I look.

So for all of you who are also "tired," hang in there. I'ts all worth it.


  • reenna96
    reenna96 Posts: 2 Member
    Well stated!
  • Enchantica
    Enchantica Posts: 117
    I do with there was a "like" button

  • SooZQZ
    SooZQZ Posts: 9 Member
    That's why we are all here on this site, to help and support each other. It is so much easier
    When you have someone who is going thru the same issues and cheering you on! The worst
    relationships and barriers to us dieters are FAMILY MEMBERS, FRIENDS, or CO-WORKERS
    who purposefully or inadvertently SABOTAGE your efforts because they do not understand the
    COMMITMENT and WILLPOWER it takes to stay focused on a diet and to get into an exercise
    regime. I can't tell you how many times I will be on the road with my husband and friends and when
    it comes time to find a place to eat, they choose some fast food burger and shake joint or PIZZA
    PLACE that does NOT offer diet alternatives like salad, grilled chicken with no fat or breading, etc.
    I LOVE MEXICAN and THAI Food but it is impossible to keep to a lowfat low-carb diet when going
    There. I would much rather pick a diner, Chinese, Italian or Seafood restaurant where I can at least
    Get salads, steams veggies and poultry or fish cooked the way I like it, to order, without added fat.
    But there will always be that person at a party or out to dinner, that will say to you... "OH YOU CAN
    HAVE JUST ONE! WHAT CAN IT HURT? SO eat this today and go back on your diet TOMORROW!"
    With friends like that, who needs enemies?
  • rlh3002
    rlh3002 Posts: 1
    Well said! That is exactly how I have been feeling this weekend and for exactly those same reasons.
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